Ask Hiring a Shipwright

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
Reaction score
Gand | 1900 Hours

Hiring a Shipwright
An infamous criminal and shipwright was arrested by members of the ISC a couple weeks ago. The criminal was taken to a prison on Rodia, we need to break him out and offer them a job. 2-3 Player Characters, Self DMed.
1. @Grace Zann

Gand was a foggy planet, with an atmosphere dangerous to most beings who breather oxygen. However, the man they were after, Kolveon Molo had been captured there after attempting to use the planet as a hideout. Grace and company would have to wear breathing filters if they wished to survive on the planet. Aside from that however, they would have a slight advantage in the low amount of visibility their foes would have. Sneaking around would ligically be much easier on a fog covered swamp world.

Grace would begin her descent to the planet's surface in her skipray blast boat, taking her personal bodyguard @Tyr'din Selm along with her. She would flip several switches to slow down the ship as it begun to land. They touched down in a swamp some distance away from a large building made from rusted durasteel. The gand were not the wealthiest society in the galaxy after all.

She would whisper over to her old friend, "I think that's the place. We should try to do this quietly, the gand can be quite furious in direct combat." She would then unveil the lightsaber from her side, ready to ignite it's blade if need be.


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Fastening his Gear he gazed right over her Shoulder as she flew a idle hand resting on the side of her seat, Gand... ofcourse Gand, why not anything else, he was already reluctant to come here in the first place and now that he was actually here made it almost worse.

He reached under his Helmet and made sure the rebreather was working fine, he then made sure it was connected correctly to its source of breathable air before activating it, taking two test drags to make sure everything was working correctly before then chirping up at last.

"Some Planet alright. Real secluded, how romantic." A snort could be heard, amused with himself.

As the Ship touched down he moved further back into the Ship to make sure they had everything, he would leave his Rifle behind this time around, travelling light would make this mission easier though his Armor... he had grown fond of, turning to Grace as she got ready herself, listening intently he raised a eyebrow beneath that Helmet.

"No funny business then, you nearly gave me a heartattack during the Pirate Job."

He scolded her though she knew he didn't mean it, yet at the same time it was hard to place how much of what he spoke was a joke, placing a hand along his belt he gestured her along before falling in right on her side letting her lead while he formed the Vanguard so to say.

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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"Don't you think? The toxic atmosphere really sets a tone." She would remark to Tyr'din. It wouldn't be long after that he brought up the pirate incident... She had been a bit too over zealous in her use of the force there, but she had few other options at the time. She would give him a nod, "I know. This time things will be different."

She would step out the vehicle with her bodyguard in tow, immediately placing a boot into swamp water. Some distance away would be the large facility with a spot light, spinning around and sweeping the area. They would need to mind that if they planned on breaking in...

Despite the building being a prison, there was no sort of yard or other outside area for the prisoners. This was a traditional prison, a giant cell for law breakers to rot away in. There was however a large fence around the facility, probably a last line of defense. The woman would whisper to her guard, "Don't use you jetpack, it'll be too loud... I'll get us behind that thing."

With that, she would quietly walk over to the fence, before leaping out of the water with the force. She would proceed to flip over the fence and would tell Tyr'din, "Alright, jump and I'll help you get over it." She was prepared to use the force to propel the man across, if he obliged.


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Falling in behind her he lowered down if only a bit in posture, hunched over about 10 more degrees than usual as he shuffled forwards, used to dry environments, the moist nature of the Swamp made for different terrain, not that he minded it all that much, it gave a bit of... texture to what he stepped on for once.

"Yeah you said that after the Casino incident aswell."

Slowly coming up on the main objective of their Foray he placed a hand on Grace's shoulder pointing up to show her the Spotlight making her away of it sweeping in and out, if there was a Spotlight there was likely also a patrol and that could make sneaking in rather well... abrupt.

"Mind the light, if there is a light there is someone patrolling aswell, we dont know how many or what exactly patrols."

Once having waited for the first pass of the Spotlight, Grace took matters into her hands and displayed another feat that made Tyr'din scratch his head, inside of his mind he remarked a single thing: ["Wizard..."], landing in the equally as uneven ground as before Grace had turned back to him gesturing for him to do the same as her.

"Don't overshoot."

He didn't like this but she had a point, if he flew traditionally this would be alot louder and their cover would've been blown in seconds, nodding to himself he obliged and giving a small sprint forth before jumping he felt himself accelerate by Grace's ministrations.

It was different... awkward and new to him this feeling of being able to leap like this and just as he made the halfway mark in the Air... he saw what he feared come around the Corner, a single man Patrol and it was heading their way.

He looked down towards Grace then back to the Patrol and making up his mind he executed the swift plan he made in his head, one that was very primitive.

As soon as he landed he made intentions to grab Grace by her shoulders pulling her with him to the ground him slamming practically onto his back partially sinking into the wet ground with her in his grasp just out of sight of the Patrol.

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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It looked like things were going well so far, but Tyr'din had a point, there was likely to be someone patrolling the area. They would need to move quickly. As the man would jump, she did every thing she could to get the man across quietly. The was an unfortunate circumstance however, a guard she had yet to see was rounding the corner.

He bodyguard would fall down directly on top of her, causing the woman to briefly gasp before being brought to the ground. Once she lied there, she would remain totally quiet as footsteps of a gand patrolman could be heard walking by. he was humming some sort of strange tune, but didn't seem to notice them...

Eventually, he would round the next corner, safely passing them by. Grace would get up from the ground, her outfit now covered in swamp water. "Well, I suppose that could have gone a lot worse." She would remark.

The prison walls looked thick, far too thick for her lightsaber to penetrate. They needed an alternate entrance to the building, and there did happen to be such an option. Several meters into the air was an upper level where more guards patrolled. Getting up quietly would be a challenge, but far from impossible.

Using aerokinesis, Grace would leap toward a part of the wall that was protruding outward with a gust of wind. This first jump would be followed by two more, as she bounced off a pipe and then toward the ledge of the upper level. It would be harder for her to help Tyr'din follow this time, but not impossible...

She would gesture for him to repeat what she just did, and would assist him with the force.


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Quiet he laid there as if this was something he had done before just in case she moved he held his hands ready to move her should it be needed but it seemed as though Luck was on their side this time around, whilst she had the luxury of having him as a makeshift underlay he had left an imprint in the soft, swampy ground and equally it stuck to him once he rose.

"Thats three times now."

He said pointing his gloved Finger at her, his way of saying it was lighthearted but he had a point, shaking his head briefly he patted her on the shoulder before pointing ahead ready to continue.

"Next time, not in a swamp, yeah?"

He was still struggling to get some of the wet mud stuck to his plate off but eventually they had arrived closer to the walls, a second level gave themselvesa opportunity especially since there was a small outcropping that one could use to jump from wall to wall to ascend, only that well, he wasn't a Force user.

"Yeah uh, about that."

It didn't even help for her to reconsider as Grace was already off afore he could even suggest a different approach, the first jump landed squarely against the wall from which she launched herself higher up on a small outcropping of piping sturdy enough to hold someones weight before then one more up to the second level of the prison complex.

"Im going to die..."

He muttered to himself as he let her do her work or rather tried to not think about what she was doing whilst doing his best to not be awkward about the whole manipulation of the Force around him, not sure where to begin he tried to emulate her leaping and sure enough the first one went off without a hitch, but the second fell a little short just before he reached the Pipes he felt himself slowing down and if he didn't reach out to pull himself up he would've fallen.

Slowly clambering on up without making too much of a ruckus he looked over to Grace, he doesn't understand the Force so yes he very much had every reason to blame her but from a different perspective of someone that understood it she had no blame to take as controlling the force for oneself was a feat and doing it for another a total different one in itself.

Giving her a final nod before leaping the thrid time and this time it was smooth sailing, coming to a halt right next to her, giving her a look as if to tell her that could've gone better.

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would show a look of concern for but a moment as the second jump was botched, but thankfully her friend made it. She would help pull him up a bit more to where they would both be on the upper level. Of course, next would come the sound of walking some distance away. Patrolling the top floor would be another lone Gand guard, but this time hiding would be less of an option.

As he rounded the corner the guard would audibly gasp, and looked like he was about to say something. Before he could however, Grace would used what strength she had left to force push him off the side of the building! The guard would shout as he fell, immediately gaining the attention of the spotlight, and a couple guards who were already patrolling the ground level.

"Let's try to find an entry point up here before they search the area," she would suggest. The woman would then begin briskly walking in the opposite direction of the spotlight, looking for any sort of doors they could enter... She did have a bad feeling about the whole thing however

"See anything yet?"


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Peeking out from her side he saw the Guard and as much as he wanted him out of the picture he was way too far away to do anything about it... until Grace simply just pushed him off the roof, the commotion alone rattled many a onlooker and drew quite the attention, subtle... not so much.

"So much for subtlety..."

He said giving her a long look before already putting himself into motion, there weren't doors but... there was one thing that didn't immedietly draw attention, there was a small hatch that led inside on either corner of the Roof the one that Tyr'din approached however was shut.

He gestured her over as he found a potential way inside and already looked for a way to get this Hatch open, seeing that there was no exact... quiet or subtle way for him to get this Hatch open he resorted to more direct matters.

"Yeah yeah have a good look... im sure you've naught better to do."

He snickered to himself as he pulled out his Fusioncutter from his Belt, snapping it into the ready position before beginning to slice away at the locking mechanism, inverting the Cutter like a knife he would wedge it inbetween a small slit between the Hatch and the locking mechanism.

It would take a moment before with a satisfying KACHUNK he cut through, throwing up the Hatch he gestured for her to descend first both out of courtesy and protection reasons, that and he was heavier than her so he would make more noise when landing.

"Ladies first."

Meanwhile beneath them commotion woke as the patrol from earlier had now found the Guard that met a tragic "accident" at the hands of Grace, it wouldn't be long until there was a inspection of the roof to follow so they had best move swift and concise.

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would give a sigh of relief as they managed to cut their way into a hatch. Of course Tyr'din would gesture for her to go in first, and she would do just that. The woman would slide down the hatch, which turned out to be some kind of air vent. It was humid, but cleaner that the outside of the place.

After what seemed like an entire minute of falling, she would eventually come crashing down through a loose vent and landing on the ground below. It was a loud crash, though she had not been physically hurt by it, the guards had no doubt heard what was going on. They were going to have to act quickly now.

She would take a look around to see she was in a room filled with various holding cells. Every single one was occupied, though most of them were gand individuals. The man they were looking for was probably not gand, though she never actually discovered his species...

Each holding cell had a red ray shield that prevented anyone from entering or leaving the cell. "Hmmm... Well this is just great."

"Then again, I may have an idea..."


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Hearing the clatter at the bottom of the shaft, Tyr'din rolled his eyes, this was classic... classic Zann, taking a last look around himself before then leaping down the Shaft himself wrapping an arm around the other as he maximized his speed through the shaft and just as he was about to land he angled himself just enough to land in a slight crouch his hand coming down to stabalize himself.

"Well, we really rung the bell now, lets find your man."

He put himself into motion as he went from cell to cell... Gand... Gand another Gand then a... Twi'lek? Curious he thought to himself but most likely not their target, time was not on their side and if they didn't find him in time confrontation would be inevitable, yet... Tyr'din had an idea.

"Continue your search ill buy us some time."

He came up on a small junction whilst letting Grace continue her search and just as he did... a rectangular cleaning droid walked into his path.

This was expert timing, grabbing his fusioncutter he set out to make some adjustments to the poor Droid, slicing in and exposing some circuitry his hands dove in and much like he did when repairing ships and the likes he went to work.

It was not overlong until he gave the Droid a small smack on its top before sending it down another one of the Hallways and as soon as it did... it began clattering loudly as it went further and further away from them, this should give them some time albeit a finite distraction.

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would give her companion a nod as they both began their search for a shipwright. She had worked with Gand before, and most of them could understand basic. She would take a look around, not for a specific prisoner, but a computer console. Built into a wall near the entrance door to the room, it would sit with a faint blue glow.

The woman would make her way over and begin searching the system for her man. Before long Kolveon Molo's name would pop up. "Toydarian!?" She would say with confusion. Of course, beyond the door Grace would hear a pair of guards talking about the loud noise they heard...

Thinking fast, she would leave the 'profiles' section of the terminals, and move to the 'cells' section. Rather than simply release their man, every prison cell's energy fields would fall. The various criminals would pear their heads out of their cells, wondering what was going on.

"Listen up everyone! I'm looking for a Toydarian named Kolveon Molo. If he is willing to speak with me, then I'll set you all free. I am Grace Zann, of the Zann Consortium."


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Tyr'din watched his little Diversion take place, yet he couldn't risk sitting idly by and doing nothing, sliding back into the previous hall way he counted the ones he checked already with his fingers whilst moving along to newer Cells, nope... and nope, not their man, still unsure what they were looking for Grace finally exclaiming something that could help them.

"Toydarian? And how do you expect me to get him out of here?"

This complicated things very much so, continueing his search he eventually came to a halt, they would be here for a long time if they searched cell to cell, shaking his head he looked over to his Employer and just as he did he heard a collective shut down of energy followed by Grace's voice.

"Thats a bad idea Grace..."

He said to himself, what if there were some unsavoury sorts that didn't exactly like the Consortium here? It was until a young juvenile kid called out of one of the Cells across from the both of them, it was addressing Tyr'din directly, or rather... what it thought Tyr'din to be.

"Oya manda! Jaon olar, Muwnariad cuyir ti ni!"

Manda? What? He didn't understand a single thing the little girl was saying but its waving alone generated plenty of attention, he looked to Grace then back and sure enough... a Toydarian emerged right next to the juvenile girl.

"Grace, over there, with the Girl."

He already broke into a sprint to reach the two predominantly the Toydarian but he stopped infront of the Child, it intrigued him, he didn't understand her but the fact that she was barely old enough to classify as teenage he felt almost... guilty if he left her behind, he looked to Grace, for once in his life he wasn't sure what to do.

"I can't just leave a child here."

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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The various energy cells would fall around the room, with plenty of criminals stepping outside. Most of them were gand men, though there were a few outliers, such as the young human girl who spoke a strange language. That didn't sound like huttese at least.

Toward the back of the room was the toydarian man she sought, the shipwright himself. He would flap his small wings forward, staring the woman down. He wpuld speak in a dark and low voice, "I've heard of your people Miss Zann. Your crew sells quality stuff. What do you want with me?"

Grace would smirk as the man approached, replying to him "We need someone with your skills, and we're willing to pay..." as she spoke however, there would be a knock on the door. A guard spoke in a inaudible language behind the door, they were about to be in for a fight.

"Tyr'din, take the girl with us then... As for the rest of you, if you want freedom then we'll have to fight for it. I hope you all remember the Zann Consortium's assistance here when looking for future employment."

The woman would draw her lightsaber, to the surprise of the cell block. Their savior was also a force user... One of the gand would approach her and explain "I'm the only one who can speak basic around here... Listen, we'll help ya, and some of us may even join ya, but you have to free the rest of us! There are hundreds of us locked up in here, and some of us use to work for the syndicates at that!" She would give the man an affirmative nod.

"Very well, but if we break you all out you'll need filters, and a ride off the planet. Our single ship can't fit this many people..." The gand would quickly respond, "Commersary has hundreds of filters! Also the guards transport us with a pair of Gozanti's, there's enough space on em, trust me."

Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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As Grace made her intentions clear... Tyr'din had other problems to deal with, one of which was the more elaborate threat of them having to fight their way out of here, as much as he believed in Grace and her words, he didn't believe in many of the Prisoners surviving this shootout, infact he only cared about their Objective here.

"Alright as much as I like the little ovation, we have company."

Behind that door a hefty amount of Guards had amounted themselves at this point, they knew what was happening and it wasn't much longer until they breached and executed their plan, looking to Grace as if she should know what he was about to do, he pressed a button on one of his Vambraces, it shifted and before long a Wrist Rocket was loaded.

<"When the doors open... mow them down.">

You could hear the voices behind that Door, time was ticking, giving a final glance around, Tyr'din sighed, so much for subtlety he thought to himself for the... third time in a row now, if one thing was for certain Grace managed to put him to work in every disaster she pulled him along into and whilst he didn't mind he also didn't feel like getting shot at as it wasn't on his Bucket list.

"I don't need to remind you that you owe me right?"

He joked and just as he said those words the Door swung open and Guards began pouring through it, everything had kicked off in such a spectactular fashion that chaos ensued, Tyr'din ripped his arm up and within a moments notice fired his Wrist Rocket right into that Doorway, that should create plenty of Chaos among other things but it should be plain enough that staying hidden wasn't an option anymore.

If he had a choice he would grab Grace by the Waist and just Jetpack out the way they came in but, she wasn't exactly the damsel in distress type, and it would mean they didn't get what they wanted here, yet the picture in his head was... pretty even for his standards.

As chaos ensued the very much unarmed and unarmored Prisoners began rushing forth forming a very effective meatshield whilst the little Girl used Tyr'din as Cover, it was curious it was almost like she trusted him, or well... his Armor.


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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace knew how difficult it would be to actually pull off such a large prison break, but if there were a large number of guards they would need every last man in the fight. That much she knew for certain. "Everyone take cover..." She would remark as the banging on the door came. It seemed they were only moments away from the guards breaking in, at least Tyr'din had gotten into position.

After one final thump, the blast doors would jet open. As they did however, her old friend launched a wrist rocket directly into the crowd! A loud boom would carry throughout the building and the entrance to the room was suddenly much larger. None of the guards had expected something like that to be on the other side of the door. "Owe you indeed..."

Meanwhile Grace would charge forward with an ignited yellow lightsaber, to the surprise of all around. She would make several slashes, tearing through the wall of guards as she did, and blocking their blaster bolts as they came. Thanks to their combined efforts, around a dozen guards had already fallen, but surely more would be mobilizing soon. "Anyone who can shoot, pick up a blaster and lets get moving!"

Several of the Gand prisoners would do as she commanded, each grabbing weapons and following suit. The hole in the wall would lead to another cellblock, much larger then their previous one. Five guards were already patrolling the area, and were waiting on reinforcements. One of the prisoners would point out another computer terminal across the room to grace. "Look! That one there. It can free the prisoners in this room, and open the door to the commissary."


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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"Go, and keep mobile if I see someone standing still doing nothing ill leave them behind!"

As soon as chaos ensued Tyr'dins mind shut down and went into work mode, he zoned in and once his Rocket found its target he turned his gaze to Grace as she went to work, knowing that she could handle herself he knelt down to address the little Girl that had been using him as cover, placing a hand on their shoulder he spoke:

"Stay close to us and move fast, dont stay behind okay?"

In response he got a very certain nod and as soon as he made sure she understood he whipped back around and as the Vanguard of the Group jetted past Grace as his Jetpack fired up, holding his Blaster in his left hand he flew on ahead, even if it was a tight squeeze he flew ahead mainly to draw incoming fire... and that he did, there was a flurry of incoming bolts flying his way and some of which infact did strike true, one ricocheted off his pauldron making his swerve to the side whilst another impacted his helmet.

"Go! Ill distr- Ooph..."

His vision blurred as his dome was rung by that shot but he couldn't let his concentration break, jetting past the entrenched Guardsmen he fired two shots into their midst taking one down with a square shot to the torso whilst wounding another tackling him to the ground with his second shot, if there was a better time to get the drop on them it was now.

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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Arming themselves with whatever they could grab from the guard's corpses, the prisoners would go to work. Many of them would take cover behind verious walls and objects, avoiding the blaster fire of guards from across the room. Others would be less fortunate, lacking cover or weaponry...

Grace herself would run across the room with her lightsaber drawn. Several blaster bolts would come her way, but each would be deflected without much trouble. The prison wasn't exactly built to be lightsaber-proof, but that was to their advantage. Eventually reaching the control pannel the gand from before pointed out, she would quickly begin using the console. "Come on, come on..." She would mutter to herself.

Suddenly, the various cells around the room would then deactivate! "Bingo." She would remark. Just in time for multiple guards to be pushed from various positions on the top floor. This was becoming a real jail break...

The woman would shine her lightsaber in the air, announcing "To freedom and riches! Follow me!" To which the vast majority of the prisoners would begin following her to the Commersary room. The toydarian meanwhile would give a confused remark, "I've never seen someone with a lightsaber inspire such confidence in... non-force sensitives."

Of course, as they approached the Commersary, several heavily armored guards would be there waiting for them...


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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Firing another two shots in his elevated state he claimed the life of two more whilst jetting forwards, he was slowly getting the hang of how to use this Armor and to be frank he felt as if he couldn't live without it, making a rapid descent not too far away from Grace next to the Console he pressed himself up against the Wall seeking cover from the still persisting firefight.

"Not going to lie Grace... but we dont have the Manpower for this..."

He would confess, yes a Prison Break was bold but... at the same time it was very risky with just the two of them, one mistake and that would be it, peeking out from his corner he fired a flurry of three shots from the hip into the general direction of more hunkered down combatants one of which received a blaster hole to the dome whilst the others could duck in time.

"I swear this girl... never enough..."

He muttered to himself just loud enough for her to hear as he put himself into motion gesturing for those that were just freshly relaeased to get moving towards the Commersary, he didn't like the feeling of this... this went too smooth there must be a catch, and sure enough there was.

Just as they cut the towards the Commersary both Tyr'din and Grace came around the Corner almost simultanously, infront of said Commersary the Guards had setup a rotating blaster emplacement and began firing as soon as they cut around the corner.

"Get to-"

He reached his arm out to intersect his Frame infront of Grace but afore he could finish his sentence a barrage of that emplacement hailed into him the sound of blaster fire hitting plate and then consequently those things not protected by plate could be heard as he was practically pushed back by the sheer amount of firepower into her, he... had looked better and considering from the scorchmarks... this was not the healthiest looking yet it had prevented his Protectee from getting hurt, at the cost of his own skin.


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Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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As Grave turned the corner, not only were the guards heavily armored, they were well-armed too. The woman would only gasp as she rounded the corner, staring down the large emplacement in front of them. Before anyone could act blaster bolts would fly, directly towards Tyr'din's torso at that!

As the first volly stopped, she would quickly wrap her arms around his waist, and jump with the force toward the opposite direction. She would end up tumbling behind a group of armed prisoners, and gave a paniced shout "Tyr'din!"

Full of fear and anger, she would swiftly get back up. Fueled by rage and hate, she would thrust her arm forward with a violent force push. The previously sealed blastdoors of the Commersary would explode from the force of the attack. The nearby guards would find themselves being thrashed around in all directions, even the gunner of the medium repeater... With a cheer from the prisoners, they would continue moving forward, while a now exhausted Grace would return to check on her mercenary.

She hadn't stopped for a second to consider he may have survived the repeater shots... "Tyr'din! Wake up, please." She felt like a failure, kneeling on a prison floor next to her closest ally.


Tyr'din Selm


Character Profile
Mar 19, 2022
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He toppled into her, his body gave out entirely for a moment, he felt the sting of blasterfire singing flesh and as he looked down it was already the third that hit him, his Armor held up but the sheer amount that he was subjected to would eventually diverge into spots unarmored and when it did he yielded to the firepower, there was no chance he would power through a barrage like that.


Any second longer and he would've likely suffered mortal wounds from that barrage until Grace pulled him out of harms way, with a jump to the side Tyr'din felt himself collapse to the floor a groan coming from beneath his Helmet, he knew this was a bad idea and sure enough it showed as he hit the floor and the impact alone was enough to make him loose consciousness briefly.

Pain stung through him repeatedly from multiple spots on his body, his right Arm looked bad aswell as his abdomen and one could swear that one of his calves took a shot aswell beaten yet still alive and if it wasn't for the pain he would've likely not woken again, gazing through his visor up he didn't quite comprehend what had happened but he heard a voice call out to him repeatedly and sure enough his gaze slowly leveled with Grace's.


His voice was barely audible yet he tried his best to stay positive but a cough drew him out of his cocky self causing him to groan in pain shortly afterwards as his whole body moved from the coughing, it hurt... alot, he tried to reach up with a hand but failed the first time until he managed to press one of his gloved hands onto her shoulder.

It was then that the Toydarian came shuffling along the floor behind Grace and with a worried tone in his voice spoke:

<"Forget the Mercenary Zann! We are going to die if we stay here! You can get a new one when we are off this planet!">

The Toydarian wasn't exactly wrong, he was expendable something that could be bought again if needed but the sheer carnage and attachment made her vulnerable, it was a turning point where she had to make a choice if this was more than just a simple Employer to the Man.
