Nouanese Philosophy


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Feb 13, 2012
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Nouanese Philosophy

Founded by the legendary thinkers, known now as the Four Sages of Dwartii, namely Sistros, Braata, Yanjon, and Faya, Nouanese Philosophy is a collection of legal and philosophical schools of thought, that has had a long standing impact on the political and theological landscape of many worlds - especially those in the Deep Core and some of the more humanocentric worlds of the wider galaxy. The subject is taught at many Universities, most notably at the University of Coruscant and the University of Kuat, and is considered to be one of the 'Classics', held in high regard within the upper-classes of many worlds.

Deeply divisive and controversial, Nouanese Philosophy is split into four schools, one named after each of the 'Sages' that founded the orginal philosophical academies on their homeworld of Nouane in the formative years of the Old Republic. Each of the four schools is highly different from the other, and must be studied as one, in order to achieve a full and complete understanding of all - although this is naturally something that is overlooked, with followers of one school naturally thinking their belief is more superior.

Whilst each school has a central tenant, they allow and actively encourage their members to 'think outside the box' and to add more to the school. Indeed, like many philosophical groups (such as those force-religions, and the Sith & Jedi), Nouanese also encourage their members to learn self-defense methods, as well as to carry their schools of thought and belief into public life. As such, many practitioners of the schools find themselves into careers as politicians, lawyers and more besides.

It is important to note that the great majority of contemporary historians believe that the Four Sages laid the foundations for the political and legal system of the Galaxy, the various strands of which forming the foundations for hundreds of spin-off ideologies over the course of Galactic history.

The Four Sages

Sistros - Considered by his students to have been the first Sage (a fact that is widely disputed), Sistros established the principle that no knowledge could be considered to be 'certain'. As such, he adopted a teaching of nuetrality, accepting things as they appear without further analysis, as all things, when subjected to deeper analysis, could not be proven to be true. Legend holds that Sistros was executed by the tyrant Xim, after attempted to tell him that his power was based on a physical force, something that could not be proven beyond doubt to be a true source of authority.

Braata - Rumoured to have been a dark-side adept, Braata taught that it was the obligation of all to seek pleasure, which would intern result in a good life. Ultimately he argued that happiness was good, and therefore whatever one did to secure happiness, was a good thing. Whilst Braata himself advocated for limiting excess, some of his more modern followers have suggested he was a hedonist. He was put to death on charges of 'encouraging the masses to debauched acts'.

Yanjon - At somewhat polar opposites to Braata, Yanjon is considered by some historians to have been the founding father of the concept of 'balance and order'. Believing that the path to true happiness was in understanding ones own place in the plan of nature, and treating those into whom you came into contact, in a just manner. Yanjon believed that material possessions pleasure and wealth arenot good or bad, but have value as a material for acting virtuously. Yanjon was murdered after telling a man, daily, to prepare for the death of his family, so he would not be saddened by it.

Faya - Considered by historians to have been rather ahead of their time, Faya developed the concept of living a life according to a set of virtues, and is debatably the person behind the concept of a legal system in the inner core many millenia ago. She believed that if one lived a life that met a set of virtues (which she recorded in her works) then one would be happy, and society would be good. She was executed for campaigning against the death penalty.


To provide some background lore for a series of archeological plots, and to provide a bit of fanon for the Four Sages, who in old Canon laid the foundations for much of the Galaxies political system.

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