Ask Into The Viper's Nest

Thel Xeros


Character Profile
Jul 28, 2022
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Thel stood over the woman, his lightsaber held in one hand. “Stand up,” he instructed, with a calm tone of voice. Vance stood up slowly, but then tried to lash out. He stepped away from her wild swing and she fell to the floor. She scrambled over to a blaster that one of her droid escorts had dropped. She turned and fired two shots. Thel deflected the first to the side, but the second shot was mistakenly deflected straight back into Vance’s chest. Her dead body slumped over. Damn.

He had preferred to keep her alive. No doubt Arakyd could replace her, but it was a disappointment. Still, she definitely wouldn’t be attending the meeting now. Mission accomplished; I suppose. He could hear more droids closing in. Time to go. He quickly moved to work his way to the elevator.

(OOC: Failed dice roll to keep Vance alive.)

@Alhon @theaveragejedishadow

Nico Vandron

Sith Order

Character Profile
May 1, 2023
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Nico took a few moments to prop the unconscious Kylos behind a planter in the corner of the terrace, before straightening his attire and slipping back into the lobby. It seemed no one had particularly noticed their absence, though Nico overheard a few department heads surmising the raucous Kylos must have sloped off to his hotel room.

The vote came around soon enough and while Nico had no credentials to access the meeting itself, he slipped into a chair not far from the door. Close enough to hear, he sipped a drink and smirked as runners repeatedly went back and forth trying in vain to gather the most important members.

First, one or two younger managers scrabbled around for Kylos, berating each other in whispers for letting him slope off before the vote. Their chance for change at the company was ruined. Next, came the news that Vance could not be reached and Nico heard several shouts inside as her supporters tried to delay the meeting. There did at least seem to be some desire to wait for Blaine, with Nico getting the distinct impression many were frightened to go to a vote without the CEO's son.

When a member of the hotel staff brought word of Blaine's death, apparently at the hands of an Imperial Knight, panic abounded and several members of the meeting tried to leave. Nico readied himself to react, but then Alaric Namos' voice sounded, restoring calm. "This is grave news, but our shareholders will be looking to us for leadership. Let us hold our nerve. Let us vote".

Vote they did. Within the hour, holo reports announced that Alaric Namos had joined the Board of Arakyd Industries and that the company would increasingly look to him for direction, after the fall of several senior figures. The Empire was also linked to the murder of Blaine, stoking anti-Imperial sentiment throughout its supply network.

Back on the rooftop of the Grand Balazamo, the three Sith who had made it happen secured their swift escape. Mask and Vamps had done their part and Nico was pleased with his own contribution to their business, even if he had missed out on some available pleasure.

@theaveragejedishadow @DMCK