Ky Maryk


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Sep 11, 2010
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_N A M E

_H O M E W O R L D

_S P E C I E S

_A G E

_H E I G H T

_G E N D E R

_L O Y A L T Y

_C U R R E N T_ R A N K

_R E P U T A T I O N

_F O R C E_ U S E R

Ky Maryk was a Force-sensitive human male Onderonian Jedi Knight hailing from the Inner Rim planet Onderon. As a young man, Ky joined the Onderonian military as a peace officer. However, upon discovering his latent Force abilities, he sought out the Jedi Order on Ajan Kloss where he was trained to use his abilities.


Ky Maryk was born in the Inner Rim on the planet Onderon. Growing up in a poor district of the planet's capital of Iziz, young Maryk was enthralled by the soldiers he often saw patrolling the marketplace and desired to become a peacekeeper when he came of age. When he was still a teenager, his parents enrolled him at the Royal Police Academy, where he underwent the first stage of his training to become a peace officer. However, over the course of his training, Ky began to suffer from prophetic dreams and psychometry. Fearing he was unwell and unfit for police duty, the academy expelled Ky after a medical and psychological examination failed to explain his prognosis.

Ashamed of his failure, Ky instead took up bounty hunting and met up with a Mandalorian bounty hunter named Bryx Dryden on a job and, though the two initially butted heads, they eventually became friends. With Bryx as his bounty hunting partner, Ky got a taste of the lawlessness of the galaxy. The older Mandalorian also taught the younger Onderonian everything he knew about bounty work and even gave him additional combat training. However, as Ky reached his twenties, his powers manifested again—this time whenever he became enraged. Unlike on Onderon, Bryx made no move to abandon Ky. Instead, the Mandalorian told Ky about some "wizards" called Jedi he had heard of in his travels; he believed these wizards had similar powers to Ky and thought he might learn from them.

After cross-checking with his contacts in the Outer Rim, Bryx took Ky to Ajan Kloss where the young bounty hunter first encountered the New Jedi Order. There, after a series of tests, Ky was confirmed to be Force-sensitive and was taken in for training. As a parting gift between old friends, Bryx gave Ky a Mandalorian helmet to use during his time as a Jedi. Shortly thereafter, he was partnered with Duros Jedi Master Tedimor Har who offered to train him in the ways of the Force. Master Har and Ky often clashed throughout their partnership with one another, as Har sought to teach all of her students how to resolve conflict without a weapon, whereas Ky favored "aggressive negotiations" and became skilled with his lightsaber. Ky came to loathe the collective pacifism, and what he saw as inaction, of the Jedi Council.

Given what he had seen during his time as a bounty hunter, the young Jedi Padawan thought that a Jedi's duty should be more in line with the job preformed by the Sector Rangers, whom he gained a great deal of respect for during his training. Ky wanted to use his training and powers to resolve crimes, help the hurting, and bring justice to the galaxy. Meanwhile, his Master cautioned patience and stressed to him that a Jedi was not responsible for imposing justice upon the galaxy. Instead, they suggested that a Jedi's job was conflict resolution and peacekeeping. Despite these disagreements, which remained even after their partnership ended, Ky came to respect Master Har and completed his Jedi training at the age of twenty-five standard years.

Following his promotion to Jedi Knight, Ky set off into the galaxy hoping to do some good. He elected not to take a Padawan of his own (something that earned him the ire of the Jedi Council) because he believed he was not the "teaching-type." Instead, he comported with sector law enforcement agencies, worked to solve crimes that merited the attention of the Jedi Order, and acted whenever he felt the Jedi Council was perhaps too slow. His returns to Ajan Kloss were few and far between, as he believed many of the other Jedi did not like him for his brash and brazen style, yet he remained ever-vigilant of the dark side and considered himself a champion of the little man, and so a champion of the Light.

Personality and traits

Ky was a youthful human male with dark skin and black hair, which was styled as dreadlocks and typically tied back into a bun. He also had brown eyes, over the right of which he wore a scar as a momento of one of his earliest bounties. Ky often wore a variant of the typical Jedi attire: a black undertunic, an earth-colored vest kept on by a Jedi utility belt, a pair of durasteel bracers emblazoned with the sigil of the Jedi Order, a pair of fingerless gloves, and a typical brown pair of Jedi boots. On some occasions, he would wear a sand-colored hooded robe over the top of his clothes complete with the Mandalorian mask he received from his friend Bryx Dryden.

As a member of the Jedi Order, Ky was somewhat a controversial figure. Though he was a strict adherent to the Jedi Code (or, at least, his interpretation of it), Ky had little patience for the somewhat reclusive nature of the New Jedi Order. He strongly believed a Jedi's job was similar to a law enforcement officer: to keep the peace, to seek out and imprison dangerous members of galactic society, and to stand up for the weak spread across the galaxy. He also believed in action over passiveness, as the history he had learned on Ajan Kloss taught him that the passiveness of the Jedi Order had time-and-time-again led to the rise of the Sith and other dark organizations.

As a consequence, Ky had a hard time feeling at home among other Jedi and only returned to Ajan Kloss to report back to the Council or to take on a new mission. He felt much more at ease when he was out in the galaxy doing what he loved most. He was also unusual for a Jedi in that he frequently broke bread with smugglers, bounty hunters, and the like, perhaps owing to his days traveling the galaxy as a bounty hunter with the Mandalorian Bryx Dryden. Yet, despite his differences from the other Jedi and his ideological disagreements with the Council, Ky was deeply devoted to Jedi principles and a staunch follower of the light side of the Force.

Powers and abilities

Though Ky did not come into his Jedi training until his early twenties, he quickly proved to be a natural lightsaber duelist, picking up on the basics of Form VII by studying the records that had been compiled by the late Grand Master Rey Skywalker and the remainder of her Jedi Order. He used Vaapad in the hopes of channeling much of the pent-up aggression and impatience he often felt into a weapon of the Light. His instructor, Jedi Master Tedimor Har, encouraged Ky to continue honing his Vaapad skills while studying the records left behind by Jedi Master Mace Windu in the hopes of learning to control what they saw as his more troubling aspects. Thanks to this intensive training, Ky not only became a skilled swordsman but an expert at controlling his emotions.

Ky's Form VII training led him to develop more than just his personal style of sword fighting. It also dictated his overall fighting style. Because Form VII required its user to use the Force in every movement, Ky built up a high Force stamina and a more acrobatic fighting style than most contemporary Jedi Knights. For instance, he was naturally skilled in parkour, but learned to incorporate the Force into his movements, allowing him to run on walls and leap across huge distances. Ky did not consider himself a healer, nor did he bother himself with the more esoteric techniques favored by some Jedi. However, he was skilled with telekinesis, could project Force barriers, and was noted to be able to hide his presence in the Force.

As a youth, Ky suffered from prophetic dreams and occasional bouts of psychometry. However, through his training with Master Har, he was able to close his mind to his dreams, stopping them forever. On the other hand, he was still occasionally prone to psychometry and found the innate ability useful due to finding himself more of a law-enforcement-type Jedi Knight. In addition to his Jedi skills, Ky was a skilled pilot and mechanic—skills picked up during his time as a bounty hunter—and his time spent in the Outer Rim meant that, while he typically spoke Galactic Basic, he could also speak Huttese or droid Binary.


— Single-bladed lightsaber (Amethyst)
— Comlink
— Datapad


Investigating the Knights of Ren

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SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
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Hiya, Malon! I have only one question. Why was he promoted to Jedi Knight if he was so opposed to their teachings that it created a rift between him and his peers / superiors.


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SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2010
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Hiya, Malon! I have only one question. Why was he promoted to Jedi Knight if he was so opposed to their teachings that it created a rift between him and his peers / superiors.
Hi Mature! For the same reason Qui-Gon, Dooku, and Syfo-Dias among others were, I suppose was my thinking. He still believes in the Jedi Code and he's a staunch follower of the light side—a capable Jedi. He's just very opposed to the ho-hum nature of the current Jedi Order given the two times the Sith have jumped them in the last century. Having ideological differences with the Council doesn't make one unable to attain the rank of Jedi Knight.

Edit: To eliminate some of the vagueness in my reply, I'll elaborate. In Masters and Apprentices we learn that Qui-Gon—despite the fact that most of the Jedi Council disliked him for his differing ideology on just about everything—was offered a seat on the Jedi Council. Dooku and Sifo-Dyas both believed that the Sith were still at large in the galaxy and were obsessed with prophecy, something their Masters both thought were dangerous preoccupations for a Jedi, and yet both were promoted to Jedi Knight and later Jedi Master. Where they can, the Jedi allow for ideological differences—and I would suppose that is even more true now, given the looser nature of the Order—so long as said Jedi isn't actively using the dark side or going about other salacious behavior.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for elaborating upon that, Malon. I did not mean for it to sound like I was rejecting the idea, I only wanted to understand a bit more about the situation before I approved or denied your profile as I wasn't entirely certain about what you meant by 'aggressive negotiations'.

Never the less, Approved!