Number 92


Hazey Lover
SWRP Writer
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score


Number 92






Five Foot/One Inch

One Hundred, and Ten Pounds



Warm Blue



Level - 4/10
Level - 7/10
Level - 5/10
Level - 10/10
Level - 8/10
Level - 10/10



Racial Traits
Heightened Sight
Heightened Intelligence
Knowledge Absorption

Skills Learned
Basic Hand to Hand Combat
Advanced Projectile Weapon Skills
Basic Non-Projectile Weapon Skills
Basic Ground Tactics
Basic Aerial Tactics
Basic Medical Skills



Sniper Rifle Slugthrower -
Is a very basic weapon in terms of use, it had a simple click, and pull interface to launch a single projectile known as a "Slug" while this weapon isn't as effective as a Blaster. It has many advantages such as the ability to silence the weapon, and harder to see rounds. Furthermore, some types of slug throwers are able to defeat a saber wielding foe due to the low deflecting rate it caused.

ZX Flame Projector -
Is a very easy to use incendiary projecting weapon. Once released, it can release a cone of five meters in length, and one meter in width of gas infused or liquid infused flame. While this weapon is meant for close range combat, it can be extremely effective against force users due to the extremely hard deflection rate. Furthermore, this weapon is able to be used constantly which furthers it's sheer destructive ability in close quarters.

Custom Made Armor -
92 wears a very commonly seen armor type, that is usually worn by senate guards, and various types of units on the battle field. While it is a easily noticed type of armor, her's is fully customized allowing for further abilities in combat. Her armor is slightly cut short, and is completely removed of all arm protection other then the wrists, and hands. The colors are slightly different, and the overall protective ability is slightly cut down. Her suit is padded with various color, and light deflecting devices which allow her to easily blend in with most areas that she finds herself in.

Custom Additions -
Connected to her armor is a very stable styled jet pack, that features the same padding of her armor to allow enhanced blending.


Kinetic Grenade -
A very basic kinetic based damaging device, that when pulled, and thrown out. Creates a sudden output of kinetic based energy, that can cause massive damage to a small area. Usually used as a way to take out a group of enemies. It has a built in feature, that disables the grenade when her suit is nearby. Allowing her to prevent damage to herself.

Explosive Grenade -
Is a more advanced version of her Kinetic Grenade, which can be fired from the added canister on her suit to allow for more range. This weapon unlike it's other releases a large explosion of plasma based energy much like the blaster rifle does. It's just a larger area, and a much more focused hit.

KA-BOOM! The sound echoed through the air while it smacked into a nearby building, it easily tearing it apart. It was the most common sight during this time, the most common sight that was in my line of work. Even though I hadn't been on the job for long, it was just such a easy to figure out moment. KA-BOOM! It happened again but this time it was so much closer then it had been. It was only several hundred meters away from us, and closing in. We had to act soon but we were tied down to a small trench on the fields, the enemy had forced us into a hole. It was so damn hopeless for us, but we had to act now!

With no more time to register what we were thinking, a few of the guy's jumped the edge of the bank. "WAIT NO!" screamed a few of us, while they made their way to certain death. The only thing I remember seeing was the flash of light, and several bolts of energy shooting past us. The bodies of my friends hitting the ground, and the enemy just laughing it off. This was so damn pointless!

A few more men seemed ready to make the same mistake as the group before, they were becoming so unease about this situation, and wanted to risk it. "WAIT! Don't even do it! You'll just get blasted to pieces if you try that shit!" I spoke out against them but all they did was turn their head's, and smile towards me before making the run forward. They didn't even make half the distance the group had done before. It happened again, the blast bolts, and the flash of light that soon be told their bodies hitting the ground. SO POINTLESS!

In instants I knew what they were doing...they were going to risk themselves to try, and get us some leverage. They wanted to die to save us? Not something, I personally would have done, or even tried but I didn't understand it. Why die just to help a few of us? Before I realized it, one more guy stood up, and looked like the rest. He was ready to die for no reason, he wasn't even getting paid but he still was willing? "Hey, little one. This isn't something you should be in, but we can't change that now can we? We have to make sure you youngsters survive this mess, we're old, and we're almost done anyway. This is the best we can do to show our love for you." The older man spoke with such a caring voice, and with such a tone of wisdom.

I looked at him for only a moment, as he had done before what the others did. He smiled towards me before his leap of faith against the other trench, with the same result. He had been taken out of the picture, it was so...saddening to see. "Young one, during this next run...we want you to stay down, and play dead. Do you understand us?" the last of the elders stood up from their perch, and readied themselves after I had shook my head with a tearing emotion. After that...all I remember is a painful hit, and then nothing but darkness.

I awoke several days later in a hut nearby to a stream of water, a older woman had treated me back to full health for the past couple of days. She made sure, I had plenty of food, and water. She took care of me as a mother would her daughter, then I realized what was happening. I saw the man who had saved my life's armor nearby to the bed, it was damaged but not unrepairable. At that moment, I knew what I had to do. The elder woman didn't even to need to ask what I was thinking, she could see it by the emotion in my eye's that I was thinking it. "Make it count." she spoke towards me with a calm, and wonderfully toned voice. That night, I forgot my name....and took up a new one.

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