Justinian Aurelius


Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2017
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Justinian Aurelius

"Justice is the constant and eternal purpose that renders to each his due."


5’11”, 1.80 Meters
170 lbs 77.18 Kilo
Cornflower Blue
Charcoal Black
Yes, Trained







Justinian is the son of a farmer from a mid rim pastoral planet. Unfortunately Justinian's father, Stru, passed away when Justinian was only a few months old. The boy, his mother, and his 3 siblings were sent to live with Justinian's uncle Flavius. Flavius was a powerful member of The planet’s security forces, and managed to secure Justinian and his siblings a place in a posh academie. Here, at about the age of four give or take Justinian quickly began to show signs of force sensitivity. The School, having seen sensitive children before, quickly contacted the Jedi Order along with Flavius. After careful consideration, Flavius chose to send his brother’s youngest son to train among the Jedi, perhaps in order to secure a good life for the child, perhaps because he felt it would be advantageous politically in the unstable years to come.

Justinian would then spend the rest of his early childhood living in a youngling clan at the Jedi temple, the dragon clan to be specific. It is as an initiate among the dragon clan that he began learning to become a Jedi Knight. Although Justinian was not an exemplary student by any means, he quickly found that some things came very naturally to him, while other things he had to practice for hours to be only as proficient as his most middling peers. Justinian had many friends as a Jedi Initiate, but because of the sheer amount of losses during the war, compounded with his inherently itinerant personality, none seem to have lasted into his adulthood.

Justinian, after years of arduous training would be the fifth initiate in his clan to pass his trial. As a young Knight he’d served beneath Kei Serrano during the war, a war in which he would eventually lose his hand. It was during this time that Justinian truly became the man he is. He is still internalizing the death and destruction he saw wrought forth by the horrors of war. Since his time in battle Justinian has been conflicted on his feelings for the exiled Jedi. A primordial force within him, a whisper of a long lost apex predator tells Justinian that the exiles must be destroyed for that they have done, so they would not do it again. Still, his heart and the better part of his mind tell him that none are above mercy, that all can be redeemed. The war was never just physical for Justinian, internally a war of ideology wages, Compassion and Justice play tug of war with his mind. For exemplary service Justinian became an
independent Knight, working without supervision, a position he has faithfully served in ever since.


Justinian has a pale face, dusted lightly with freckles and scrunched into, by no choice of his own, a decidedly serious scowl. With high set cheek bones, a long nose that slopes upwards as it travels down the length of his face, and large cornflower blue eyes Justinian has the hallmarks of a quintessentially handsome man; Even still the bend of his eyes, and a certain flatness where his nose begins to bridge gives him a sort of imperfect, exotic face that is sure to be intriguing.

Years of living upon wartime rations, compounded with the itinerant lifestyle of a Jedi is clear upon Justinian’s frame, which seems strong, but decidedly gaunt. His once striking features are marred by dark bags beneath his eyes, and a sort of quiet seriousness that betrays just how harsh the last few years have been to him.

Justinian standing at a remarkably unremarkable five foot and eleven inches carries himself as if he were a giant. Each step, every flourish that accompanies even the littlest of his movements exudes a sort of self confidence that the Jedi order tends to warn against. Still, despite his bravado, and all the pomp and circumstance he surrounds himself with, Justinian’s overall demeanor has a sort of silent kindness to it that seems to grow the longer one spends time with him.


Justinian is the type of man who does not give a damn for the dreary inbetweens of life. A cometophobic spouse, a death-stick smoking hypochondriac, these sort of paradoxical creatures, enigmas of the utmost degree are those with which Justinian can most relate. An personable socialite, yet a stoic soldier of peace, he spends a majority of his time with other people, watching them, learning even the most minute details of their relationships with others, yet when this very same minutiae presents itself in his own life he casts it aside.

This sort of detachment has lead to criticism from some of his Jedi superiors, many of whom feel that it causes Justinian to lack the compassion necessary to be a proper Jedi, still some Masters have lauded him for it, saying that this sort of detachment allows a Jedi to remain objective, and focus on the force. Justinian posits that just because he focuses on the larger things in life, that does not mean that he is detached from it’s events. The man is, in every definition of the term, a bleeding heart, feeling deeply for the poor and downtrodden. He chooses to tackle issues on the macronomic level because, to put it simply, he believes that once the larger problems in life are solved the little things will sort themselves out.

Justinian’s personality can best be described with one word. Compassion. What a sweet word it is, at least in his opinion, it rings upon the tongue and truly represents everything he has been, everything he is, and everything he will become. It is this value of compassion that guides him, that causes him to be so curious about the force, and the many denizens of its world, and ultimately it is the virtue Compassion that he wishes to leave imprinted upon the world.

Justinian considers himself, and the Jedi the ultimate protectors of the spirit of the light. He seeks not the glory, or enlightenment that others in the order do. Instead he is content with little more than to travel the world, seeing his fellow beings engaging in their daily lives, and protecting the light so it may prosper. All though many Jedi seek to understand our condition, our place in the Universe and within the Force, it is in Justinian's firmest opinion that he differs in that he does not attempt to comprehend the collective of which he is only a sliver, he simply wants to see.


Faithful: Justinian has an unshakable faith in the lightside of the Force. He believes that moral piety, and purity is far and wide the most important thing in the world, and that gives him confidence, confidence in himself, confidence in the Jedi Order, and most importantly confidence in his fellow man. It bolsters his self esteem because each, and every step he takes in life is full of conviction, and truth. Whatever he does, he does with compassion, and love for his fellow man because at the end of the day faith in what he does, faith that he is helping those who need it is the most important thing to him.

Eloquent: Although a skilled hand with a lightsaber, at least skilled enough to have not died yet, it is in duels of the tongue where Justinian excels. Well spoken, he can finagle his way in and out of any situation with ease. Because of this sort of natural charm, combined with the confidence he exudes, and a downright friendly personality, Justinian is an all around pleasant person to be around. All though generally the Jedi Knight puts his gift of gab to use for good, he’s been known for using it from time to time to secure a free glass of blue milk, or maybe a room in an Inn for a night. Hey it’s not immoral if he doesn’t use the force right?

Judgemental: In Justinian's proclivity for perception, the same that allows him to dance easily through social situations and guide crowds, he also finds one of his greatest weaknesses. In his eternal search to see all of the wonders the force has to offer, he has began to archetype people in his own mind. Because of past experiences, mixed with other preconceived notions he judges all others, albeit silently more often than not. Hypocritically, he does not see these same perceived traits, and stereotypes in himself, instead he is already a legend in his mind. Were it not for her natural talent for navigating interactions and Jedi training in rhetoric, this would be a fatal flaw for an aspiring Knight, especially one with such lofty goals. Thankfully for his aspirations, Justinian is tactful enough to keep a majority of his observations to himself, only revealing them occasionally through the odd raise of an eyebrow or tilt of his head.

Idealistic:For all of the strengths, and weaknesses a multifaceted, living person has none is more evident within Justinian than his idealism. Justinian stands rigid, and firm within his ideals, refusing to compromise them for the Universe. Justinian's idealism pushes him constantly, giving him the spirit, and state of mind to make the impossible possible. Justinian’s idealism is his greatest ally. Even so rigidness, stubbornness, these are traits that can lead a Jedi Knight astray. By all means his idealism has a darkside that promotes negative habits. This romantic notion of personal responsibility in upholding the ideals he so ardently believes cause a sort of obstinance, an unrelenting will to further what he believes right, that can sometimes be antithetical to the virtue he holds the most dear, Compassion..



  • Robes
    -A plain set or Jedi Robes, good for keeping Justinian warm, and modest, but little more than that.

    -An unremarkable green lightsaber, well at least as unremarkable as a laser sword can be.

  • Master Kei Serrano trained Justinian during his formative years as a young Knight . Because Justinian lacked a proper male role model in his life he quickly became attached to Master Kei emulating him, practically revering the man. Although their bond was forged in childlike naivete on Justinian's behalf, it was truly strengthened in the fires of the Jedi Civil War. The horrors a young Justinian witnessed during this contentious time in his life caused him to turn to his master as a refuge. It is this emotional connection that has caused Justinian's childlike view of his Master to endure. Even today he finds himself idealizing his Master. Many other Jedi claim that Justinian's ambitious nature is a result of his training under Master Kei Serrano, Justinian does not contest this, instead pondering what else he picked up from his Master




Ataru: Preferring a very acrobatic, aerial style, the way of the hawkbat is the ideal form for someone like Justinian. Ataru itself has a sort of controversy surrounding it because of its aggressive nature, but Justinian believes that it is simply a reflection of the aggressive nature of combat. A writer’s soul, Justinian finds a sort of perverse humor in the fact that the Jedi order frowns upon Ataru for being aggressive, when combat itself is inherently aggressive. Despite his faith to the order, he believes there is some truth that he practices Ataru as a small form of rebellion.

Because he does not often don armor in battle, the acrobatic, flexible style of Ataru works especially well for Justinian. Still, the form is very taxing physically, he can only manage to keep it up for so long before being tired out by the many maneuvers, and insane mental acumen required to practice it.

Soresu: The way of the Mynock is a sort of back up form for Justinian. Ataru can be a very physically taxing form, moreover due to its high speed aggressive nature it can leave a lot of room for error. Justinian trains in Soresu, as well as Ataru because it is essentially the antithesis of Ataru, it allows him to cover as many bases as possible with the limited training he’s had.



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Lord of Naps
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SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
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SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2017
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Won't lie. As a philosophy major, the last name was an attention grabber. Good character!