Kyorus Draxx


SWRP Writer
Apr 14, 2019
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NAME:Kyorus Draxx

FACTION:Sith Empire







FORCE SENSITIVE:Yes he is trained.


Kyorus has smoldering yellow eyes. His hair is non existent, the top of his head is covered with scorches. He has a Olive complexion and has deep scar tissue on his neck, right below his jugular. He is 6’0 in height and weighs 85kg or 187lbs. He has a deep scar on the right side of his torso just above his large intestine.


Although it would seem he was more of a brute, Kyorus is quite light on his feet and easy to underestimate. This usually gives him the advantage in the majority of his battles, whether they are battles of smarts or combat. He has always been able to lead and even believes himself to be quite the efficient leader. He is unusually swift and agile with the use of a lightsaber for someone of his physical build and has always been able to control his movements and seems to always be atleast one step ahead of his opponent. Kyorus has always been proficient in anything he puts his mind too, this has enabled him to achieve a good understanding of his abilities with the force. Kyorus could always see the torment within people and use it to extract information by breaking them down to their simplest and most vulnerable state. He has a good base of stamina which will let him carry on into longer winded duels while keeping his technique.

This however does come with a price. Once he sets his mind to something, whether it be a lightsaber form or to learn more about the anger that builds within him, he becomes infatuated with the subject and this has lead him to the occasional psychotic break which would leave him in a vulnerable and almost husk like state. He will excel but will never be content with his new found knowledge. His ability to see the torment within people comes not from an unnatural power but rather from a sense of understanding of their pain, which allows him to develop a emotional connection to them. This is a horrible experience for both him and the victim. He excels at lightsaber combat but when confronted in hand to hand combat will be overpowered easily. His psychotic breaks can leave him in his husk like state for days on end and only he can break out of them. However as time progresses they become harder and harder to escape from.


Kyorus is usually seen to be a mild mannered but wise man for his age. This of course is only the facade he portrays. He was always a natural born leader and tended to enjoy being the centre of praise. He is a devoted follower of the dark side of the force and can become agitated when argued with about his blind faith towards it. However this only fuels his anger and pushes him to achieve. He would scorn those around him who doubted the dark sides abilities. He has a deep anger within him which he thinks of as his secret weapon.


Kyorus Draxx was born on a smugglers ship in the depths of the outer rim. He never had a home and was always on the run from slave traders who needed a small kid who could fit into tight spaces and could be used for hard labour. For many years Kyorus escaped these sloppy attempts at his capture but one fateful day he fell right into their trap. It is still unknown to him as to who exactly took him many moons ago but they subjected him to the worst torture imaginable. His charred head can be accredited to the barbaric system the slave traders had for people with a will. Each mark represented a time Kyorus had tried to escape. By the time Kyorus was 13 where his scalp should’ve been was instead replaced with burns upon burns, each one deeper than the last. After a certain amount of time you could see Kyorus skull protruding from his melted exterior.

What was once a scared and street smart boy became a hardened and cold husk of his former self. It was only at the age of 15 that he was abruptly hoisted out of his quarters and thrown into a line of his fellow slaves. Almost instantly a cold sensation crossed over him which was peculiar as he hadn’t felt any feeling in his hands and legs for quite some time. A large figure circled in the shadows, watching us with its beady eyes. He whispered to one of the slave masters and indicated towards me. I was lifted by my wrists and dragged out of the room and into a shuttle of sorts. The figure which had that had seemed to have saved me from my captors gliding towards me and removed his cowl. His eyes were as yellow as the callouses on my hands. He looked me directly in the eyes and said “You have much anger within you, it is time for you to put it to use.” The next five years became what I call now my ‘redemption’. I was trained in the art of the dark side of the force. However his training was not easy and learning to harness his anger became a tiring but eventful practice. His training led to many scars however Kyorus only saw these as progress. With 5 years of training behind him and the anger that seethed within his eyes, he was ready to embark on his crusade.


Kyorus is proficient in the lightsaber Form IV (Ataru) as it compliments his physical build but allows him to be agile and aggressive. Kyorus is well versed in the general use of the force but has an unexplained proficiency with force lightning however it is only at its most basic form and needs to be developed. He does have a decent amount of control over more basic techniques of the force such as manipulation of objects but tends to not rely on force based defence such as Tutaminus and would rather rely on his lightsaber to defend against ranged attacks and oncoming projectiles


Sith Warrior Armour -

One Crimson Bladed Lightsaber


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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
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