Mission Pack Operation: Light the Way

Panda Hermit 98

Tired Old Man
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2017
Reaction score



Proposal #TK421-IK7B

Author ~ Squire Enya Darand (Callsign IK-13)

Summary of Proposal ~
In the wake of the Abomination attacks on Coruscant and Byblos, hundreds of millions of refugees are left without homes and safety, and although the Empire has offered sanctuary to those whom wish it, they are unlikely to survive the journey to Imperial Space. Hydian Way operations have collapsed due to the assassination of the leadership of the Hydian Trade League, causing piracy to increase exponentially and leaving these refugees at high risk of further hardship.

This is an opportunity for the Empire to extend an olive branch to the wider galaxy and further legitimize itself as a benevolent Galactic power, unfettered by the shadow of the Sith, as well as gain a foothold throughout the entirety of the Hydian Way, providing expedient travel throughout the galaxy. Long before the Hydian Trade Leagues took over, the Hydian Way was protected by the Ossein Flotillas, an ancient culture of space-fairing nomads whom once rivaled the First Sith Empire in strength. They were crippled when the Sith took their home ships, ancient capital ships capable of housing tens of thousands and acting as trade hubs and, aptly, homes.

The goal of this proposal is to forge an alliance between the Empire and the Ossein, re-establishing their claim as the wardens of the Hydian Way in place of the crippled Hydian Trade League, and in doing so, gaining their fleets as allies in trade, battle, and all other matters of governance. This plan would be carried out in 3 stages:

[Ask] Friends of the Flotilla - Thread (Dice)

In order to execute this plan, we must first approach the Ossein and assure their willingness to aid the Empire. It will be difficult, they are a shadow of their former selves and now lack their once great size, but they are a reasonable, if proud and somewhat temperamental, people - they will listen to what we have to offer them, but it consistent supplies of fuel, food and, hopefully, the chance to regain their former strength.

Participants: Open for 2

[Ask] Ozymandias - Thread (DMed)
When Empress Andraste first began the Sith Empire, the Ossein were one of the few who could closely match them in fleet strength. This was due to their Home Ships, which the Empire stripped from them one by one over an extended period and took for themselves. While it isn't believed the Home Ships exist anymore, there is likely some record of the research they conducted on them, and in that time, the Sith called one planet in particular their home - Korriban.

Go to Korriban, there are several points of interest that existed during the era of the First Sith, find any data or records that may aid the Ossein in rebuilding their Home Ships.

Participants: Kellan Solari (@Tic), Rax Halligan(@Pantor) , and Merian Sere (@Volene)

[Ask] Refined Tastes - Thread (Self-DM)
While the Ossein are proud and strong, they need supplies for their fleet as much as the next person. Their fleet, and ours, need fuel, coolant, and a great many more things, and Tibana Gas is the easiest way to acquire them. Cloud City is one of the largest and most important refineries in the Galaxy, if we can secure a deal with the miners, then we will have all the fuel we need, and perhaps moreso.

Bespin is unclaimed space, there may be many opportunities to be had that negotiators could take advantage of, take your time and learn what ails the colony - a little help goes a long way.

Participants: Open to 2

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