My Life Now


Local Southerner
SWRP Writer
Jan 24, 2013
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A lot of people are messaging me, asking me if I'm okay and what's going on. Why I'm not here much, (practically ever the last couple months really) etc. Well, I'm going to be honest. I'm not busy because of school. I'm busy because i'm trying to make something of my life besides sitting around being useless. Been running every day, I now have two jobs instead of the one, and I've been attempting to make friends around at my Church.

I used to just chill out at home, and ignore the world around me. I think what i've been doing is a major improvement.

In addition, i've been studying current affairs with a group of friends, and getting in shape for what I hope to be my future career. I want to join the United States Marine Corps, but as an officer. Now, the physical requirements are pretty extreme to do so, and so are the academic ones. Yes, school is out for me currently, but that doesn't mean I should stop learning. I have a lot to work on to reach that goal. It's always been my dream to fight for my country, whether that be on foreign soil, or in the here and now struggling to keep our Freedoms.

In my free time, instead of writing on here, i've been studying my Bible, talking with friends, working out with friends, camping with fellow hopeful military friends, and basically living up to the American Dream as I see it.

In other words, I'm pursuing my goals with a speed that i've never tried to do before. If that keeps me from posting, i'm not sorry. If my lack of posting causes problems for you, i'm sorry. But this is my life, and I shall live it to the fullest I can. Maybe some day I'll be back on here in a consistent pattern, but that is not to be right now.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and good day to you. :)


SWRP Writer
Sep 15, 2013
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Good luck Arisalin, hope it all works out for you my friend.

The Derp of Hooves

OD: Original Derp
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2012
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Hey mate live life to the fullest and best wishes to you! (though i think the navy is the way to go if you're interested in joining the military ^-^)