[Interest Check] Indie Military Faction


SWRP Writer
Jun 14, 2011
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Oh good god! How long has it been since I've been truly active? Too long! Anyway, because I can't get any D&D games going (curse you Summer!) I decided to go back to the good old PBP format that got me into roleplaying in the first place. Star Wars RP, I know it's been long since I've been actively roleplaying but now that I'm bringing friends here I decided to take it a little seriously. I'm gonna form a faction, I've already started development on the faction (logo, base, army etc.) and in the meantime while that's going on I decided to ask if anyone's interested in helping me to create this faction. I haven't ran a faction before apart from Guilds in MMO's and some factions from Dungeons & Dragons.

The premise is this, an old Empire veteran quit and decided to form his own faction. Dreaming of making it to the top indie factions, the main objective of the faction is to bring true justice and order to the galaxy, by any means necessary. So I guess they are Neutral, I am not sure how this faction thing works yet but I'm sure I can get help if I ask.

Three things you should know before even thinking about joining:

No PvP, I want safe good old RP against NPC's and because I personally find PBP PvP a little...Bullcrap.

Since we're just starting out we can't give you a control of your own ship, eventually maybe but not now. A squad is more than possible thou. It would be awesome if you would be a Force user since the faction is created and maintained by non-Force users.

I don't know if it's against the rules but if you have any existing characters they CAN join but they DON'T HAVE to.

One last thing, if you have any questions or are at least remotely interested in joining then please talk to me.

Oh! Truly the last thing! Honest. The faction's called Soldiers of Antiquity


[size=+4][highlight]Soldiers of Antiquity[/highlight][/size]

Tot’Gar – Leader
Garit "Relic" Gurd - Commander

[size=+2]Base of Operations[/size]
A mountain fortress in Ruusan, it has only one entrance. A landing pad that leads to blast doors. The base goes deep underground and has room for at least a thousand people with rations and equipment for all of them, this place is used for training and resting for the Soldiers of Antiquity while they aren't in space or fighting.


Many deserted members of the Empire, Republic and other organizations were drawn together by one individual, Tot'Gar. He had promised them that they would be able to change the galaxy, to bring true order and justice. Promises of safety and escape from their miserable lives many came to meet him in Ruusan, there he had managed to convince them in joining forces and putting all their differences aside for one goal. A new galaxy, a new beginning.

[size=+2]Beliefs & Motives[/size]

Not a peace maker or a warmonger, nor a politician or a criminal. They are mercenaries, pirates and a cruel group. At least others think so, they want to create their own Empire, they want their own planet and power. And they will do anything in their power to do it, one small step at a time.

While some may wonder and be confused of the motives of Soldiers of Antiquity others just see them as criminals. What do they mean by "Bringing true justice and order to the galaxy?" one may ask, well to put it simple. They believe that the Republic doesn't work, that they are nothing but a huge pile kids arguing about what should be done. They believe that only one leader with a strong sense of justice can bring peace to the galaxy. No more prisons, just executions and huge fines, no more bickering politicians, just order and quick action, no more chaos but only harmony. No matter the cost. One man can be sacrificed to save many, one individual can suffer for the benefits of the organization.


Three Vigil class corvettes, Aggressor assault fighters, Scimitar assault bombers and Aka'jor class shuttles.

About a thousand trained soldiers and some war equipment.
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The Last Mandalore
SWRP Writer
May 22, 2011
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Indie factions come and go. Few make it.

There are a large number of active independent characters here on SWRP. If they all banded together, they could create a truly great faction. The problem is, so few of them are willing to make compromises. They all want to lead their own faction and run it their way. Even fewer of them realize how similar their creations are to one another and how much better off they'd be if they merged.

I'm not singling you out. It goes for all the indies out there trying to make factions work. Before you try and get your own started, why not do a little research on the indie factions already out there?

The Tion Coalition isn't far off from what you have planned. Why not join them?


SWRP Writer
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, from what I have seen some indie factions aren't doing well. Getting a little too ambitious with PvP and all that kind of stuff. So, are you interested or not? I need one more member to get this thing started.


SWRP Writer
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
I'd consider it, but you've given us absolutely nothing about the faction itself.
If all you're gonna say is "Hey wanna join an indie military faction" (which is exactly what you've done here...) I'm just gonna say "lolno".

You want people.
We want details.


SWRP Writer
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
I'd consider it, but you've given us absolutely nothing about the faction itself.
If all you're gonna say is "Hey wanna join an indie military faction" (which is exactly what you've done here...) I'm just gonna say "lolno".

You want people.
We want details.

Terribly sorry! I'll add more details! How could I have forgotten about something so trivial? XD


SWRP Writer
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
So you've just told us nothing still. Mercenaries/Pirates/Ex-Vets who want their own space. Thats kinda pastel, if you know what i'm saying.
Get some fluoro up in here!

WHY do they want the space. What brings these men together? Surely "I want my own little house on the prairie" isn't going to hold these guys together against the likes of the Empire, Alliance law bringers and (eventually) the Hutt Cartel!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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I would suggest you joining the Hiriax as a sub-faction.

However, due to the amount of work needed to put into nor'baal and the impractical nature of the manufacturing group with so few members I was thinking of shutting it down.


SWRP Writer
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
And... why soldiers of antiquity? Of old weird-smelling crap you find at yard sales in the $2 baskets?



SWRP Writer
Jun 14, 2011
Reaction score
And... why soldiers of antiquity? Of old weird-smelling crap you find at yard sales in the $2 baskets?

Just a name, Venom isn't made of poison either XD
Plus! It's an interesting theme, I honestly haven't seen any.