Open Kashyyyk In the Aftermath of Hellfire

Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
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OOC: Open to Jedi, Sector Rangers and FWA/well-meaning independent characters. Please indicate which group (one or two) you are apart of at the top of your post. Try to keep the groups even please :)

Korre was not a particularly empathetic or sympathetic person by nature, but she was not without compassion. She would not sit idly by; feet were being put on the ground, and she would be one more pair amongst them.

As she descended down to the smoldering planet of Kashyyyk in the GHO transport, she couldn’t help the way her eyes widened at the scene. The sky, gray from ash and smoke, hung over the landscape like Death’s veil—a haunting reminder of the hellfire which had rained down on the planet hours ago. The Belascan was seated inside one of six CR100b corvettes marked with the GHO’s identifiers and carrying tons upon tons of medical supplies each. Along with help from the Jedi, as promised by Grandmaster Voran, she and the members of the GHO would be delivering medical supplies to the pockets of the planet still left habitable.

There were six corvettes, divided up into two groups of three each. Each group would be sent to a different location to deliver medical supplies and round up those too injured to remain on the planet to recover. Most, if not all, major population centers had been destroyed, so the groups were headed for one of two places where surviving Wookies had been asked to evacuate to. Group one was headed for a Northern region, and group two, a Southern one.

Group One
After a bit, Korre’s corvette finally landed. Crew began to quickly arrange for medical supplies to be brought off the ship as she made her way down the ramp into the grey air. Temporary buildings were overrun with tents, and the woman could see the desperate faces of their Wookie occupants begin to pop out as the call of the GHO’s arrival spread.

« This is Minister Belasi. Group One has landed and will soon begin distribution of medical supplies. Please report back to me when you can get a rough count of how many Wookies are going to be needed to be transferred to GHO medical stations. »

The comm message would go out to those in Group Two, reaching the leader of the group first, and then the volunteers and GHO employees.

tag: @Valen Pelora
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Emilia Vuth

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight/Rebel Council

Character Profile
Feb 7, 2022
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OOC: Group one, if possible, if not then group two. Emilia has allegiance with both the Jedi and FWA, but moreso the FWA at this point.

On another rented ship, Emilia landed on Kashyyk after hearing about how the planet was devastated. She had many plans, plots, going at the same time, but at this point, she needed to stop for a moment to help the innocents that were needlessly harmed by the Empire.

After she landed, after much trekking, she saw a corvette and many other ships marked by the Free World Alliance symbols. They were landed and nestled between burnt Kashyyk trees.

The small sephi stepped out of some thick bushes that managed to survive the Sith assult, catching the attention of a few FWA soldiers. She raised her hands up right away, and let the soldiers look at her. "I am here to help," she said. If the soldiers took her in, she would not resist in anyway.

The men, thankfully, were able to identify the white Jedi robes she was wearing. Perhaps a few did not like Jedi, but it was very clear that Jedi were NOT aggressive towards the Free World Alliance, despite how stupid and reckless some Jedi were. The men did clutch their weapons tighter for a moment, then once they were confident that she was not a threat, walked off to preform their duties.

Emilia walked on, suddenly spotting the Prime Minster, Korre, in the distance. The small Jedi approached Korre, at least, as close as was appropriate and allowed. Once or if she was close enough, Emilia bowed, slightly, bringing her left arm across her chest to show respect towards the Prime Minster.

"Prime Minster," Emilia began, still partly bowing, even if the woman did not see the point or understand. Emilia simply respected the woman more than she probably understood. "Please allow me to help your relief efforts on Kashyyk. If not, I can remain here for as long as you do, to act as an extra guard for you. I know this is a humanitarian mission, but it's possible there are lingering imperials or Sith."



Bast Emblai


Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Group 2

Bast looked down at the burning planet. Tendrils of black, choking smoke rose up righ into the atmosphere, flares for the living and the dead. She did not look away. Instead, tight lips pressed thinly together as the captain of the ship engaged the landing sequence. She had given up fighting to overcome and now fought only to make right. The people of Kashyyk needed justice, but more than that, they needed dignity. Dignity was what the Lieutenant carried in her field bag, what she hoped she could restore through bandages and medpacks. The bag she had borrowed from her good friend Falynn, but the steeliness behind her hazel eyes was her own. She had been beaten, broken, left for dead. If she couldn’t stop the spice trade or reign in the tyranny of the Sith, then she was damned well going to rescue the people of the ravaged forest planet. Bitterly she wondered if revenge ever had an end.

The ship descended into what seemed to be an encampment of sorts. The pilot tipped his cap with a “G’day, Lieutenant Emblai.” And opened the hatch for her to depart.

Haze filled the sky, burning the eyes and stinging the nostrils. She had been instructed to board a Corvette at the drop-off location, but there appeared to be six. Not favoring her chance of correctly guessing the destinations of half a dozen vessels, the woman approached and decided to ask. “Hello, I’m Lieutenant Bast Emblai. Reporting for duty at the call of the Free Worlds Alliance as a Sector Ranger representative. Where can I go to help?” At the last moment, her voice wavered slightly, betraying the sound of a tired soldier, waiting for orders. She had sworn to protect, after all.

@Valen Pelora

Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

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Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
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Oh Alex…how could this happen? The thought repeated in her mind over and over again. The shuddering of the Force was inescapable. Death clung to the soul like disease…never letting go. Kashyyyk had experienced so much death. The planet ached with the passing of millions of souls who died violent deaths. Wounds in the Force that would never heal. Alex could have closed her mind to the suffering. Allowed the pain to batter her mental defenses. That was not the way. She bore responsibility for what happened here. She had looked Aezz in the eyes and promised him protection. Instead, Kashyyyk burned, and Jedi took Wookie lives. She needed to feel those consequences. It was why she came herself to Kashyyyk.

The Jedi Order and GHO poured available resources towards the planet. Alex had hitched a ride one of the Corvettes. Ships from the Order’s fleet further ferried healers to the planet. The Morellian Jedi unloaded with the rest of the passengers. Her mind flicked to the Jedi stationed in the other groups. Her instructions were clear. They were here to save what lives they could and avoid further embarrassment.

Alex sank into the Force easily as the forest air met her cheeks. The smell of smoke still faintly carried on the breeze. A constant physical reminder of what happened. Her gaze lingered briefly on Korre and Emilia. She nodded to both. “Korre…Emilia.” Alex’s voice was soft as she spoke. “We’ll get to work.” She opened herself to the Force, letting the Light in. Suddenly, the full power of the Grandmaster was brought to bear. Alex called herself a healer…it was time to prove it. She walked off in the direction of the nearest medical tent. Today she planned to work miracles no matter the cost on herself. It was the least she owed these people.

@Lilith @lizziie @Kestrel

Dimetri Unduli

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
Reaction score
Group 2

Kashyyyk had suffered an insane amount of pain. Dimetri realized the situation was serious and knew he needed to do soemthing to help so he volunteered to join an aid team that would leave and come out to Kashyyyk. He knew there was risk of combat. He knew there was risk of seeing death. This was what he had joined to do though. To help those in need.

Making his way out to the jungles of Kashyyyk he would begin finding other injured Wookiees and bringing them in to be checked out. Some were minor injuries, others were major. He had to block out the sounds of screaming when the Wookiees were put onto stretchers and carted to the safe zone.

"Be gentle with them! They're in pain the least you can do make it tolerable for them before they get treated."

Dimetri began handing out alcohols to clean wounds as well as morphine. Numbing their wounded areas will calm them down and let them relax when they get treated. The ones around him would be able to identify him by his Jedi robes and hit single bladed saber set on his belt. He had been searching and pulling out the casualties from the battle.

"I hope we find them all."

@lizziie @Valen Pelora @Lilith @Kestrel

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
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Group Two Leader

The call came, and once again Amariel was dragged back in. The GHO was her creation. MorataCorp was here to answer the call for help, as it so often did. As an independent body of all government, her only response was to nod.

"MorataCorp is here to help. Group Two Leader is here to establish triage and rescue."

Her stomach clenched at the stench, the emotions of grief and pain practically overwhelming. She had to close it down abruptly, like a heavy curtain of steel slamming into place, to keep it from overwhelming her. The sight immediately made her gut clench. It reminded her of all the other planets she had seen in this state; the Ranger HQ, witnessing Sevrin's injuries, seeing so many of those she loved injured or worse.

She resumed her cold aura. A few medics with her turned ashen, but her features hardened.

"Focus. We cannot lose hope; help is on the way."

Setting up tents, arranging medical equipment, gathering victims and organizing emergency medical care. Routine. It was all routine. It had to be thought of that way.

There were Jedi with her; though she was familiar with some of them, she couldn't help but still be wary of them. Old instincts died hard. She was beginning to establish triage, to prepare working on patients, when someone entered her tent. Glancing up, she frowned at the Grand Master.

She had seen her before. Giving a terse nod, she resumed what she was doing. She ignored the Padawan scolding her medics, but if he persisted she would not hesitate to snap at him. This was a war zone, they weren't here to be kind. They were here to help, and timing was of the essence. Being gentle would not help.

Her hands shook slightly as the emotions buffered against her defenses, and she swallowed back bile. No, she wouldn't lose her cool now. Gritting her jaw in frustration, she bent down to a small child, smoothing her hand against a furred face. It blinked blearily, uttering something.

"It will be fine, little one. Rest."

She looked to the Grand Master once again. "Don't work yourself to pieces. I don't intend to have more on my hands than I already do." With that, it was on to the next patient.

@lizziie @Scoobert @Valen Pelora @Lilith @Kestrel

Bast Emblai


Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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(Group Two)

The triage site was somehow worse than Bast’s landing site, a fresh purgatory. The smell of blood and waste hung heavy in the air. Bast pushed back memories. Not here. Not now. This was never about you. Once more, she checked her weapons and field bag, then ran her hand nervously over her hair. She wished Falynn were around. The Lieutenant was not a medic by any stretch of the imagination. Nevertheless, she had been called for and she had answered.

Bast descended the ramp and took a quick survey of the area. Several teams were raising tents. Patients gathered in small clusters. Immediately, she saw one elderly Wookie with severe burns, another with no visible injury but a faraway look, as if he did not now exactly where he was. Biting her lip, Bast faced a moment of indecision: help or first report to command to be stationed. Though it pained her, she closed her bag and gave the burnt Wookie what she hoped was a reassuring look. A wise tactician did not waste resources, and the organization of the team was still unclear. It was safer to wait.

The search for a leader, however, was not difficult. A familiar, cold beauty stood among the chaos, directing it all with a precise and powerful hand. Dr. Morata. The Corellian took a deep breath to collect her thoughts. She respected the woman greatly, admired her, but the tension was still there. She had broken her partner’s heart. She had given him the world and then taken it away. The doctor must have had her reasons. Swallowing her indignation and pride, Bast approached. If she could not make it right for the people of Kashyyk, she could try and make it right for them. The woman smiled slightly.

”Dr. Morata. I am glad I can be of assistance here. Where would you like me to go?”

@Killa Ree
@sorry if I missed anyone


Jon Antilles

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Apr 4, 2022
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Group 2

Jon moved carefully through the burning ruins of what had once been a grove of magnificent trees, there were rescue personnel nearby but none could venture this far into the ruined village. It was much too dangerous, and there were Wookiees still trapped further out from the worst of the damage. But there were people trapped here, he could sense it, and what was the point of having Jedi here if they weren't doing what they could and others couldn't. Letting the Force guide him, he moved slowly and carefully, with a grace that defied his large frame.

He was about to pull a still smoldering branch out of the way when a voice reached him, so soft that your average rescue worker could never have heard it. Even his Annfyn ears had almost missed it, but once he noticed it there was no denying that there was someone down there. He picked up the pace, using the Force to move branches and toppled structures as he moved further down the burning tree-line, till he finally found himself at what had likely been a storage shed of some sort for the village. Built to survive the worst that Kashyyk had to offer, it had avoided complete destruction, and though smashed and battered, it seemed to have done to protect at least some of the Wookiees who had been trapped inside.

"Don't move," he called out as she landed carefully on the platform that housed the shed, "we'll get you out. Everything will be alright." Though he couldn't decipher what was said, he could sense their relief through the Force. But as he observed the situation he realized that everything wasn't as hopeful as he had made it seem. He would need help, and soon.

Pulling out his datapad, he sent out a broadcast on a frequency being used by Jedi and rescue personnel alike. "I've got a small group trapped in a shed a few levels down, could do with a hand or two down here."

He had no way to guide anyone to him, but he was sure any Jedi in the vicinity could be able to sense his presence and find their way to him. He only hoped they got here in time, and maybe brought some help.


Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
Reaction score

Group One

Korre was surprised to see Emilia show up, but it was a pleasant one. The Sephi immediately offered her assistance as well, and the Belascan had no intention of denying it. "The more hands the better," she assured the Jedi. The Grandmaster made her appearance soon, acknowledged the both of them, then wandered off with an aura Korre could only describe as... light. Weightless, even.

The sudden arrival and departure caused the Prime Minister to chuckle. She would then turn back to Emilia and ask, "Will you help me move the rest of these crates over to the camp?" The corvettes' crewmembers had pretty much gotten all the medical cargo off the three ships, and it was likely that the same went for the corvettes with Group Two. They'd been placed on hovercarts, so all Korre and Emilia would have to do would be to push them on over.

Without waiting, Korre would place her datapad into her pocket and turn to head for one of the carts. Some were already on their way over, so she made a beeline for one of them that wasn't and began to guide it over. It didn't take much effort, thank to the hover repulsors on the bottom, and it made pushing them over the uneven terrain even easier.

A small group of Wookies was helping unload the carts so that the medical supplies within could be distributed amongst the camp. One of them approached Korre, and the two began to speak. By the end of the conversation, the Prime Minister was informed that a grove of Wookie schoolchildren was being brought out of the camps to be taken up to GHO medical facilities.

"We'll take good care of them," she assured him as she struggled to get the crates off the hovercart. It was probably a funny sight to anyone watching, especially when the towering Wookie removed them with such ease.

G1 tags: @Lilith @Valen Pelora
G2 tags: @Kestrel @Scoobert @Killa Ree @Wit

Dimetri Unduli

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
Reaction score
While out on the search to save as many of the Wookiee race he could, Dimetri received a broadcast on his commlink from a fellow Jedi. The Comm ID showed it was Jedi Knight Jon Antilles. This was an urgent message to try and save a group of trapped Wookiees. The young Mirialan Jedi Padawan knew he had to get there quick, but he didn't have much direction. Would've help to give some more details.

"Antilles, this is Padawan Unduli, I'm en route to your position. Just release an aura through the force and I'll find you quicker. I can feel you a little but it's faint."

Dimetri began running in the direction he felt the Jedi Knights force presence from. He knew the large natives of Kashyyyk were counting on the support of the FWA and the Jedi alike to bring them all to safety. The planet wasn't safe anymore unfortunately. Unduli was making it his goal to save everyone last one he sees. Something unhealthy for any Jedi to do, but he had a passion for helping those in need. So should any keeper of the peace.

Arriving at his destination he looked at the shed and realized this was going to be much more difficult than he anticipated.

"I can split the fire with the force if you can move them out safely."

Dimetri looked to the Knight who probably had a way better idea than his but it was good to offer the help he knew he could do. Even if it wasn't that much ion the first place.

@lizziie @Wit @Lilith @Kestrel @Valen Pelora @Killa Ree
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