Malius Vanis


SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2016
Reaction score

NAME: Malius Vanis
FACTION: Old Empire
RANK: Sith Acolyte
AGE: 21
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, trained.
HEIGHT: 6'1 (186 cm's)
WEIGHT: 180 lbs (90 kg)

APPEARANCE: Years of hard physical training have made Malius into an impressive looking individual. He stands at 6'1 feet tall with a muscular build. His face bears no scars nor any major birthmarks. He has short black hair and has bright green eyes.

Malius is a strong man with an impressive stature which can be used to intimidate those weaker than him. He can be a cunning man but has quite a temper which can put him in difficult situations.

Due to his build, he can take quite a lot of damage before going down but he is not particularly stealthy, although he is quite agile for his size. He is ambidextrous and therefore uses two light-sabers in battle. His light-saber combat outshines his force talents however and therefore he is at a disadvantage when fighting someone with a strong ability in the force.

Malius is a cold individual, he grew up on Korriban and has learned that only the strong survive. After the death of his younger brother, he has become more merciless and will not hesitate to kill someone if they would stand in his way. He rarely lets his guard down but is known to have a weakness for women and lets his guard down easier when in the presence of one.

He does not tolerate weakness, therefore it is hard to gain his respect or impress him. He will warm up to someone however if they have earned his respect and trust and can actually be quite pleasant towards the people he trusts.

Due to growing up in nobility, Malius has learned the finer arts of negotiation and knows his way around words and knows how to fake a smile and exchange pleasantries.

Malius Vanis was born on Korriban to the noble house of Vanis. His mother and father were fiercely loyal to the Old Empire and the ways of the old Sith. Their belief in the rule of strength left a lasting impression of Malius and his younger brother Cole who was born four years after his older brother Malius. Malius was always very protective of his younger brother and his death made uncaring and cold to most.

Malius's father started to teach his son in the art of combat from a very young age, sparring with him almost every day. When Cole was old enough Malius would start sparring with his younger brother and teach him everything his father and taught him.

Malius and Cole were sparring one day and Cole was beating his older brother and accidentally hit his brother in the face with the sparring sword, angered by this and the mocking laughter of his younger brother Malius hit Cole back with his sparring sword, the sword connected with the side of Cole's head and he fell down unto the ground. Malius laughed and mocked his brother jokingly but when he did not reply nor moved Malius knew that he had accidentally killed his brother.

Consumed by grief and guilt by his actions he smashed the sparring room apart, using the force and his practice sword. When Malius's parents found out what happened they sent their only remaining son away to the Sith academy and made Malius swear never to speak of Cole again. Malius left for the academy when he was 14 years old and spent the next six years training to become a Sith Acolyte.

Malius is skilled in light-saber combat and is ambidextrous. He uses two one-handed lightsabers in combat. He is force-sensitive and has the skills one would expect from a Sith Acolyte.
He has basic medical knowledge and is a novice pilot.

Two one-handed light-sabers both with red colouring.
Sith Medium Armor


None so far.

VH-Series Freighter

286-Series Pilot Droid



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SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2015
Reaction score
Hey @Nerovec Please remove one of the droids from your profile. New characters can only start out with one in the beginning. Other than that, everything looks good!