Jaceson Lightsworn


SWRP Writer
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
Jaceson Lightsworn


NAME: Jaceson Lightsworn

FACTION: Aegis Defense Industries, LLC - ADI

RANK: 1st Lt

SPECIES: Devaronian

AGE: 25


HEIGHT: 5’11


EYES: Blue

HAIR: None

SKIN: Crimson

CREDITS: 1,000 credits

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Does your character have any distinguishing marks such as scars, birth marks, etc.?

FORCE SENSITIVE: Highly Force Sensitive

STRENGTH: 6/10 Average Strength for his race

DEXTERITY: 9/10 he is very fast and can out move most

CONSTITUTION: 4/10 He lacks in health due to his style of combat and how fast he is

INTELLIGENCE: 8/10 Smart but not the smartest

WISDOM: 5/10 Average wisdom for his race

CHARISMA: 7/10 is witty and funny can charm the pants off most.


He is honor driven, it is what is at his core. He has to help those in need no matter the cost to himself. He will go out of his way to save a life, even if there is a chance to save a life he will. He will kill and maim when it is necessary to save someone or to keep someone from hurting others. He has learned to lie very well, and is starting to find that using people to get what he wants is not bad if it helps people in the long run. He has a very conflicting personality due to his past.


Jace came from a noble family, one of honor and power. They did what they could for the people of their world. They never thought about themselves in the least while helping others. But because of this they made enemies in every walk of life. Since he was a target he has been trained from a young age to defend himself and his loved ones. He took to this with a zeal, he knew it was his life’s work to protect them. But he would not be fast enough, strong enough or willing do to what was necessary to defend his family.

At the age of 16 a hit was put out on them, he found out and confronted the person who put it out. He fought his way to that person, but he was not willing to kill. He knocked out every enemy, some to the point of needing medical attention. He finally made it to the boss who had called out the hit, but he was to find out it was all for nothing. As he walked into the room the boss smiled at him and told him that his family was dead.

Floored by this he stood there not moving, he did not see the guards approaching him. He was told a lesson he would never forget that day, they made sure he would never forget it either. He was told that to protect what you care for sometimes you have to do what you are unwilling to do. After he heard that he was beaten to within an inch of his life. They wanted to make an example of him and his family.

They did so much damage to him that he was almost paralyzed from the waist down. But with work he would be able to walk again, even with Bacta tanks helping him this took years to hear. He was transferred from his home world of Devaron to Garel for medical treatment and safety. Most doctors had given up on him, but not healers from the Jedi Order. They saw that he was strong in the force, they would not let they go to waste. So they healed him using Force abilities, this was his first introduction to the force. While they healed him he could not walk, he was told that was now just in his head.

It was a byproduct of what he went through and his loss. He did not feel he deserved to walk again, so to help him believe he was they taught him the ways of the force. He studied from the age of 16 to 24 with them learning all that he could. They Force Healers had to bring in different teachers all the time to keep up with how he was learning. On his 25th birthday he finally stood and took his first steps since his attack. He finally believed he deserved to walk again, but they sensed that he was not doing so to walk their path. He was under the impression he had all the tools he need to get revenge against those who killed his parents and enslaved his world. So he quietly left them in the middle of the night, he was surprised to find they had brought him back to his world. But this was a pleasant surprise as he knew of a few friends his family still had. Those friends had been looking after a ship and supplies for his return, so he took both and left the world behind.​


Electric Judgment, Force empathy, Force Stun, Tutaminis, and Force Push​


He is a wiz at hacking into computer systems and networks. Playing Sabac like a pro. Dueling, piloting, and general survival.​


--- Djem So not only to deflect baster bolts but also uses the reverse grip with the second lightsaber and normal grip with the first lightsaber.----


His excels at lightsaber combat and a few force powers, but is a not the best with a blaster. While he has use of two very strong abilities in the force it limits what he is able to learn. He had focused so entirely on Electric Judgment and Tutaminis that his other abilities are not any stronger than the average youngling. Though due to his ability to use Electric Judgment his force stun is better than most. While he is fast, smart, and charming he can be seen as an showoff, it puts people off from him.


One lightsaber Orange blade (Always Carried on Person)

One lightsaber Teal blade (Always carried on person

EB-4 Combat Pistol (Always carried on person

Three sets of nice clothing (Stored on Ship)

One set of work clothing (Stored on Ship)

One set of work out gear (Stored on Ship)

Enough Rations for a year (Stored on Ship, keeps enough for 7 days on himself)

Enough fuel for a year (Stored on Ship)

Camping gear (Stored on Ship)

M91 Light Combat Vest (worn when ever out of ship)




It's name is "NightWing" It is a quick light freighter faster than most in its class. It has your basic nose, tail, and top gunning positions. good shielding and warp drive.













