Jaime's Humble Abode


SWRP Writer
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
*place generic workshop reservation here*

Most if not all of the things I post here will be for the next timeline.
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SWRP Writer
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score



BHG FILE #385746










______[HAIR COLOR]

______[EYE COLOR]
[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]FEMALE[/td][td]1.7 m[/td][td]45 kg[/td][td]WHITE[/td][td]AMBER[/td][/tr]




[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]N/A[/td][td]ALIVE[/td][td]N/A[/td][td]HIGH[/td][/tr]

Sa-Yah is almost angel-like in appearance. Without a doubt one of the finest to come out of her stock, and that's saying something, considering the natural attractiveness of all Zeltron. She has a perfectly structured face, though she bears a scar in the shape of a crudely carved "L" on her right cheek. Sa-Yah's skin is of a dark-red hue, almost scarlet. She has eyes that seem like they know all and see all, wise, yet sharp. Her hair is a shining, almost blindingly so, shade of white. It is often worn down, hanging just past her chest and upper back. Sa-Yah takes pride in her features, and keeps them all well made up. This does not exclude her body. Very well toned muscle covers her form, and it is clear that she's very much an athletic type.

In terms of apparel, Sa-Yah tends to wear the best of the best when not on a hunt. A woman of taste, she adorns herself with the most elegant of dresses, the shiniest jewelry, the tightest pants, and the most expensive shoes. However, when out doing what she does best, Sa-Yah tends to don her
typical hunting attire. The armor(where there is any) is made up of a mass of durasteel chain links, plate, and scale. The outfit was made for versatility rather than protection against an attack.

Having grown up a slave for the majority of her childhood, Sa-Yah is surprisingly almost never seen as outwardly bitter. She is a very kind, very generous soul. If you're not on her shitlist, that is. Or a bounty board. She is a natural conversationalist, and throws parties with fellow hunters often, talking to as many people as she can. Though young, Sa-Yah is wise beyond her years, and is often the giver of advice to those who need it. An intelligent woman, she is very worldly and baffles many with her clever wit and knowledge of a variety of subjects.

However, unbeknownst to many, Sa-Yah carries the weight of a dark and tragic past on her shoulders. Though her outwardly shell sows happiness and contentedness among all who interact with her, the hunter keeps many of her more prominent emotions repressed.

Hatred. Anger. Suffering. A need to kill.

Sa-Yah grew up among the slime of the galaxy. Hutts, gangsters, thieves, murderers, pirates, smugglers, assassins, you name it. She'd always had the belief that once someone was born into this world of crime and killing, they'd never come back out alive. They'd be eaten up by all the drugs, blaster bolts and illegal operations that plagued the underworld of the galaxy. She thought she'd suffer that fate. It was the one thing she feared as a child. Not death in general, but dying doing the one thing in this galaxy she loathed, but had done since she was conceived. Killing.

Though she hates it so, killing has been all Sa-Yah has known. From her own birth, to her poisoning of Lairkoon the Gourmand, to her servitude under the Wolf, all the way to where she is now, with the Guild. Though it is her career to kill criminals(which does make her feel more at peace about it), she loathes what has come to be her entire life. She feels an urge to kill, but she does not wish to kill innocent beings. She does, however, believe in the principle of "necessary elimination." If you commit the crime, you have to pay the price... even if it's death.

Sa-Yah was born on the Hutt "jewel", Nal Hutta, in the palace of Lairkoon the Gourmand. Her mother was a Zeltron who was taken from her home in her adolescent years, and made into a pleasure slave for whomever happened to be Lairkoon's guest at the time. The father was unknown, but expected to be one of the guests that visited Lairkoon months before. Sa's mother passed in childbirth, and she was raised among her fellow slaves.

Throughout her childhood, Sa-Yah was witness to many things inside her master's palace that would scar her for the remainder of her life. The Gourmand, as his rivals and allies both named him, was a cruel master, taking pleasure in torturing the slaves under his control. He was infamous for having cooked one alive, having wanted to know what Weequay tasted like. Sa-Yah had the "privilege" of being this tyrant's cupbearer when she was a child. She grew to have a strong hatred for her master, though he seemed to trust her in his presence than anyone else. Sa often thought of killing Lairkoon, in the dead of night, but she knew she would never get out of the palace alive.

When Sa-Yah turned fourteen, she was removed from her position of cupbearer for Lairkoon, and made to follow the "career path" her mother had been forced to take. Serving as a prostitute for whomever Lairkoon offered her to did little to help her already fractured soul, and she soon lost herself. Sa gave up on hoping for an escape, an opportunity to end the suffering her master had caused her fellow slaves.

Months later, Sa was called once again to the guests' chamber - this time, the client was a bounty hunter who went by "Wolf." Upon her standard procedure, however, the bounty hunter stopped her. He didn't want her like that. Sa was shocked; no one had turned down her advancements before. Not that she was complaining, of course. Upon pressing the issue(though she was taught never to do so, curiosity got the better of her), Wolf revealed the true reason to his being at the palace: he intended to poison Lairkoon the Gourmand.
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