Mission Pack Into The Deep

Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
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MorataCorp Medical Aid and Supply, or MC, is looking for able-bodied, strong men and women to look into an alternative for the vaccine and its' test subjects; the world once the centre of the Clone Troopers of the Republic, Kamino. Though most of the knowledge of Kaminoans and their cloning process was lost due in part to the Empire's assault on the cloning centres on Kamino, rumors have surfaced that some of these facilities might remain intact, beneath the waves of the stormy planet. Though the technology on Kamino was lost, they are eager too to unlock the secrets of their past with the help of ISC. Help MC and Kamino in investigating this humane alternative to vaccine test subjects, and your help will not be forgotten.​

Thread One: Under Stormy Skies[Ask/Self-DM]: Tasked with scouting possible locations of these cloning facilities, a small team of Rangers begins to scour for any indicators beneath stormy skies and surrounded by ever-churning waves. Though Kamino has supplied with some plausible locations, it is up to the keen mind of Rangers to scout these locations somewhere amidst the chaotic surf.

Participants: @Cobalt Cavern Chronicler , 2, (maybe) 3.

Thread Two: An Expert Hand
[Ask/Self-DM]: While the first party scouts for centres above and below, another party is dispatched to find an expert in the cloning field of Kamino; in particular, a scientist named Seta Nim. However, Kaminoans are known to not easily give up their trade secrets, and Seta is rumored to have some knowledge of some of the cloning process which was lost. Find and convince Seta that her knowledge might be useful to unlock the information waiting beneath the waves, before other parties convince her otherwise.

Participants: 1 & @Klepti Uutkik and NPC Seta Nim

Thread Three: Waves of Time
[Ask/Self-DM]: With plausible information in hand of both a possible cloning facility location and the aid of the elusive Seta Nim, it is time to go scout the area. However, this poses its' own unique set of challenges, with danger lurking in every corner and the slim possibility of success. Will you proceed ahead to find a possible answer to cure the galaxy, or will you be one of many that will be thwarted by the tide?

Participants: 1, 2, and NPC Seta Nim.
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Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
Reaction score
@Scoobert and @Raydo, you can go ahead and post up An Expert Hand if you like, and please tag it here when you can. :D Have fun, guys!

Die Shize

The Laughing Man
SWRP Writer
Jul 25, 2010
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Alright! @samdragon, done! @Die Shize , up for Kaminoan shenanigans if you like for Under Stormy Skies! Please provide a link here when you do!
I have retired from SWRP but wish you all the best in your endeavors, Killa Ree!

Hmm...SWRP...Killa Ree...there's a rhyme there that I won't soon forget, ya hear!?


Lord of Naps
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 11, 2013
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@Killa Ree I apologize. I have bit off more threads than I can chew and need to drop out of this.

Killa Ree

Killa Queen
SWRP Writer
Apr 8, 2017
Reaction score
@Killa Ree I apologize. I have bit off more threads than I can chew and need to drop out of this.
That's fine! No worries!
I have retired from SWRP but wish you all the best in your endeavors, Killa Ree!

Hmm...SWRP...Killa Ree...there's a rhyme there that I won't soon forget, ya hear!?
Thanks dude! And I hear it loud and clear. May the Force be with you! ^_^

Oh dang, what now?
More people! Let's do this thing!


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
How is this going? Need some outside help?