
That Guy
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2013
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The Jeremites

Who exactly are the Jeremites?
The Jeremites are a religious group, which travel the galaxy aboard the Redeemer, living in one big happy family, helping those who they meet see the awesome power of the Blessed One. However, they believe that general life in the galaxy has lost its truthfulness, its decency, its honesty. They seem to believe that they are truly the last hope for the universe; and they follow through on that belief. Through any way necessary.

What do you mean by "any way necessary?"
You see, the Jeremites, (also being called Redeemers, after the name of their ship) are normally relatively civil. However, their cult stresses their love for each other. They would die for each other. And thus, the reason that you haven't heard a lot about the Redeemers is that there is usually no one left to tell about it. Redeemers are always suspectful of other beings suddenly bursting into violence, and if they do, then they take that as proof that that organism does not deserve to exist. Thus, the being has to be exterminated. If the being somehow escapes at the current moment to live another few days, then the Blacklist Protocol is called into effect. The entire cult is then roused, from whatever they were doing, be it about to be wed, or on a honeymoon, or working on the other side of the galaxy for the tribe, and sent on a manhunt to eradicate the infidel. These manhunts generally end relatively quickly.

Where do they live?
The Jeremites don't exactly live in a specific area, per se. They do however, live on a large mothership, which is called the Redeemer. The Jeremites live here, sleep here, socialize here, watch movies here, etc. The entire Jeremite way of life revolves around the Redeemer. The Jeremites are highly protective of the Redeemer. Once, a daredevil managed to sabotage the Redeemer's life support system. After the backups kicked in, the daredevil caused the Blacklist Protocol to come into effect. Because of the special nature of his attack, the man was dragged off to be tortured inside the Redeemer. Then, he was locked inside a spacesuit, and sent into orbit around a planet. As his life support slowly ran out, and he got closer and closer to the planet, the Jeremites placed bets on whether or not he would first die of asphyxiation, or be burned up inside the planet's atmosphere.

So, these guys are basically like holy paladins, very goody-goody except when they brutally murder people?
Oh, no. I never said that. The curious thing about Redeemers is that, within their own tribe, all wrongs are forgiven. This basically allows them to smuggle drugs, traffic beings, rob and mug, etc. without fear of retribution from withing their own cult. Also, the Redeemers can be hired as a form of assassin or hitmen. You simply show the Jeremite representative tangible proof that your target has done bad things, (this can be anything from killing someone to robbing a bank to bringing a criminal to justice) pay the expenses, and the Redeemers will place the Blacklist Protocol on that person. Once they find him, they judge the person according to his crimes, and sentence him accordingly. This generally results in either death, slavery, or a great deal of pain for the victim.

How can you tell a Redeemer when you see one?
Redeemers, when they officially enter the cult, are tattooed with holy scripture, forming bands across their arms and chest. The really devout ones will sometimes cover their entire body with these words.

Hmm. Interesting.
Isn't it?

Please post below thoughts and recommendations. More will follow, I'm simply to tired to think right now.


That Guy
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Reserved for Command Structure.


That Guy
SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Reserved for some Mission Samples and Joining Requirements.