Nolan Lowe


SWRP Writer
Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score

Nolan Lowe
FACTION: Nothing yet
AGE: 24 (after timeskip)
HEIGHT: 5’11” (180.34 cm)
WEIGHT: 160 lbs (72 kg)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: White
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (Untrained).

STRENGTH: Since he values speed over strength, he has some muscle, but isn't strong enough to win in a melee fight.
DEXTERITY: Well enough that he can pickpocket with minimal detection and fast enough that he can run from a bad situation.
CONSTITUTION: He can last long while running, but not in a fight. Generally pretty healthy.
INTELLIGENCE: Coming from a family of engineers, he knows some basics on ship building but overall has average intelligence.
WISDOM: Although he has street smarts from his upbringing, he is definitely not a beacon of wisdom.
CHARISMA: He's a bit of a smooth-talker. If he can't run from a situation to avoid a fight, he can talk himself out of one.

None yet.

He does pretty well figuring out if something is worth anything or a piece of junk. He can also blend into crowded places and pickpocket unsuspecting victims. He has some basic knowledge on ship repairs/building and can navigate his way around the galaxy. He is also rather cunning, having been able to escape from terrible situations.

None yet.

-Good stamina.

-Not skilled at all in hand-to-hand

He has a basic hold-out blaster carried on his belt. He wears a dark blue long-sleeved shirt with a black jacket with a hood over it and black pants and leather knee-high boots. He carries a utility belt with various tools for small repairs. He now carries an over-shoulder bag to carry loot from his heists, along with a black cloak and a white mask. He also wears a pair of black gloves to minimize fingerprints.

A very old and small freighter ship he'd stolen from Nar Shaddaa. It has no combat capability, but can activate a particle shield.



Nolan is a bit of a dirtbag. On the surface, it seems he doesn't care much for anything other than himself, as he believes that helping others is either a great risk or a waste of time. He can be very cautious of strangers, but will appear friendly if it'll get him what he wants. He doesn't have much of an attachment to his family and whatever friends he makes don't last long. He can be a bit of a snarky smartass and still acts like an angsty teenager at times.
However, even though he can be an asshole, he's not evil. He would never take the life of another person unless he had no other choice. Violence is seen as a last resort if stealing something goes wrong. He'd much rather run away and/or talk himself out of it instead of getting other people and himself hurt. He lies and steals, but he does have a personal limit on how terrible he can be to other people.

Nolan grew up on one of the lower levels of Coruscant. His parents were both mechanics running a small ship building shop, and Nolan spent most of his younger days at the shop and helping out how ever he could. He never actually had a hand in building the ships, but he would pick up supplies and deliver them back to the shop. Other than some basic needs, he parents were not very involved in raising Nolan. They would feed him, clothe him, and have him around the shop but they didn't pay much attention to him. This only got worse when his parents started to struggle with money around the time that Nolan was twelve.
As Nolan's family's business kept going downhill, Nolan decided that he was just going to have to take care of himself. After all, if his own parents didn't care much about him, why would anyone else? That was his train of thought, anyway. Instead of finding any honest work, he took to stealing by pick-pocketing or swiping anything that seemed of value. After selling whatever he picked up, he'd buy what he needed to take care of himself and simply do this cycle again.
Eventually, Nolan thought that pick-pocketing was too small. He often fantasized about having a nice, big house somewhere and not having to worry about money at all. Maybe if he found some priceless treasure somewhere in the galaxy, he could do just that. So, when he was eighteen, he decided to take one of his parent's ships and leave Coruscant, in search of the galaxy's greatest treasure. Whether he'd keep on this path was yet to be determined. After all of his stealing from wealthy people and getting away, he almost definitely has a bounty on his head somewhere (nudge nudge).
Over the years after leaving home, Nolan had kept up his search for a great treasure, but had no luck. When he returned home to Coruscant, he encountered a bounty hunter that recognized Nolan's force sensitivity and advised Nolan to seek out the Jedi. Since then, Nolan had decided to find them, but he felt conflicted at the same time. He didn't completely understand the Jedi and wasn't even sure if they'd accept someone like him. Still, he decided to keep looking.
This led him to the moon of Nar Shaddaa, yet he still couldn't find any new information. While he searched on the moon, his ship had disappeared and he was stranded for a couple of months. Frustrated, he felt that the only way to get off of the moon was to steal someone else's ship. He quickly found a freighter that he could take off with quickly. With that, he took it off of Nar Shaddaa and ventured out once again.
He returned to Coruscant a second time, finding that the undercity that he once called his home had been ravaged by an attack that took place on the planet. Nolan didn't know who instigated the attack, but it was obvious that the area around his home was still being rebuilt. His parents' shop was completely destroyed as well, and he couldn't find any trace of them. He figured that they must have moved or escaped to a different planet.
In the five years that followed, Nolan ventured the galaxy. Whether he found the treasure or the Jedi first would determine his path; that is what he decided. He still didn't understand how to use the Force much, but he never doubted that he could feel it. The bounty on him also went down, as he donned a mask and a cloak when performing one of his heists on wealthy families. New bounties were being posted to find his identity.

None yet.

None yet.

None yet.

None yet.

Road to Nowhere (Abandoned)
Good a Place as Any (Abandoned)
Unlucky Streak (Complete)
You Can Run (Complete)
Shady Bar in a Shady Place (Complete)
No Home to Return To (Complete)
Stranded (Complete)
Post Timeskip:
Must be Fate

If anything needs to be changed, please let me know.
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SWRP Writer
Feb 18, 2015
Reaction score
Depends on what happens in roleplay c:
I was planning on going a Jedi or Sith route (playing it out of course) since I was disappointed I never got to do that before and it'd be really interesting to see how those play out. But it all depends lol


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
All good, i just had to attempt to recruit you ;-)