Independent Kani Ocasta


SWRP Writer
Mar 15, 2022
Reaction score
NAME: Kani Ocasta


RANK: None


AGE: 22


HEIGHT: 5' 5"

WEIGHT: 125 lb

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, incomplete Jedi training but taught himself certain skills through practice.

Black, medium length hair (think Pokemon USUM Elio), dark brown eyes, dark brown jacket with six pockets, three on each side, white shirt, grey pants with one big pocket on each side, brown boots.

He is a fast learner, and he uses the Force to bring out his potential by enhancing his mental skills. Although he's fast at learning how to do something, mastery takes longer. He is highly empathetic, which is good when helping people, but bad people can take advantage of his empathy and willingness to help. He has a strong sense of justice, and he tries not to let anything get in its way, but that may come at the expense of losing some relationships. His main weakness is the past.

He is kind, empathetic, and caring. He always tries to help those in need, and he tries to be there for his friends. Although he always appears distant and closed at first, he is actually very loving and loyal to those who find their way into his heart. Due to an event from his past, he tends to be possessive of the one he loves. He also tries to put up a heroic image whenever he's helping others, as he wants people to feel hope when they see him. He's also smart and serious when needed.

He grew up as the son of a droid technician, and an artist. He discovered he was Force-sensitive at a young age, but never received any training until later. At age 17, he decided to leave to train as a Jedi. During a trip to find other Force-sensitives with his Master, he went to Zeltros, where he met a Zeltron girl, who was curious about the Galaxy, as she had never left her planet. He shared some of his experiences with the girl, who in exchange offered…(keyword: Zeltron), though Kani declined the offer (he would have been the girl's first "client", otherwise). After this, they parted ways, and they didn't see each other for about a week, until the girl decided to visit the Jedi Temple, looking for Kani. When they met again, the decided to start going out after a long conversation, and then started officially dating. During this time, the girl admitted she felt a special connection to Kani, and also said she had remained "clean" all this time because she wanted to find her "prince", and she also revealed that she disagreed with the polygamous customs of her planet's culture, as she felt a true connection could only be formed between two individuals. After two years of dating, they got married, living a happy life for the next two years. During all this time, Kani had several encounters with a Sith Lord, who had been watching his movements, waiting for the Jedi to train him before trying to bring him to the Dark Side. In their final encounter, the Sith Lord killed Kani's wife, in an attempt to make him fall to the Dark Side. Kani did kill the Sith Lord during after that, but he did not fall to the Dark Side because he did it mostly out of justice rather than rage. Despite that, this left Kani scarred for life, and he decided to leave the Jedi Order despite his training being incomplete, as he did not have the will to continue his training anymore. Now he lives as a wandering hero, helping those who need his help wherever he goes, his only friend being his droid, R4-T5.

Kani is good at working with droids and other machines. He can also understand what his droid says because he learned what certain things mean after years of being with her. He is also good at certain types of math, and has at least a little knowledge on many things. He is also a decent pilot, although he does not really like flying. His main focus on the Force is on enhancing his mental and physical skills, as well as feeling others' emotions, though his most refined ability is Telekinesis, as he can use it with great precision, being able to assemble things and apply modifications to his droid using it. He can also help himself survive without food or water for some time, although he cannot concentrate easily when hungry. His lightsaber proficiency is rather average, not specializing in any Form, but rather having his own style that focuses on blocking and parrying, with the occasional slash.

A multitool containing several tools such as eating utensils and other things (basically a Swiss Champ XLT but Star Wars:
A single-bladed lightsaber with durasteel hilt, a sulphur yellow Kyber Crystal, and a button covered by a safety lid.

R4-T5, an R4-series astromech droid with several modifications, such as getting her head replaced by that of an R6 to allow for more processor capacity and tool bays; also an internal carousel mechanism in her body that switches between different arms and devices. Due to limited her heritage as an R4, she is slightly dumb and airheaded, and may commit mistakes at times.

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