

Mother of Paintbrushes, Breaker of Chains
SWRP Writer
Aug 1, 2015
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Originally I was going to make a thread about heritage and background but I decided to broaden it by asking people how they identify. I don't mean sexually or even nationally but which groups people consider themselves to be a part of or what traits define their identity, being or worldview. Religion, language, nationality, ethnicity, race, culture, sub-culture they're all valid I just wanted to see how other people defined themselves. As a man who's identity and background is... complicated to say the least I've always been interested by how people identify and how it effects them or shapes them.

As for me I think the most paramount part of my identity is my status as a nerd or geek. More than language, heritage or background I think this really is the most important part of me since it leads to so many other roads. Science fiction, fantasy, academia, I think they've left more of a mark on me than anything else though I hesitate to call it my core (I don't think I have one). I also think my intelligence or to sound less like a back door brag, my love of knowledge is the defining trait of my being but it's not much of an identity.

As for more conventional aspects to my identity, as I once put on a college application, "I'm a gay Eurasian Wiccan with a high IQ and lots of near useless information, cultural capital and sci-fi know how that I will use against you."