Ask Korriban I Promise, It's not Awkward


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 2, 2024
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Per my OP template, thread is death enabled​
Ilyan was still growing accustomed to being "royalty." She felt like an intruder in the palace: technically her own home now.

There were servants to make food and do most anything that she could have wanted, but she found herself just... usually wanting to do it for herself. Sure, she took advantage of some of the finer things, but she found her mind was primarily consumed with trying not to step out of line in a world she barely understood and didn't particularly like. She found more often than not that she sought solitude within this massive palace.

Even here, in the comfort of "her own" home, she wore the pair of long knives at her waist, in many ways a sacred and connected part of her that she was never seen without.

She curled up on one of the cushioned chairs looking out at the rising sun in the silence of the morning. In the silence of the sunrise, Ilyan hummed quietly to herself, holding a cup of tea in both hands and raising it just below her lips, taking in the scent of the comforting liquid. It was moments like these that helped her get through the days. The hours spent pretending to be something she didn't feel that she was and planning out how to further a Kingdom that she... well, that she initially fought against, though she couldn't deny that there was an effectiveness and even prosperity in the Kressh rule.

You are a Kressh now, Ilyan. Remember that, she told herself.

She heard steps behind her and turned to look behind her seat to see who it was. There were many here in the palace, but most people left her alone for a myriad of reasons. Something told her that wouldn't be the case this time.

@Fine Dining Set @LouJoVi @Javier esschoolbus @Sreeya

Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

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Mar 28, 2024
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Usually, Thalisa would have stayed in bed until Rami came to wake her to have breakfast. She never woke up that early, but things changed in the past weeks. With the creation of the Spreading Hope program, the organization of the secret police and her normal obligations as a Queen, the woman had been full of work to do. She was forced to wake up before sunrise everyday to fulfill her daily agenda.

Does she hate it? A lot, but it was a necessary sacrifice to help her king and Korriban.

Finely dressed, Thalisa walked through the corridors toward one of the palace’s many balconies. She was nursing a cup of coffee, since it would be necessary for her to remain awake during the rest of the morning.

When she entered the balcony, Thalisa saw that the sun was starting to rise. The sight was beautiful and she could really get used to coming here every morning to watch it before going to work. Then she saw that Ilyan was there too. Obviously the cactus would be up that early. She probably was conditioned to rise with the sun due to the torture that must have been sleep in these huts.

Thalisa was still astonished that Ilyan was able to drag Azar to spend time with her in one of these things. This must have been the worst honeymoon ever.

She took a deep breath, before walking inside the balcony. The Pureblood took a seat in the chair next to Ilyan, before turning to look at her. “Good morning.” she said, his voice with a friendly tone. Since they were going to live under the same roof, Thalisa was willing to stay cordial with her.

@Phoenix @Javier esschoolbus @Fine Dining Set


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 2, 2024
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Ilyan watched as the other woman made her way into the room. Despite living in the same palace, the two women had spent little time together, seemingly giving each other a wide berth until now.

That seemed as if it was destined to come to an end.

The other woman moved into the room almost pretending she hadn't noticed Ilyan, taking a seat without even acknowledging her at first. The typical pretentious and deluded arrogance of nobles.

Good morning, she said in turn after a moment. She was probably supposed to make small talk or some garbage like that. That was what these nobles did, right? She had to guess that anything she said here would be weaponized against her.

She felt ever-like a cat caught in a series of dog cages.

You're certainly up early, she commented. No doubt Thalisa had plenty of things to do with herself as well. Both women were expected to perform beyond just the bearing of children. Ilyan's own day would no doubt be spent trying to coordinate with the tribes regarding setting up the first of the moisture vaporators that had arrived from Tatooine and making sure that a steady supply were set manufactured for the future. Unfortunately, Ilyan knew nothing about manufacturing. Fortunately, she had the resources at her disposal now to consult with the best minds. That was a piece of this puzzle that she most certainly didn't dislike.

Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

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Mar 28, 2024
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Thalisa was relieved that Ilyan could talk without using much of that annoying desert accent. If the other woman was incapable of doing it, she would have asked a protocol droid to come with her during all conversations to translate the words for her, because she wasn’t trained to understand a savage dialect. The lack of it showed that there was some civilization on her.

Perhaps she could really become a flower in the future.

For now she remained a Cactus. A plain and boring one. Her clothes didn’t help, they made Ilyan look as if she came out of a desert hut rather than a Queen bedroom.

Well, I could say the same of you.” Thalisa was sure that Ilyan was as busy as her. The two had obligations as queens. She had heard how the Desert girl was now responsible for establishing the moisture vaporators among her people. “I have work to do during the rest of the day, only stopping to drink some coffee.

How was your time with our King in the desert?” Thalisa asked, curious to know what had happened during that trip. After all, Azar only told her that he was leaving with Ilyan and left without saying what they were going to do.



Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 2, 2024
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The longer the two spoke, the thicker it would be evident that Ilyan's accent was in basic.

Yes, you could, she said. She could practically feel the animosity of the other woman even veiled behind her kind words, and the desire to simply slug the other woman in the face was definitely there.

Oh, it was most excellent, she said. While Ilyan wasn't usually the best liar, somehow her desire to really sell this one - knowing that if Thalisa believed it to be true it would get under her skin - was all the more motivation.

We became very connected. That Kressh blood is so potent, she said. This would undoubtedly raise Thalisa's attention, and it wasn't even a lie. She offered no explanation of precisely how she had been allowed to tap into the power of that blood, but like it had shocked the people of the Moon Valley it would no doubt shock her rival... well rival whatever Thalisa was to her.

There was absolutely no need for her to know the tension that still existed within Ilyan around this entire thing.

Were you involved in charity work before you became Queen? she asked, refraining from the less diplomatic "before you were told to." She was nailing this diplomacy thing.

Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

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Mar 28, 2024
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Thalisa calmly sipped her coffee while Ilyan answered her question, quickly noticing the animosity in her words. Perhaps, if she had been a desert creature like the other woman, with all brain cells burned out due to the constant scorching sun, the Queen would have believed in every single word that the other was saying. Maybe she would be fuming, wanting to have her head cut.

However, Thalisa wasn’t a lesser creature like the other Queen. She had grown among nobles, learning since she was young to never trust what others were saying to her and to put her emotions under control rather than cause a scandal. Due to that, her face remained perfectly neutral, only being marred by a brief twitch on her lips when Ilyan mentioned Kressh's blood.

The desert sun really burned Ilyan's brain, because she was talking about blood with such intonation that made her look like a mad woman that wanted to do a blood libation with their king. It was hilarious and would be good gossip among the other court ladies. However, the part of them being very connected left her a bit jealous, making her want a trip with Azar too.

Unfortunately, no. I always had these ideas, but lacked the means of putting them in practice. Now with our King's support, I can work without fear.” this wasn’t a total lie, but the only reason that she didn’t do it was because she didn’t want to give her family that boost, since her father would take all the credit. She also never revealed to them the existence of her little birds, to avoid them being stolen. Being a woman was difficult, a clever one was nearly impossible. Any man could steal her ideas. However, Azar ended up being a pleasant surprise.

I thought that the desert tribes could be included in the Spreading Hope program. It could help them, too.” help them become civilized, she wanted to add. “What do you think of it?



Sith Order
Sith Master

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Apr 2, 2024
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Huh, that was strange. Ilyan was certain that there wasn't a single person on Korriban that wasn't aware of the power of Kressh blood, and yet it didn't even seem like there was a glimmer of recognition in the other woman's eyes.

Weird, she thought to herself. Perhaps she had really only been married for one purpose. Either way, she would be the only one who didn't seem to get it.

She listened to what the other woman said as she sipped her tea, taking each breath through the steams wafting off of the tea. A welcome release and a calming presence in this foreign land.

Yes, our King has provided many opportunities for the people, she agreed. That was simple fact and there was no disputing it.

That is a very interesting idea. I would be happy to work with you on that, she said. There was an argument that it was an olive branch from the other woman, but Ilyan was quickly beginning to realize that in these noble houses an olive branch was more often a hemlock branch in disguise.

There are those who would likely be resistant, but many would be open and willing, she said.

Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

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Mar 28, 2024
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Thalisa noticed how Ilyan had stared at her with the lack of reaction regarding Azar’s blood. The Queen was very aware of how powerful the Kressh blood was. However, how does the Cactus want her to react? Stare at her with envy and scream while throwing a tantrum? She wasn’t a desert beast to do it.

The woman was a noble. She knew how to control her emotions when talking with a peer. Besides, the confused face that Ilyan was making right now was hilarious. She looked as if her brain was trying to process the situation. Poor thing, the desert sun really dumbed her down. If Thalisa at least had her EZPhone, she would have a wonderful picture to laugh at when she felt depressed.

At least she was capable of understanding the benefits of the Spreading Hope program. “Excellent! I believe that we can do great things together.” this wasn’t a lie, Thalisa really believed that by working with Ilyan, they would be successful in reaching the desert clans. However, she only saw them as future obedient citizens of Azar’s Kingdom, rather than the family that Ilyan saw.

Well, I think that we could meet these groups together, then. Your help would be very important during the presentation of the project.” she sipped some more of her coffee. “After all, you already have experience with them. Are they accepting the moisture vaporators?



Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Apr 2, 2024
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Ilyan just smirked slightly to herself over her tea, though said nothing else.

I believe we can, she agreed, in this case something she actually did agree. Was she going to trust or even get along with this woman? No, probably not, but they had a semi-common goal and that was extension and stabilization of House Kressh. A really weird feeling to Ilyan, but... this woman was now family.

Yes, she said as she thought about them heading out into the desert. Yes, she was sure that Thal would just love it.

She pondered a moment... were they... wives in law? Sisters? Something else? This led her to have another question about the other woman that she really knew nothing about.

Do you have sisters? she asked.

Thalisa Sarasashi

Queen Consort

Character Profile
Mar 28, 2024
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Thalisa smiled at Ilyan. Does she believe that the other woman was going to trust her? Of course, not. The desert girl would fall even more on the Queen’s opinion if it happened. However, they could still find a way to work together. A middle way could be found. She saw it happen several times between wives of the same husband.

Good.” she said, satisfied with the fact that Azar’s plan was working. The desert clans would be idiots if they didn’t see the benefits that the moisture vaporators would bring to them. It would allow them to have access to water and to establish farms. Both were ways of saving them from the hardships of the desert.

Ilyan’s question made the Queen stop sipping her coffee. Why was she interested in her sisters? Does she think of threatening them to have some control over Thalisa? If it was the case, the desert girl was very wrong. After their wedding, the only person that she cared about was Azar, and eventually any children that they had together.

Yes, I have three. Used to be four, but my oldest one died. Problems with her marriage.” a simple way of saying that she was killed by her husband due to reasons that still were unknown. “And you? Do you have sisters?


Trael Osso-Drast


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Javier esschoolbus
Jun 7, 2023
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Trael was given some leeway in his house arrest. So he took advantage of that and used it to finally cook himself some breakfast. Korribani cuisine was delicious but it wasn’t the food he had grown accustomed to. Trael used what ingredients he had to make himself a couple tortillas, eggs, spiced sausage and some potatoes. Not only that he used the unique spices of Korriban to make a salsa from them and added some of that to his plate.

He walked the halls with the delicious scent of his food. He was in a t-shirt and gym shorts having worked out before getting food. Trael had always been an early riser to get through his morning routine before the sun rose. After making breakfast the sun was just rising so he made his way to the best balcony to watch the sunrise from.

He arrived to chatter between two women. At first he assumed it could’ve been a couple servants that were using the slumber of the royal family to enjoy a break. When he walked out onto the balcony though he realized he was completely wrong, it was Azar’s wives, he couldn’t put them away in his mind due to lack of meeting them now.

He stood in the doorway awkwardly for a few seconds debating if he really wanted to deal with this potentially awkward situation. With them deep in a conversation maybe he’d be unnoticed or just be ignored. So he quietly took a seat near the doorway and began to eat his food. Barely listening in on the conversation but not giving his input, both of them could have him killed with a word, and he wasn’t ready to die yet.

@LouJoVi @Phoenix