I write stories.


Hey kids wanna buy some ragu?!
SWRP Writer
Mar 23, 2016
Reaction score
And hopefully they are decent.

The beginning to a story about Vadgotha (Emil's mother) and Sasko, her father. Note this takes place in my own sci-fi universe.


The man was massive, his body well toned and muscular, something that Vadgotha could tell even through his tightly secured slave jacket. She observed him with great interest, watching as it took four fit and trained soldiers to hold the man down, his struggles seemed to almost throw them across the room with each thrash and scream.

“My lady” A male voice broke her stare, as a tall, slender man pushed past the struggle with grace, his red skin dirty and seemed to have some minor scarring. Perhaps he felt it enhanced his rugged features.

“What is this?” Vadgotha asked, a hint of annoyance in both her tone and expression. The man coughed, a smug smile on his face “This...hunter was caught in Lord Harvilus’s estate. Thankfully he was captured before he could do any...unneeded harm. Lord Harvilus wishes to give this scum to you, Lady Vadgotha,as a sign of gratitude and his devotion to the Goths” The man answered as if he was swindling away a useless trinket.

And as a courting gift Vadgotha mused. She sighed deeply, looking to her guard captain, who stood impossibly straight and stiff, his hand tightly gripping his spear as his eyes locked on the visitors, sweat beginning to cloud up his bright white armors black visor.

“Aditkos, escort this….” She looked at the man, biting her lip “Man to the slave quarters” She said. Aditkos nodded, looking behind him and then motioning for two guardsmen to come to him, before telling them to take the captured man, all with without a word, only body language and a swift motion of his gloved hands.

The slave master and his goons soon took their leave, wishing to save themselves from the cold, logical, demeanor of her lady. The sun soon rose in the distance, shining over the white building of Vardook.

Today a day of remembrance, as Kulgoth had constantly, almost nagging, reminded his older sister, today was Karvek. It supposed to be a day of piety. Of religious zealousness, as the Ragon people remembered the glorious name of Illgoth, he who saved the Ragon from certain death and lead them to the stars.

Of course, the religious fervor had long since washed away. Centuries ago, when Illgoth was still alive, Lords and ladies would be dancing in the streets with the commoners, now it was only a day of delayed plotting.

But it kept the commoners busy, distracting them from a servile existence. Perhaps that was why it was still so widely celebrated, through Vadgotha was not a position to say. Through she could ponder the social networking of the Empire as she paced around her estate, lit cigarette in hand.

“Dochter, got a spaur ***?” A old, worn down and cracked voice, yet still filled with youth and adventure, broke her musings. She turned, a smile adorning her face as a old, hunchbacked women, red skin darkening and bagging, entered her view.

“Yes mum” She said, scavenging a cigarette out of her pockets and lighting it for the old women. The women laughed.

“Thes is wa yer mah favorite bairn” She crackled, taking a long drag. Vadgotha replied with a smile, ever since her father's untimely death, Mum had become...brazen in her actions.She let her accent flow freely now, not keeping it locked in chains to ‘provide a more presentable image’ and through her health was slowly failing, the feeling in her legs beginning to fade and ever step was with labored breaths, it seemed she still wanted to live as if she was a young courtier, awaiting the hand of a handsome lord.

“I see your have escaped your caretakers...again” Vadgotha finally spoke, pushing her cigarette off her lips. A loud, hag like laughter escaped Mum’s lips.

“Aye, bluid idiots still hink aam in th' coortyard.” She said, Vadgotha once again smiled. The poor slaves assigned to take care of her mother had their work cut out for them. If Vadgotha could, she would up their pay to match her guardsmen.

“Anyways, who’s th’ big loon? Huvmae seen the th’ loch ay heen” She asked. Vadgotha blinked for a moment, shifting her weight as she discarded her cigarette.

“I...I don’t know. Harvilus” She paused, rolling her eyes “Gifted him to me”