Hisako Hoshiko


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Hisako Hoshiko
( Hee-za-ko ) meaning " enduring" ( Ho-she-ko) "child of the stars"

FACTION: Republic
SPECIES: Pantoran
AGE: 40
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.69m
WEIGHT: 61.2kg
EYES: gold
HAIR: violet
SKIN: blue

" Might I remind you Honoured Senators, that we are at war. War is something that touches and effects all of us, every single aspect of our Republic feels the sting. From the highest office to the lowest reaches of society. Our people are taxed and go hungry so that our commanders get bigger guns. Yet our Commanders look for their moment of fame, and sacrifice tens of thousands for little more than a chunk of rock that does nothing to secure our people, or ease our burdens. Our fellow Senators died, and we sat on our hands...The Jedi sought aid of our arm,
we gave them our shoe.

Is it no wonder the Hutts have been able to systematically march across the mid rim, and now threaten to move into the expansion region? Has nobody seen their patterns? Do we sit idly by and let our beloved Republic, which has stood for countless generations fall for the sake of having a decent passage in text books centuries from now? What good will OUR history, OUR achievements, OUR culture matter when it's being written by warlords and slavers who saw us die under our own arrogance?!?!

There MUST be reform, and a review of our system if we are to survive. WE owe the people who make up this Republic, For their sacrifices, and dreams yet realized, for the blood they have shed following incompetent commands... We owe them a Galaxy that does not seek to see them live as slaves, and I can not sit idly by and pretend nothing is happening to them. "

Hailing from a world long known for taking pride in it's democratic structure, and long time support of the Republic it is no wonder that Hisako looked to politics very early on. As the Daughter of Taibo Hoshiko, Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly Hisako found herself easily swept up into the procedures of law, and governing. Through out her schooling the young Pantoran studied the history and politics of her people, and that of other species in the galaxy. She took pride in looking at things classmates seemed to miss when it came to class debates, and held student office in every academy she attended. It naturally was assumed by rivals that her status and popularity stemmed from her fathers position.

As University drew near Hisako pushed her studies even further to get an early start. Once she had been accepted into the prestigious " University of Democracies" little time was wasted. Diving into her studies in social anthropology, sociology, xeno history, trade linguistics, Local, and intergalactic law, along with many others was a natural step. After her first few semesters Hisako Applied for the school's Law program.

Upon graduation several years later the now young adult Pantoran found herself working as an attorney, then local positions such as land commissions, and city boards. On the eve of her 26th birthday Hisako was informed that she was nominated by her district to serve on the Assembly. Following a landslide election, the young woman wasted no time and began working hard with her council. Long drawn out battles, elders of the Assembly aiming to take advantage of her youth, and inexperience were quick to learn of her resilience to pressure, and swift to take notice of political maneuvering. It took only three years before she was appointed to represent Pantora in the Galactic Senate. Rumors naturally began to spread that it was once again the work of her father, yet others sited it was political rivals who pushed for her move in an attempt to regain their own influence.

In her time with the Senate, Hisako Had moved to push a great deal of legislation, and reform measures regarding such things as lower taxation on mid rim exports, to better appeal to the worlds of the region, as well as keep costs lower in Republic space to fight off the recessive nature a unsuccessful war can bring. Her moves to ensure no Commander of any fleet would be able to utilize large forces in an aggressive act with out direct orders of the Senate, or Chancellor and had supervision of the Jedi order were taken into great consideration, however shot down after members of the Military protested, and used influences in the Senate to see the measure shot down. As the war has grown more desperate, Hisako has stayed strong and continues to fight for what she believes, and what she sees as her duty to all people of the galaxy to see an end to the war without fears of being dominated by an enemy seeking their ruin.

In 12,978 BBY, while speaking at a political rally on Coruscant, Supreme Chancellor Jamall Mohatu and Alcor Bac, who had served as Chancellor a number of years earlier and was a political mentor of Hisako’s, became the targets of a bomb planted on the stage where they were speaking. The bomb was set by Ahdam Bac, Alcor’s son, who only intended to harm Mohatu as he did not know that his father would be at the event. The blast seriously injured Mohatu and killed Alcor.

The Galactic Senate was in a series of committee meetings during the explosion, and Hoshiko spoke to the assembled representatives—many Senate seats were vacant due to the Hutt attack a few months earlier—and informed them of the explosion. The Senators began arguing amongst themselves, with some threatening to secede from the Republic, before they were interrupted by Alcor Bac’s children, Ahdam—who had not been identified as the assassin—and Analia Bac; Ahdam and Analia had arrived to address the Senate at Hisako’s request. They pleaded for civility and unity in the face of tragedy and endorsed Hoshiko as the next Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, as Mohatu had been left unable to discharge his duties as Chancellor.


"As I stand here today, having taken the solemn oath of office in the presence of my fellow citizens, I know that it is the Will of the Force and our own good people that we shall not fail." ―Chancellor Hoshiko in her inaugural address

The day after Mohatu's incapacitation, Hoshiko was elected Supreme Chancellor by the Galactic Senate. In her inaugural address, she stressed the need to recover and rebuild what was lost during the ongoing Hutt War. She praised the service members who survived the Battle of Ando Prime, which had taken place around the same time, and awarded them the Senatorial Crescent of Valor. Finally, she mourned the loss of her mentor, Alcor Bac, and wished Mohatu a swift recovery. She ended her address assuring the people of the Republic that the Republic would continue to stand and become stronger than it was before.

Peace Time:

The Republic believed that the immediate aftermath of Ando Prime and Hoshiko's inauguration would be the most likely time for the Hutts to strike Denon, so the military sent as many ships as it could spare, without compromising other worlds as they had done for Ando Prime, to Denon. Weeks passed by, however, without so much as a sign of Imperial activity.

Deep in the Outer Rim Territories, civil discord was being sewn throughout the Empire, with former Hutt Chairman Gorrbag, along with other former Hutt Grand Council members tossed to the side after Emperor Tusa disbanded the council, having amassed a large force of Hutt vessels and soldiers with the clear intent of overthrowing Tusa's regime. Being a tactically-minded Hutt, Tusa knew that he could not fight a war with both the Republic and his own people, so he withdrew most of his forces from the Inner Rim and outlying Mid Rim bases, with the exception of Bothawai, in order to focus them on the civil war brewing amongst his ranks.

Unexpectedly, Tusa's government—without revealing too much about its internal problems, though Republic intelligence discovered the build-up of opposition forces—proposed a peace summit on the neutral world of Ithoria to discuss the terms of drafting and signing a peace treaty that would end the war. Although initially reluctant, the Hoshiki administration agreed to the summit and sent ambassadors to Ithoria immediately.
The peace summit proved unexpectedly fruitful for both sides. It was decided that in order to maintain a fragile peace between the two factions, a neutral zone would be created throughout the Mid Rim, directly between the Republic and Hutt borders, that neither side could enter into. The two governments did, however, agree to allow each faction to roam freely between their borders and the neutral zone on either side; each side knew, albeit did not say, that having non-aligned planets on their side of the zone would allow them to bring new planets into their respective governments.

There was, however, one thorn of contention in the peace process. Emperor Tusa demanded full recognition of Hutt victory during the war, but the Republic diplomats found that far too extreme of a demand; the Hutts did win the most engagements, and the Republic's government and military were broken, but the Hutts did not achieve their ultimate goal of dominating the Republic.

Chancellor Hoshiko, however, being a pragmatic and future-minded politician, instructed her diplomats to agree to the concession; she knew that if the Hutts had continued their push forward they would have ultimately defeated the Republic, and agreeing to the final Hutt term was the only way the peace process could move forward—and she needed non-combat time to fix the Republic before the inevitable resumption of hostilities occurred.

In a bold overture, both Chancellor Hoshiko and Emperor Tusa agreed to travel to Ithoria to sign the treaties themselves. Although both sides were heavily armed and ready for a fight, the treaty was signed peacefully, and the two heads of state shook hands for the media in order to show that the war, now known as the First Hutt War, had come to an end.

The Republic‟s War at Home, 12,977 bby

In a media ploy purposefully constructed by both sides, the Treaty of Ithoria was signed on the final day of the year that would later be known as 12,978 Before the Battle of Yavin (BBY). It signaled that the start of the new year, 12,977 BBY, was truly the start of a new era of peace.

For the Republic, peace was attained—but at the cost of pride. Chancellor Hoshiko did what none of her wartime predecessors—Tanoor, Darkrose, Bac, Hapor, Salandra, and Mohatu—would have done by agreeing to defeat on paper rather than accepting it on the battlefield. Immediately, the Chancellor was faced with attempts at impeachment, one of which was successful. An impeachment trial started only two months after the treaty was signed, embroiling the new, reform-minded Chancellor in a battle for her own political life.

Rather than attempting to defend herself in the court of law, which she knew she could easily win as the accusations of impropriety were baseless and politically motivated, the Chancellor recognized the fact that she needed to legitimize her Chancellery in the court of public opinion. She embarked on a month-long speaking tour, never returning to Coruscant in that month, where she traveled to numerous worlds to underscore the need to have accepted the condition of defeat in order to move forward with a process ofrecovery, rebuilding, and renewal. Her approval ratings, which had fallen to 6% Republic-wide with the admission of defeat, rose dramatically to 53% once she fully explained herself to the public.
With public opinion firmly on her side, the Senate voted 72% to 28% against removing her from office. An attempt by her political opposition to censure her also failed by a similar margin. This allowed Chancellor Hoshiko to move past her war at home and begin tackling the bureaucracy and military command structure that had overburdened the weakened Republic during the First Hutt War.
Knowing that a second war with the Hutts was inevitable, both Chancellor Hoshiko and Jedi Grand Master Talzea Keldroma agreed to further ally their respective peoples, placing many Jedi in charge of various military units as Jedi Generals and Jedi Commanders. The Republic, which had many Jedi-leery elements, especially in light of the revelation that former Grand Master Banik Kelrada was leading the Bogan, felt it necessary to bring the Jedi into their wartime command structure; the Battle of Ando Prime had been a complete disaster, and—even ignoring the threat of the Bogan—the Hutt Empire continued building and training its Force-using Darksaber Squadron, necessitating Jedi involvement with Republic troops.
The Jedi Order also took a leading role in training Republic soldiers on how to fight against Force users. Melee fighting was a main focus of the Jedi-led training regiment, and cortosis swords became standard issue for Republic soldiers in the event they encountered Dark Jedi on the battlefield or elsewhere.
With the Jedi proving to be valuable allies, their approval throughout the Republic began to rise, although many citizens were still concerned with Grand Master Keldroma‟s past connections with Banik Kelrada. Nonetheless, public trust in the Jedi was growing, allowing the Jedi to further cement themselves into the military hierarchy. A leading Jedi General was also appointed to serve in the Republic High Command for advisory purposes.

Additionally, members of the Jedi High Council, as well as other high ranking Jedi when assigned, began to regularly attend Galactic Senate meetings to be involved in the political process, though they were there only as observers unless called upon to speak. This allowed the Jedi to not only give military assistance, but also political counsel to Chancellor Hoshiko and other Galactic Senators when needed.

Over the course of the two years since the Treaty of Ithoria, the Republic was able to rebuild itself politically and militarily. A new Galactic Senate was in place, and the military command reforms that Chancellor Hoshiko had sought were put into place. The Hutt Empire continued their build up of forces and control of private industry in the aftermath of the Hutt Civil War, and the Republic raised taxes throughout its regions in order to build up additional forces for the inevitable war that would arise. Chancellor Hoshiko remained popular amongst the Republic‟s citizens.

With both sides having spent a year over peace time building up new forces, the start of 12,974 BBY saw expansions in their territories. The Republic placed check points on hyperspace routes to block Hutt access to and from Ikotch and Yag‟Dhul, which they had taken from the Republic during the First Hutt War, as the Republic knew that those planets, if used as launching points for further dominance of the surrounding sectors, would be a grave threat to them. The Hutts, however, did not attack at this point, preferring to continue their build up for the time being.

As the building up of forces continued, the Republic and the Jedi continued joint military exercises in the form of skirmishes, allowing the Republic to fight against Force users so they would know the threat of the Bogan. The Bogan themselves also continued aiding the Hutt forces in learning how to combat the Jedi, giving the Hutt Empire more experience with Force users. They hoped this would prove beneficial because, unlike the Republic, the Hutts were not directly affiliated with the Bogan.

The two sides also began to collect the unaffiliated worlds on their sides of the neutral zone; the Hutts subjugated the worlds on their side, and the Republic promised protection from the Hutts on their sides in order to sway them into the Republic. The worlds on both sides of the neutral zone became heavily fortified with armies and fleets, often drawn from the pre-Republic and Hutt planetary defense forces themselves, in order to provide buffer zones before getting further into their territories. This prevented the Hutts from having a non-tumultuous means of reaching Yag‟Dhul and Ikotch without fighting their way through—while also doing the same for the Republic and the Jedi in regards to the Jedi world of Ossus, blocking access to Ossus and preventing the Jedi from using its former homeworld as a base.

The Hutt and Republic forces were left waiting on their borders.

The Second Hutt War, the year 12,973 before the Battle of Yavin

With his forces built up and solidified in the entire Outer Rim Territories and nearly half of the Mid Rim, Emperor Tusa believed he was ready to once again invade the Republic and fight his way back towards
Yag‟Dhul and Ikotch and to capture the Expansion Region and the Inner Rim. Slowly and meticulously, he began moving forces to the border of his empire before ultimately passing into the neutral zone. Republic intelligence immediately detected the treaty violation and began to move its forces into the now-defunct neutral zone as well, preparing to meet the Hutts half-way into the zone. The Bogan, who were informed of the coming battle by the Hutts, sat ready and waiting to see where the tides would turn.
It was at that point where the Second Hutt War would begin.

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SWRP Writer
Aug 12, 2010
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That picture...

Cannot be properly praised through words XD


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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You know how I feel aboot her.

(Slams "Official Stamp of Approval" stamp into profile)


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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getting her ready was a pain all around so I'm relieved to get this up.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Oh I will be updating this once she is " inaugurated" into office and fill in a little more of that as this is now sets her as just a Senator


Local Insomniac
SWRP Writer
Sep 4, 2009
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I was quite tired of looking at all that fur. This new individual I am quite happy with.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Hisako also has a secret phobia that wont come out till later, but I had a blast over MSN with Santoro and Mulluns going over a bunch of possibilities.


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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Big update on her getting her ready for the jump:

Okay so technically Bac wrote her " update" as it's taken from Hisako's Wiki page, as well as the time jump story :P


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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Time to speculate: Is Hoshiko a lesbian or not?

(Ordered by Adena to move conversation here from S13 sign-up)