Ask Malevolent Persona

Thel Xeros


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Jul 28, 2022
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He watched as the Pureblood entered the room. He had noticed the safe as well, but unlike the Sith Acolyte, he didn’t need anything from it. He released his grip, allowing Jekoli to breathe. Couldn’t have the Rodian dying on them, yet.

Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t stolen anything,” Jekoli answered, in an attempt to feign ignorance.

Let’s see if you have the gift of persuasion,” he remarked to Karai.

Of course, he could have tried to extract the information himself. Or tried to tear the safe open. But this was a chance to see what the acolyte could do.


Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Mar 27, 2024
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Karai looked at the Rodian, seemingly piercing his very soul as he looked at him. As he tried to feign ignorance and deceive, yet as a Sith, Kara I knew it was a deception. And that deception would cost him. With the Force he was lifted, as a draw opened and out was taken several pens. Although not sharp as they were with the right application they could cause pain and suffering.He

"Sure...and I'm here for no reason. Perhaps I need to make my point more."

And so he shoved the thief backwards before sending at least four pens at speed with the Force to impale and dig into certain areas of the body known to bring increased pain. "Remember anything now? Feeling your memory refreshed?" he asked " Don't make me find somewhere more vital and start picking at it."


Thel Xeros


Character Profile
Jul 28, 2022
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He stood back and watched as the objects impaled into the hapless Rodian. Jekoli let out a scream of pain. “Let’s hope no one heard that,” he commented to Karai. Fighting the gang members working with Jekoli didn’t bother him. But he preferred to slip out quietly.

Jekoli seemed to be on the verge of unconsciousness. “Tell my associate what he wants to know. He’ll let you live,” he whispered to the Rodian, as he approached.

Left, nine. Right, fifteen. Left, seven,” the Rodian uttered, their voice weak. Karai’s tactic had worked.

There you are. You can claim your prize. Though, in future, I would advise extracting information from someone’s mind; if you need to be discreet.


Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Mar 27, 2024
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Karai looked on saying nothing to the comment, even if he may have been right. He was a bit busy at the time and Besides he didn't have time to be subtle. He did briefly look up when the other dark force user said the Rodian would be spared by Karai, when he had made no such promises.

Karai looked at the man as he spoke about using the extract the information. He may have been right but Karai had yet to learn how to do it, and so as he moved to the safe, putting in the combination he spoke "I made no such promises about letting him live, but if you want him alive for some reason, I won't interfere."

He continued "I would have but I don't know that technique, I haven't learnt how yet."

As he safe door opened, Karai rummaged through all manner of paperwork and credits, pocketing the cash. He needed credits and he was certain this guy didn't need them where he was going. Searching through he saw nothing, but felt it. The Wayfinder. Looking about he found a latch, and looking to the desk, after a quick search found a button. It opened the latch and a hidden compartment to the safe. There inside was the Wayfinder and a few other artefacts.

"Looks like someone has been busy" he said, although he got curious. Where was he getting these artefacts? It was obviously not just by stealing. There was more top it going on, and he suspected there were other players at work here.

"Where did you get the rest of these? Who are you working with?"


Thel Xeros


Character Profile
Jul 28, 2022
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He had no intention of letting Jekoli live, and he knew that Karai intended to kill Jekoli, but the Rodian was hardly likely to talk if they knew they were going to be killed afterwards anyway. Just a small lie, to prompt Jekoli into talking.

Perhaps you need someone to teach you. I’m surprised you haven’t learnt that yet.

He stood back and watched as Karai rummaged through the safe and then the desk. Reaching out with one arm, he levitated the Rodian to the ground. Eventually, the Pureblood located a secret hatch, which contained what they were looking for. It also contained other artefacts as well. Interesting.

I can’t tell you that,” the Rodian said, their voice weak.

I’m sure Darth Tempest won’t be too pleased about these artefacts being stolen,” he remarked to Karai.


Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Mar 27, 2024
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Karai considered what the man said intrigued, it was was true he probably did but he currently didn't have a Master to do that. Although that wasn't to say there was another option...he wondered. Even as he ransacked, seeing if there was anything that might suggest who he was really working with. And perhaps find the source of the items.

Eventually he came across some paperwork, old fashioned hand written as opposed to datapads. Clearly they wanted to be careful.

The invoice spoke about a agreement, artefacts in exchange for muscle. The Rodman was providing the muscle and in return got artefacts to sell and access to a specialised auction of black market origin. One which appeared to have the seal of a influential company who didn't want their involvement known. Artemis In-Gen Incorporated. A company known by some to be a front for Black Sun.

Karai was almost amused by the comment. The man was clearly out of the loop, especially with Darth Tempest.

"I don't think she has too much to say." he remarked in return. "She hasn't been around for months...gone missing some say. And some think she might even be dead. Darth Arcanos is said to be the new Dark Lord now. Well, if rumour is to be believed. And he would definitely be displeased with this development. Seems it goes deeper than we thought, see if we can find an address and bring them down."


Thel Xeros


Character Profile
Jul 28, 2022
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I see,” he replied to Karai, regarding Tempest. He didn’t delve further into the subject.

So, what development would that be? You haven’t shown me any of the documentation you’ve been rummaging through.

Spotting some of the paperwork Karai had been checking, he used the force to levitate it to his hand. He read through the invoice, recognising the seal on it.

I’m familiar with the name of this company. They’re associated with Black Sun, I believe.

He had developed some knowledge of the underworld during his time as a Sith. Enough to know about the connection between Artemis In-Gen and Black Sun.

This is all rather grand for you Jekoli. You’re in over your head.

He looked up at the Pureblood. “Found an address?


Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Mar 27, 2024
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Karai continued rummaging until the man took the information he held, he sounded annoyed at not being shown the information and likewise Karai was a bit annoyed he just snatched it from him, but he kept quiet. He supposed he should have done it already but got caught in the moment as he searched. So he apologised.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Got carried away a bit."

He found it interesting the company was known, and more so that it had connections to Black Sun, , which posted its own set of problems if they continued to investigate. But if they were stealing from the Sith, he figured they deserved to reap the whirlwind. Artemis In-Gen. To him it almost sounded like a company trying make itself out to be about genetics or something. A obvious cover.

"I see, that will pose a additional problem when confronting them then. It's going to take time and preparation. Perhaps we can use our new friend here..if he values his life it would be in his interests to serve our needs. He can provide the means to get us inside."

He listened as it was stated the Rodian was in over his head. And he wasn't wrong, especially with the Sith on him. The man clearly now regretted making the deal but he was trapped. Fear was palpable, it was something they could use to turn him into a asset for now. Rummaging, Karai found the address, looking before passing it this time.

As Jekoli spoke in reply to the statement "I know, your telling me. I was running out of options, low on credits and business. I did what any self respecting guy would do in my position to keep my place. I made a deal when they came knocking about my talents that offered richer rewards." he continued "I was only the middle man. I looked after the artefacts for a 10% cut finders fee, the rest went to them. They said nothing about the Sith being involved! I would not have taken it if I knew!"

At that moment, Karai looked up "Yes. Says here they got a local office, on 383 Romrog Way, the Plaza. Here on Zeltros and open from 9 .00am until midnight. We should have time to take a quick look. Jekoli here can get us in as new employees I imagine, make us members of the gang for the benefit of it and keep his own men off us. Let's keep him on a tight leash."

He said, wondering what the other man thought about it.


Thel Xeros


Character Profile
Jul 28, 2022
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He considered his options. He had only wanted to kill the Rodian. Part of him felt like disposing of Jekoli and leaving. He doubted the Pureblood would be able to offer much resistance. If they were to be believed, they were only an acolyte. The Sith being careless with their artefacts wasn’t his concern anymore. However, he had to admit to being curious about the operation Jekoli was involved in.

Ok, that plan sounds fine. I’ll come along with you. Stand up, Jekoli.

The Rodian was barely able to struggle to their feet. “Do try to remain conscious,” he remarked.

So, are we going to sneak him out of the warehouse. Or try to let him walk us out of the front door. He does look rather worse for wear,” he commented.

Working with a Sith did remind him of going on missions with Param, back when he was member of the Sith Order. Back then he had been leading missions as a Sith Master. Now he found himself as a tag along on an acolyte’s assignment.


Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Mar 27, 2024
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He wasn't the only one curious, whatever Black Sun were up had Karai attention, he wanted to see how far the hole went and what might be needed to shut it down. He clearly stumbled upon something big, and now had to try figure a way to sort it out. As Jekoli was lifted up, he briefly ignored him as he spoke to the other dark sider.

Although he did briefly look to see if he was in enough of the a condition to still walk.

In the end them sneaking out seemed the best option, otherwise questions might be asked as to how they got in and what happened to their boss. Who had a few bruises and marks. So instead, they would smuggle him and then get him to grab the gang uniforms they needed before leading them to the location.

"Sneak him out, it looks a bit suspicious as it is." He didn't like dragging him along, but they had little choice.


Thel Xeros


Character Profile
Jul 28, 2022
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Very well.

He approached the door. “Don’t give us away Jekoli. You wouldn’t want to suffer any further injury, I imagine.

Opening the door, he quietly moved down the stairs. He trusted that his senses would alert him to any guards. He dashed into cover behind a crate. Spotting a guard, he waited for his opportunity and then snuck up on them. Using the force, he incapacitated them with a simple tap on the back of the head. Dragging the body into cover, he removed their trench coat. The symbol of the tunnel snakes was on the sleeve. Unclipping his cape and leaving it on the ground, he put on the coat. It would make it easier for him to pass off as a gang member escorting Jekoli. Karai had taken a jacket from a guard earlier, as well.

Let’s go.


Karai Hekk-iv-Adas

Sith Order

Character Profile
Mar 27, 2024
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Jekoli agreed, he was more than in compliance and had no wish to anger two potential Sith. At least more than they were already. So as he moved down after fixing himself up a bit to look not so bruised, he walked out the door as the other dark sider snuck by and Karai went the back way, it would be less suspicious.

Once in the clear, and they were down the stairs, Karai joined them with the jacket on.

Nodding as the man spoke about leaving, Karai kept close as to make sure Jekoli didn't get any second thoughts and change his mind about it. Not that it was in his interests if he did. Soon enough the two were led to a landspeedee, Jekoli's. It was gaudy and definitely not to Karai tastes. It didn't take long to arrive, the office was in a tall.building that stretched into the skyline with the logo and brand name emblazoned brightly on the front. Inside were a metal detector and scanner (like the matrix lobby) to prevent any unauthorised getting in. Or so was the desired aim. Security details for Jekoli it appeared were given a exemption from it.

At the reception sat a elder human who asked Jekoli "Excuse me. Do you have an appointment?"

Which wasn't the case but he made an excuse and got the three in without issue. Now they had to be careful, especially given the cameras about. Karai suspected they would need to find the security office and disable them if they wanted to snoop around.

"Where is the security office?" he asked Jekoli "You know the place."

He pointed further down the hall and left, while the other dark sider was led to the main offices, where they could find files and computers likely with more information that would be helpful or at least give some names of management that had the information.
