[OPEN] First Contact


SWRP Writer
Aug 11, 2011
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Fainai! entered the jedi temple on all fall legs. She was instantly taken aback and was halted in her steps. She lifted herself up on two legs as she looked around in amazement at the huge room. It was so busy and teeming with life. A little sparkle appeared in her eyes as tears fell to the ground. She had made it, She thought. She was here. She wiped the tears away with her rather furry arm and with an excitement jumps forward back on all four of her legs. So excited she began running forward. She was virtually ignored by a lot of the force users mainly due to her small size. She reached the middle of the room and was a little confused where to go.

'Maybe this way, or this way, or this......I will just ask someone'

She thought as she walked on all fours towards a walking by human.

"Excuse m....."

She was merely pushed aside and ignored.

'Maybe I was not loud enough'

She quickly walked over to another person


She did not even have time to say the rest as once more she was ignored. She tried over and over again but ot no avail. Out of pure exhaustion she fell to the floor in a sitting position. She crosses her arms with frustration attempting to hold back the tears of pain. She had not released before but her feet were in a lot of pain. They were partially bleeding and were severely bruised. She had done a lot of walking to get there and was so excited about where she was going she was not concentrating on what she was doing. Feeling the pain very hard now she needed help but no one was to listen to her.