Hello, again...


SWRP Writer
Apr 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hey everyone, you probably don't remember me since it says the last time I was on was 2014. I use to play with Vencu and Kiro and my Jedi was trained by Sreeya and it was good times. I am looking to get back into the whole shooty stabby writing thing, any good ideas?

Cheers now,

Lucy Lou

SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Welcome back!

A very simple breakdown of what's going on:

At the moment there are five Indie factions:
  • The Accord - A generally good to neutral aligned group mostly comprised of former pirates and former criminals who wish to fight for the betterment of the galaxy.
  • Ha’rangir’s Chosen - Skilled Mandalorian and non Mandalorian mercenaries profiting off of the war by playing both sides. Combat faction with a heavy focus on PvP, fighting for the highest bidder and to further their own goals.
  • The Cabal - a conglomerate of shady factors banded together for their own personal purposes, largely to increase their power and influence. They have ties in the black market, PMC, and even control their own religion.
  • The Exchange - A seedy, underground organization that caters to those who... wish to engage in less than legal pursuits.
  • The Bounty Hunter's Guild - Some individuals have walked a hard road to become the best at what they do. Whatever that may be, those skills are their's and their's alone, so if anyone is going to profit, it'll be them. These are the Bounty Hunter's, and the guild makes sure they always have the right to get the job done, and someone to watch their six.
The Sith are invading the Republic Worlds, burning them as they go. A group of traitorous Jedi just blew up the Temple on Tython and Jedi are moving to Ilum to regroup. The senate is well.... being like all politiicans, though it looks like they have some invasion plans of their own starting as sign ups went up yesterday.


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Heya, Harry. Good to see you back.