Inhale Deeply

Who Wrecks?

SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
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The taste of mint and ash has become a familiar one when I’m with you. Memories of stagger and memories of flight, what do all these memories mean? They lead to truth kept behind smiling teeth that speak only safe words and fear that grips the pages of life and causes us to scream. They can lead us to nostalgia and reminiscence on all the adventures that were once shared; these memories can bring us back to heaven or drag us down under. There is a fine line between bliss and Hell; it’s the time in between that we should learn to cherish more, for it seems that happiness comes at a price. An honest man must buy his happiness with slime and wit, when a liar already has the two. Must we honest men be forced to be tossed back and forth between love, hate, and desire, but perhaps all of these feelings are connected. Therefore we honest men are doomed to hate, those we love. And to desire what we cannot hold tight. Spinning in circles, getting tossed back and forth, we come at the end of the day and ask, “Is love really worth it?” Then we look in the mirror and see these photograph memories, and then the answer comes to us, yes

In the end of it all honest men shall win, he wins the girls heart, while the liar wins her fancy. It’s all those memories, dreams, and feelings left branded into the heart that make all the difference.
