Jedi Order Nyst Ocul


SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2020
Reaction score
Name: Nyst Ocul
Faction: Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Species: Kel Dor
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Force Sensitive: Yes, Trained
Eyes: Silver
Hair: None
Skin: Dark Orange
Scars: Cheek Scar (Shot by blaster)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Nyst has a very strong connection to the force, with a midichlorian count of 15,000. He has one of the highest midichlorian counts ever. He is also naturally very fast, being able to strike his opponents with a speed a lot faster than most people could strike. Nyst is also quite physically weak, making his attacks dangerous, but not nearly as lethal as they should be. Nyst is also usually unaware of his surroundings during meditation, meaning that if anybody snuck up on him while meditating, he could be killed without even knowing they were there. Nyst was also known to have a strong prejudice against the Hutts, as his father had been killed by one of their bounty hunters after he was mistaken for another target.
Nyst is very loyal and obedient. He is loyal to the Jedi Order and doesn't like to stray from it. He is also very kind to anybody who doesn't mess with him. He also does not like to work with and meet new people, often only staying with people he is familiar with. He also loves to spend his time learning new things. He is also very creative, often coming up with ideas for clothes, ships, droids, etc. randomly, though he never uses the designs or really tells anybody about them.
Nyst grew up working on a small droid factory owned by his family. He was mostly unaware of the galaxy outside of Dorin, as space travel was extremely hard for life on Dorin. One day, his dad was cleaning the factory when a bounty hunter belonging to the Hutts shot him after mistaking him for another target. Out of anger, Nyst accidentally released his force powers, causing a massive shockwave that launched the bounty hunter into the air. Jedi at the nearby enclave had sensed a disturbance in the force and found him. After checking his midichlorian count, it was decided that he would be taken into training to become a Jedi.

He trained on Dorin for years until one day, he was declared a Jedi Knight and his master escorted him to Coruscant, where he could continue to train and find more opportunities. Along the ride, his master had given him a mask that would filter oxygen out of the air so that he could breathe in different environments that included oxygen.
Proficient in Makashi.
Beginner's knowledge in Ataru.
Very proficient overall lightsaber combat.
Proficient in force push.
Proficient in force pull.
Proficient in force slow.
Semi-proficient in lightsaber throwing.
Semi-proficient piloting.
Extremely proficient in repairs and technology.
Blue Lightsaber
Antiox Breathing Mask (Article)
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Formerly Thluna
SWRP Writer
Apr 6, 2020
Reaction score
I would take the “under review” tag off, as the admins or mods may miss it.


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
The midichlorian count seems a bit high, potentially OP if his Force connection is supposedly that strong. The speed is a bit overpowered as well; being fast should be fine, but too fast to react? I'd recommend lowering some of the capabilities.

Prejudice towards Hutts is more personality than attributes, to be honest.

At first glance I thought it strange that he hates new people but likes new things, but after giving it some thought that's not exactly paradoxical, as I know some people like that.

I feel the Jedi would recruit him due to his Force sensitivity (at minimum, to prevent him from being tempted to the dark side, since his first act with the Force was out of violence and passion). On the vein of that loyalty, it could be interesting to see the loyal fanaticism, and if he'd be tempted to act injustly in order to protect those he's loyal/cares about.

You note he's extremely proficient in repairs. Maybe expand on that? How does he implement these skills? Does he use them for the betterment for the Jedi? How? For example, you could note how he serves a dual role as a mechanic for the Jedi at times.