Interest check - Moff council

Lady Sendrenis Autumn

Half-blind Moff
SWRP Writer
Sep 26, 2016
Reaction score
Dear everyone,
After a quick chat on skype, where i suggested to create a reccurent event that would be the Moff Council ; it appeared that not everyone was thrilled by the idea but i'm not giving up since i love this kind or threads. If there is not enough people to organize a decent one, we still could do some private meeting anyway, but... here we go !

  • What is that ?
  • The Moff Council would be a social thread with absolutely no actions involved - aside from eventually punch others moff in the face - where the moff ranked players or above would come in and discuss about war (mostly). It could lead up to an agreement on where to strike next and end up in a mission thread or simply talk about the recent events and the upcoming ones.

  • Why should i care ?
  • If you play a moff, then perhaps your character have some personal interests he or she would like to pursue and could do so in persuading the others to lend a hand and push things so that he or she can expend his or her territory for example. Annihilate a specific ennemy or... simply try to send another moff in some death trap to steal it's influence or power...

  • I'm not really into anything but pvp. Is it going to be boring for me ?
  • Yes.

  • What would it change aside from perhaps one mission pack we could create without needing to ask anyone ?
  • No idea. Look... i've been here for like only one week. I can't answer all of this. I'm just submitting the idea !

  • Is the list of anticipated questions over ?
  • Yes.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score

Lady Sendrenis Autumn

Half-blind Moff
SWRP Writer
Sep 26, 2016
Reaction score

Okay so, this is stuck in my head since a few days, and i've never been into drama or anything (i tend to run from it like my character does from pvp threads) but i need to say a few things.

First is : I would have appreciated someone to ask me before making the thread. I have no issue with another character hosting or anything going on in the thread at all, but i started writing an introduction for it and i must say it felt weird to see the thing created without any sort of approval from the one who suggested it in the first place. Although, i may understand it, because i'm kind of a new player here, so it would make things easier from me so, no big deal really. I'm sure there was no bad intentions from that. Just, please, next time ask me :)

Then, i honestly think we should've kept the only moffs idea. I've said it on skype, i have no problem with the warlord at all, i would gladly share some RPs with that character or any other from the same player (i love your writing Relent), but this is not going the way i thought it would go at all.
Now i know the RP in open threads does not belong to me exclusively but the original idea was to create a space of discussion/plotting between people of equal ranks (i mentioned higher ranking, but that was a mistake, and i was about to change that buuut too late.) And i feel like now we missed the point. There will perhaps be some talking about war and stuff, but it won't be an open like discussion like it would have without a superior in the room. Especially since the superior gave direct orders in it's first post. I'm pretty sure i'm going to get marked for this, but it had to be said. This is only my opinion though.

Now, no hard feelings everyone. I know it was meant to help and get some activity started based on my wonderful *cough* idea. I love you all. I like reading and participating in the thread, kisses.
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