Might need to take a brief hiatus


World Builder
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2015
Reaction score
Okay, so I think I might have mentioned to some of you at one point, but I'd been having an issue with a supervisor of mine at work for a while now. It's been tolerable thus far, but things seem like they're getting worse and I feel like it might be bleeding into the site now, as opposed to the site being my dose of escapism.

It's mostly been this week where things have gotten noticeably worse, and it's really stressing me out. I even tried taking on extra projects for folks on the site, but instead of being a distraction, my mind's basically stuck on work-related issues. Now I'm not leaving the site, but I do think I need to experiment with new outlets if this goes on. I'm still going to swing around here and finish the stuff I'm in atm, but depending on how events go this coming Friday morning, I might have to ease on out for at least a little while.

Again, not going away, but I really need to find something to ease up some pressures I'm under. I'll still be around!

PS. Deucalians rock, Jedi are awesome, Exiles be edgelords, Hutt faction are the site's master race :D


SWRP Writer
Mar 4, 2018
Reaction score
Real life always comes first. I hope you find your balance