Jedi Order Illouen Aarstal


SWRP Writer
Sep 9, 2017
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Illouen Aarstal

Illouen Aarstal was a human male Jedi Knight alive in the Force Eternal-era. After narrowly avoiding the Sith attack on the Jedi temple on Ajan Kloss and carrying out his Padawan apprenticeship under the shadow of war, Illouen withdrew from the greater galactic affairs upon graduating to Knighthood. Now on a more solitary pursuit, he seeks to study the history and nature of the Light side of the Force in the hope of understanding its mysteries and, perhaps, make some sense of it all.
Illouen's story began similarly to that of many other Jedi. Born with the ability to touch the Force. Put on the path of the Light from an early age. The part concerning his earliest years, before the Order, surely existed, somewhere in the archives of the Jedi. However, it had little relevance to the outcome of his life. He never pursued it, and so it won't be recounted here.

His Initiate years were, by all accounts, unremarkable. At least they didn't stand out from those of other Younglings. He was studious, obedient. Soft-spoken and tender, made perhaps more for bookish pursuits than the martial ways that would be thrust upon him later in his life. Immersed in the jungle of Ajan Kloss and surrounded by his peers, the first many years of his life were peaceful and prosperous.

Then came the attack on Ajan Kloss. Mere months prior, Illouen had been accepted as the Padawan of Dere Endvi, a Jedi Knight whose speciality lay in scholarly pursuits. However, in the ensuing conflict, years that were meant to be dedicated to research and philosophy instead became wrapped up in the Jedi Order's fight against the Sith. Out of necessity, Illouen gained prowess with a lightsaber, an understanding of military tactics, and a calloused soul as he witnessed the suffering caused by war and endeavoured to help prevent it.

Years later, after eventually gaining his Knighthood, he did what his master could not - he withdrew from the conflict and chose a path more in alignment with what he had always been drawn to. The fighting had worn him out, and seeing how it had forced his master in a direction he could no longer divert from, the young Jedi Knight made his decision. He set out, mostly on his own, to immerse himself in the Force and pursue the traces left by the Light.

Personality & Traits
Illouen is fundamentally a cheerful soul. While this part of him has been challenged and somewhat numbed by the recent years of conflict and war, it is still one of his defining traits. Rather than having a pessimistic outlook, he rests in the belief that the Light ultimately clears the path for those who accept it. And the Light consists of all that is good in the Galaxy.

Illouen is curious and driven, but he is convinced it is not by ambition. Instead, it is his helpfulness that drives him. Even in his most solitary, isolated tasks, he believes that he undertakes them to help and serve others. It is something that his Master taught him. It was shown through his actions, when he, self-sacrificially, dedicated himself and his Padawan to the defence against the invading Sith, forfeiting his own dreams in the process.

Illouen sometimes struggles with his sense of loyalty to the Order and the instinct that guides his decisions. He wants to help, to be of service, but is not always certain about the path he should take to do so. Sometimes, the will of the Order goes against his instincts, and he struggles to know which to follow, and why.

Powers & Abilities

Attuned to the Force: Illouen's attunement to the Force is significant, and moreso since he decided to walk a more solitary path.

Lightsaber: Decent lightsaber skills, but nothing out of the ordinary. His martial prowess was a by-product of the times he lived through, not a goal itself.

Academics: His understanding of the Force and the history of the Jedi broadens with every mission he undertakes.


1 x Simple indigo jedi robes
1 x Lightsaber (green crystal)
1 x T-90 X-Wing Starfighter
1 x Glie-44 Blaster Pistol
1 x R3-series Astromech Droid

