Independent Harpo Pathikitus


SWRP Writer
Jul 5, 2021
Reaction score
NAME: @Harpo Pathikitus

FACTION: Independent
SPECIES: Thisspiasian
AGE: 73 standard years
HEIGHT: 4ft 9in
WEIGHT: 19st

Harpo is, by the standards of his species, fairly hairless. His hair is the typical Thisspiasian white, with a handlebar moustache that falls in two long, braided tassels down towards his upper sternum. He is beardless, a rarity amongst his people, but his white mane of head hair stretches down his back like a cape. His elongated eyebrows are dyed cyan and are wrapped about his head and tied at the back.

Harpo's pupils are yellow and irises are purple, but this is the last of the features that would distinguish him from the rest of his species. His most noticeable features to those not native to Thisspias would be his green skin, and the powerful, serpentine tail that Thisspiasians have in place of legs. This tail makes Harpo over two metres in length, meaning he can rise above his typical height when necessary though is typically below five feet as he trails across the ground. Harpo also has a second pair of arms, which he keeps hidden in the typical fashion of his people.

Harpo is loyal, resolved, and dependable in a fight. His second set of arms gives him the capacity to wield both a rifle and blasters at once, and his serpentine tail is both a heavy offensive weapon as well as strong enough to propel Harpo far over short distances. Harpo was trained as an honour guard member and along with weapon proficiency, is also skilled in the Thisspiasian martial arts style which incorporates their unique physiology.

Like all Thisspiasians, Harpo regularly grows lethargic and must take meditative rests throughout the day to recover, leaving him vulnerable. He is slow moving over longer distances and would find it difficult to keep pace with a bipedal ally. Though reserved and contemplative, Harpo is not intelligent and can often be blinded by his personal honour code and spiritual beliefs. Harpo can often misinterpret the intentions of others and be misled.

Harpo Pathikitus is a quiet, thoughtful, ponderous being. He seldom assumes he has much important to say and is happier to take a backseat role, listening in on conversations and allowing those with particular skillsets to share their own knowledge instead. Harpo has lived an isolationist, spiritualistic life and often has a perspective of the goings on within the galaxy that doesn't match up to the traditional codes of morality. His calm veneer masks deep, personal tragedy.

Harpo Pathikitus is native to the swamp world of Thisspias, where he would serve as a member of the monarchy's Soldiers of the Blood, (colloquially referred to as the Blood Knights,) the monarch's royal guards. Harpo was in a prestigious position for one born of relatively low social status, which allowed for the sanctioning of his marriage to a political leader of one of Thisspias' island nations.

In the Thisspiasian tradition, marriages are not limited to monogamy and indeed strong, polygamous social units are often formed. This was the genesis of Harpo's downfall, for his wife fell in love with one of the planet's princesses. Although the union of a minister to a royal was acceptable, for a member of the royal family to join a marriage union that included a lowly guardsman was a controversy that could not be accepted in courtly society.

The princess, certain in her love, decided to leave her life behind to join this new family. Harpo had already begun the courting of a young pilot, and together the four of them were wedded and departed in secret from the plane. Not wanting to run the risk of being captured by bounty hunters seeking to return to the princess, Harpo decided that he, his husband, and his wives would go into hiding. Finding a remote, grassland moon, the four of them started a new, rural life, far away from civilisation.

Years passed in peace and contentment, with Harpo's family producing a clutch of offspring between the four of them. They farmed the land for the food they needed and otherwise experienced life away from technology and people, becoming one with nature and revelling in the bonds they all held between one another.

That was until the attack. Unidentified assailants descended upon their home and opened fire, wounding Harpo and killing his spouses. Some of the children were killed in the crossfire, but most were rounded up, taken aboard a ship, and flown away. In one day, Harpo lost his entire family.

Activating his husband's old ship, Harpo allowed the emergency autopilot to transport him to the nearest spaceport. He sold the ship for a pittance, using a portion of the credits to get medical treatment for his wounds, then saving the rest for his odyssey. With no familiarity of the wider galaxy that he stopped participating in years ago, Harpo pays his way from one voyage to the next, picking up any odd jobs that come his way and searching, in vain, for his stolen children.

Harpo's main skills are in gunslinging, strategy, maintaining his cool under pressure and keeping the confidentiality of those he deals with.

DC-15A Blaster Rifle
ELG-3A Blaster Pistol (x2)
One set of Thisspias Soldier of the Blood Armour - a plastoid casing formed of a chest-plate that goes from neck to the bottom of the first set of ribs, and pauldrons. Provides basic protection and has no additional features; similar in design to (and inspired by) the modified clone armour Jedi wore during the Clone Wars.


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