

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2015
Reaction score
NAME: Hudoi
Other names:
SPECIES: red sith, Massassi
Homeworld: Korriban
GENDER: male
Age: 23

Skin color: red
Hair color: none, bald
Eye color: golden yellow

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 170 lbs
RANK: Knight
FORCE SENSITIVE: yes, trained mostly light and some in dark.

Hudoi is a tall and slender red sith. He is considered handsome with a strong looking face, he has also slimed with age and training but still looks muscular and fit. He also has beautiful, and captivating golden eyes. This all makes him pretty unique in not only the republic but also within the jedi order.

Hudoi was born on the Sith Homeworld of of Korribon. It was on this planet that as a child he was taken from his family and given to a master who would be trusted to train him in the dark side. During his training it was hammered into Hudoi that the dark side was more powerful and that the Jedi were weak and should be eradicated for it. But also during this training he was taught the VII form of lightsaber combat which he loved becaus of the skill and physical ability needed to perform using it.
Even through his training he didn't truly believe in all of the Sith ways and was even beaten for reading about and practicing jedi teachings. Even through all of the beatings and abuse Hudoi stayed until one day while at a market he felt something in the force calling out to him and when he found what it was it was twin crystals. He tried to buy them but it was to much for him to afford, so he did something that he hated doing and stole them. His master's only regret about it was he didn't take it by brute force but let him keep the crystals and let him meditate with them. During his meditation with these crystals they picked up on different emotions inside himself. One crystal became red and the other pink, this was because he felt anger towards the Sith because of their treatment of him and his love for others and the force.
It was after this he was granted the ability to make a personal lightsaber because his training was complete. So after this he felt free to pursue his true dream and went to the jedi temple and joined them after pleading his case.
About two years after joint the order as a knight Hudoi saw a vision during meditation of a woman riding a rancor and asking for his help. After going to dathamir he helped the witch's and a young sith girl repel a sith attack he took thegirl from his vision the sith they called Shani as his padawan

Hudoi is a true jedi that just was trained by sith so he feels love, compassion, and respect more than anger, greed, or any other Sith emotions. Because of this he has respect and loves the Jedi order he has sworn his loyalty and life to. He is also fierce in his convictions and would rather die than betray them. Because of this he is brave and fearless in the face of adversity and will do anything in his power to beat it.
Also unlike most sith Hudoi likes to joke and play games and is a berry fun loving man.
Although trained in the dark side of the force Hudoi will almost never use it. His main skills are with his lightsaber and use of the light side of the force. With these he makes a great knight. He is also very athletic because of his years of training in form VII. He also is fairly gifted in strategy but would rather do humanitarian work than fight.
Skill list
  • Force choke- Hudoi was trained in this power but never really practiced it so he is a novice at best.
  • Force push- being not inherently evil Hudoi has practiced quite extensively in it and is well trained in it
  • Force speed- Hudoi is also extensively well trained in this ability.
  • Meditation- Hudoi is a master at meditation even being able to meditate for hours or even days.
one is a single bladed red saber that deals his anger below the surface. It has a handle of a metallic green plastoid.
The other is a saber is of similar construction except with a pink blade that senses his love and compassion that he exhibits in his daily life.
Both of these blades can be attached and unattached to create a staff or two separate blades. He will use this function in the midst of battle to keep opponents of guard and second guessing them selves.

Ship: none

DROIDS: none
PETS: does your character have any pets? If so, what are they?
KILLS: the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Role play's:
heritage: this is where Hudoi met his padawan Shani.

PC Friends and family:
Shani: Hudoi's red sith padawan he met whil on dathamir after seeing a vision of her.
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SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2016
Reaction score
Yay more sith ! <3 Always a fan of the red skinned sith :-D


SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2016
Reaction score
Glad you like my choice and I hope you like the character as well
I do. It's nice to see a sith who is not automatically afflicted with the dark side without second thought. It's reminiscent of the Dawn of the Jedi with the sith jedaii voyager Selk'nos Rath (...even though he did fall to the darkside)


SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2015
Reaction score
I do. It's nice to see a sith who is not automatically afflicted with the dark side without second thought. It's reminiscent of the Dawn of the Jedi with the sith jedaii voyager Selk'nos Rath (...even though he did fall to the darkside)
Thank you. That's what I was going for. like what Capitan Rex said, "we all have a choice." And that is true, so I came up with him.