[OPEN to DarkNet] The New 'Net


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Apr 8, 2015
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((OOC: Reactions, in not particular order - just assume it fits properly.))

-- Daemon --

Jechtral was wiping down the counter at this point. Tidying was critical to keeping things respectable. Daemon had a jab at Jechtral about his craft, he smirked. "Well, there's no room for weak now is there? Tell you what I'll put together a new mix of mine." He pulled up several bottles and set them on the counter; he strode across the bar and slid open a cooler built into the counter - he removed a frosted glass and set it down, he poured in varying amounts from 3 bottles. The glass was now filled with a orange liquid with slight tinge of red. "Call it a Corellian sunrise; part Corellian Ale, part Corellian Whiskey, a slight zip of some vodka. What gives it the orange? Well that's just a little colour for show; served in a chilled glass and shaved ice to give it a deep cold. Trust me, you'll feel it in the morning. It doesn't normally work but with the right portions and the shaved ice it seems to do the trick... might take it off the menu though."

Jechtral tensed slightly at the mention of his HoloNet name, Helios. He'd never revealed it to anyone except for a select few - he'd likely reveal it soon enough, if not tonight - tomorrow. He played it off, acted like it wasn't true anyone who made eye contact with him he just shrug it off as if to say "He's nuts."
Jechtral had asked previously why Daemon chose crypt and was it Cryptology or just like the final resting place... he figured it was the latter.

-- Jeeto --

Jechtral watched Jeeto who was desperately trying to get attention and he really didn't do much just laughed it. It was quite the sight really - a little yellow creature trying to get picked up like a toddler. Priceless... but if this was a regular occurrence, would it be annoying? It might... He, Jeeto, slammed back that drink like it was water - quite impressive actually. Jechtral returned the wave and nodded, "Yes. Kannick is my twin brother but I wouldn't call him a Nee-Bro, lets face it - he wasn't there when I busted you out of that hole in the ground."

-- Kannick --

"Now now, I never said it was a bad idea; just said it wasn't a good idea; last I checked, I'm still laughing. You better ease up little-bro, you're going to get all cramped up and that ugly mug of yours is just going to get worse." Jecht shook his head, "I thought I got rid of most mirrors around here to check myself out. I mean clearly, the most attractive of the twin sets." He watched his brother disappear in the back; moments later Kannick would return, all Jechtral could do was facepalm, now this was likely to...

Kannick announced the Lightsaber Limbo. Jechtral let out a heavy sigh, "Why bother? That little yellow drifter already wins... without even trying. Heck just give it to him!"

Jectral really didn't make much attempts to rally the people to the Lightsaber Limbo, he still thought the idea of these 'party games' like this were beyond silly and he had his doubts they'd even really make an impact... he was wrong. By trait, Jechtral loved games but of the digital variant more than anything, he always opt for that high score and had fun trying to kill it. These games, he was sitting out - period. He had a bar to tend to, the drinks needed to keep flowing, that's what the proper host would do.

If anyone made to look for Jechtral's urgance in regards to these games he simply just nodded as if to say it was okay to get in.

-- Aura & Bana's Arrival --

And even more people have come in. These two both young women, first was a black haired gal ready to take on the new challenges ahead, he could tell by the bag she had swung around here shoulder, wearing a very appealing dress. Though he could see the scar gracing her face, it didn't take at all from her overall appearance. Jechtral flashed one of his best hostly smiles - he had no idea who she was, but she must have proven herself to be here. Kannick quickly interjected himself between Jechtral's vision and the newcomer, he was by no means gawking but seeing his brother swoop in like a bird of prey made Jecht stifle a laughter, he could tell that this lass wasn't going to be the target of Kannick's exclusive attention.

Just as the game started up, the second young women came in. This one, slightly shorter then the first but still quite the attractive specimen; shoulder length hair with quite an impressive smile. He strode over to where Astra had been perched, he gave her a friendly smile and spoke up over the din of noise he made a gesture toward the two new ladies as he spoke up, "See Astra, the beautiful ladies are showing up - all fashionably late. Clearly it was all planned. Careful Ms. Blue, you might have some competition now." He gave her a wink.

Jechtral hadn't spoke to Kannick about the trip that he and Astra shared together as they tried to track Kannick down on Utapau. Heck, he hadn't really even spoke to Astra about it. Things were slightly tense but they both got through it with near perfection, they both knew how to be professional. What happened, happened - and eventually they'd have to talk about the events but it wasn't critical.

Jechtral rose a hand high in the air trying to get the attention of Aura, he made a gesture for her to come over to the bar and take a seat. If she accepted the offer of summons, he put on a big smile and of course break the ice by introducing himself (by name) and getting her what she'd ask for - provided she asked for anything. He'd only really introduce Daemon to her and point out Jeeto & Nabassk. Those were the two he'd worked with directly; he'd worked with Astra as well but Astra's attention seemed to be elsewhere so he didn't want to bother her further.

-- Nabassk --

Seeing that lizard he'd drafted really blending in with the crowd made him smile. He was surprised the lizard was getting along so well, when he'd met him back on Nar Shaddaa he seemed a little reluctant to talk or really get involved. He recalled that apprehensive trandoshan back in the slippery slopes cantina who wasn't really sure what to do but here, he was starting to be more real. Jechtral hopped there'd be a nice life ahead for him.

Jechtral returned his attention to the other guests.


SWRP Writer
Feb 2, 2014
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When Jeeto was lifted with the Force and nearly into the Limbo bar, he flailed in the air and unleashed the most girlish scream one could imagine. When he was put down, he actually landed on his knees and panted. That had NOT been what he was expecting to happen. It wasn't long before he was lifted into the air again, and began to flail for a second time- minus the scream this time around.

Being put back down, and not in the most gentle way, Jeeto looked to everyone in the room, trying to gauge who had done it. His eyes were nearly bugging, and his movements were jumpy with adrenaline. He finally came to the conclusion that it was Nabassk the robe wearing lizard that had lifted him up. After all, he had heard them talking about his mighty glowstick...

Jeeto pointed to the Trandoshan and yelled, "Pooty!"

Everything changed when the choice of Truth Or Dare, or Twister was brought up. Jeeto forgot his tiny anger and began to clap and chant, "Truuf-Dare! Truuf-Dare!"


For all the wrong reasons
SWRP Writer
May 15, 2015
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OOC: Final hospital visit in the morning, followed by an unknown amount of afk-time, so I'm putting Bana on the sideline for now :)

IC: Bana hid her amused smile at the neepo's scream behind a polite hand, and watched everyone else's performances with interest. She noticed the trandoshan was enjoying himself, which made him seem rather different from the few others of his kind she had encountered before. Very interesting! She joined the cheers for their tiny lightsaber-limbo champion, happily acknowledging that there was no way she could win in a limbo contest against someone so short.

She moved over to the bar to get a drink once the call for the next game came, deciding to take a back seat to the others for this one. It'd be interesting to watch and listen for sure. Of course, Kannick also mentioned sleeping-places, so she needed to consider what to do for her own arrangements there. Disadvantage to being self-reliant; you had to take care of everything yourself. With her drink safe in hand, she sashayed over to where she'd thrown her bag and coat, and sat down, crossing one leg over the other and sipping at her drink with a refined manner.


SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2012
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Standing awkwardly beside the bar, Andromeda quickly spied an empty stool and took a seat. Leaning on the edge of the bar, she held her head with one hand and felt incredibly foolish all of a sudden, sitting at a bar when she could not swallow food or drink. A cybernetically enhanced fellow soon approached her and engaged in conversation. His spoke to her in a genteel tone whilst placing his hand almost in contact with hers. Andromeda forced herself to swallow her mild disgust at the demeanour she had interpreted as patronizing, but she was habitually tense as it was and the man did mean well.

Another man soon approached her, who seemed just as tense as Andromeda, hinting at the possibility that he was aware of her background. She replied to him telepathically in a tone that was calm and unassuming, she did not wish to enlighten her company about the method by which she had to feed herself.

"Nothing for me thanks."

As the party games began, Andromeda shifted her eyes in revulsion as she turned her head away, silently hoping and preying that she would not be asked to join. While the cyborg happened to adore electronica music, she utterly despised organized "fun" in any way shape or form.

The ice was suddenly broken by the delighted cries of the small Neepo, who promptly ran up to Andro asking to held. Her cheekbones were raised in an involuntary smile behind her respirator and a sudden feeling of joy filled the brooding Sith at the sight of the little creature. Extending out her arms, Andromeda picked up Jeeto around the waist as though her were a paperweight and sat him on her lap. She scratched him behind the ears while continuing to smile behind her fearsome visage.
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SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2015
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-- Andromeda --

Jechtral nodded, withdrawing his hands and stepping away from the Sith in his bar. It kind of dawned on him how stupid it was to ask someone with a mechanical mask if they wanted something... but then again he's met some who had an induction port for nutritional purposes. No offense had he confirmed to himself.

He couldn't help but let out a hearty chuckle at the sight of a Neepo in the arms of a mechanical lady. He suspected, by her reaction - she'd be smiling under that respirator.

-- Bana --

With no flair at all, and just like a business like appearance, poured her drink to exactly her specifications. He served the drink with a delightful and genuine smile and let her be on her way.

-- Jeeto & Kannick --

Well, here comes the next game. Another one of Kannick's stupid ideas, despite the fact that it might work as intended - Jechtral didn't seem to care much for it. Truth or Dare? Seriously? What are we? A bunch of pre-teen girls doing a sleep over? Is that what we've been reduced to? were Jechtral's only thoughts.

"Kannick, wrap it up. It's getting late. We need to get these outlandish and sorry mess of adventures a place to rest. We've got stuff to do in the morning." Jechtral nodded at his brother offering a wink and a laugh, he knew as well as his brother should that they needed to get these people a general idea of the place they'll be calling a rest spot in the near future... and there was actual work to be done. He'd already received a few requests from the galaxy.

Flying Blind

SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2015
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Kannick gave a silly pouty face. "Awww! Come on bro, just one more game?" He sounded like a kid, but he knew Jecht was right. He sighed and raising his voice so all could hear him he said "Alright guys, I guess party is officially over, don't worry, I'm sure we can play truth or dare later. For now, it's time to hit the sack. If you have a prearranged place to sleep, feel free to go there, if not Jechtral can guide you to a temporary or if desired permanent place to stay. Make sure you take everything you brought with you, but first--" He whipped out his datapad one last time, laughing at what he was about to do.

He directed everyone together, even the Sith Andromeda into a big group, and using the Force a little he raised the datapad over their heads as they smiled and took a Force-aided selfie, or wedie, or whatever. Perfect picture. He watched as they trickled out just like they ha dtrickled in. He gave each of them a big smile, a handshake, and a cookie. Yes, he gave them each a cookie on their way out. Finally, it was just he and Jechtral again. "Well, brother, the DarkNet has begun I guess. Unofficially. I will call this night an indisputable success." For the next hour or so they cleaned up the mess and set up the Void for the next day. They wouldn't be there, but Jechtral's employees would appreciate it. They turned off the lights and they each went home after sharing goodbyes. Jechtral would go to his apartment, and Kannick would sleep in his living quarters in the Pit. He fell asleep head full of ideas and a smile still stuck on his face.
