Haro's Workshop


Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
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Name: Shili.
Coordinates: L-8.
Hyperlane: None; proximity to the Hydian Way.
Satellites: Six moons.

Climate: Temperate.
Terrain: Savanna plains, rainforest valleys, mountains, seas.
Rotation: 31 hours; 389 days.
Major relevance: ore deposits - almost completely untouched, scattered throughout the extremely dangerous savanna.

Minor relevance: vast wood supply - used locally and exported -, wildlife - local consumption and exported(the most dangerous and exotic fauna), mostly to zoos.​

Inhabitants: Togruta.
Government: Monarchy rules over an aristocratic government and many tribal chiefs.
Technology: Disparity between regions. The capital and most other big cities can be compared to the usual Republic standard, but a huge number of settlements and tribes - mostly those near to the savannas - still remain with little technology.

Intent: Add flavor to the lacking canon, giving Shili a bit more viability both for roleplaying and as a member of the Republic without altering it too much from what we currently know in the Legends. The discovery of ore deposits will change the planet a lot, as it'll hopefully mean the arrival of people, corporations and most importantly, technology, to a still very much primitive world, changing it in the process. Would be interesting to see corporations struggling to maintain control of these deposits against the brutal wildlife and even some Togrutan tribes, possibly unwelcoming to their new neighbors, and how the Togruta culture and stance on galaxy affairs might change because of it.

I intend to flesh out(I mean, I already have a lot of it "planned") a story arc revolving around this concept, involving my character, possibly the Czerka people and whoever else demonstrates interest - ample opportunity for, Senators, indies, and everything in between -, without a planned end or outcome. It won't directly benefit any faction in the sense of overpowering it, thought it might add a bit more relevance to the planet as a whole, and this is of course assuming the ore deposits get approved.


To talk about the culture found in Shili is to talk about the culture of the Togruta as a whole. As a people and race, unity has always been critical to their success while resisting against the brutal wildlife their homeplanet presents, and even though they have ascended from more primitive times, the concept of community strength is still intrinsic to their culture.

Each and every member of the tribe - usually consisting of a close, small community - was expected to be able to push their own weight and provide in some way to the rest, and that mentality, although still true to the many remaining tribes, evolved with the arrival of technology and the construction of the first true centers of population. Contrasting to many other peoples out in the galaxy, theirs are also to some ruthless ways - in their opinion natural -, believing when one was not able to provide, maybe for old age or a problem that meant not keeping up with the group when hunting or traveling, this member was too weak and should be left to fend for himself, as his presence stopped being positive to the tribe. Even where technology is commonplace, where the planet can be compared with others within the Republic, the culture is still one of strength in the mass, as if each Togruta has an obligation to work and help with whatever helps the rest the most.

The older generations took pride in doing just that: helping their own, but accepting - maybe without realizing - a decrease or even complete disappearance of their individuality. In their offices lay their honor, giving up on it, having someone do it better than them or being too weak to continue, a loss of that. With every new generation, however, it seems the acceptance of these strict ways dwindle, now putting individuality and distinctiveness over the rest, most definitely because of the influence the arrival and spread of technology had on the planet.

Simply put, their culture takes away much of the individuality in order for a stronger society, the members opposing this ancient way of life, opposing their duty as Togruta, cast aside. This means the different is not easily accepted, and one of the main reasons for the relatively high number of emigrants, as moving away from Shili is increasingly popular among the youths.

Also, it is hard to find leaders among their people, as few know how or want to stand up, or after that finding difficult to fulfill their roles, fearing the individualism that comes from power. Among the aristocracy, arguably the most distinguished class - people linked to religion and matters of the spiritual world are also highly regarded -, this problem is also faced, but as one could expect, to a much lesser degree. While in public many noble families might appeal to the usual Togruta with false words of sacrifice and giving up their own wishes for the good of the race, behind the scenes the situation is mostly the same as any other aristocratic culture out there, with the usual intrigue, scheming and the usual scandal.

Theirs is also a culture of spirituality, with strong bonds with nature. In their homeplanet, the Togruta hardly ever wore shoes, believing it cut their spiritual connection to the land. Outside of Shili, however, this aspect does not seem to apply, and it has been noted that among the more rebellious young members of the society, the simple act of using shoes is a display of defiance to the harsh culture. Throughout the planet, pyramids are present as places of religion, even out on the dangerous scrublands, and are the few places outside of the forest valleys where communities settled.

Carnivore and since their primitive origins battling it out with the savage savanna monsters, the Togruta take pride in being able warriors and hunters. Teeth and other usable parts of hunted animals were proudly kept as sort of souvenirs, some of them displayed in clothes and ornaments. As one could expect from their culture, warfare to them is from the start a group effort, and Togruta units are known as stellar fighters, after all, their whole survival as a race depended on proper coordination and execution, fighting species much bigger and individualistic powerful than them, that in some cases also grouped up, making for deadly foes and a very serious challenge. Most definitely great warriors, infighting is not prevalent, although in the past tribal clashes definitely happened.

However, that does not at all mean their culture is one of peace, quite the opposite. After generations struggling against such powerful foes, you either learn to properly pick fights, or you perish.




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Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
<gender> FEMALE
<dob/age> UNKNOWN, 24
<species> MIRIALAN
<homeplanet> TARIS
<force> NEGATIVE

THE VAGO VULKARS, swoop gang, formerly;
YOUTO FOBET, crime lord, close associate;
LERAK FOSTER; gangster, close associate;



It is not an easy task to properly describe the Mirialan gangster turned smuggler. To the core adventurous, she has always loved going after whatever thrills she could find, and in a planet as precarious as Taris, to the common folk danger is never far. Adaptable, clever and relying greatly on a time-and-again dependable intuition, Kessara socially thrived among crooks, her artful, resourceful nature giving her an edge over most low-level criminals.

With technical skills prized among swoop gangs, Kess grew arrogant and to some extent impatient and selfish. While never losing that will to challenge her own abilities in order to improve, there is nothing she loathes - and gets her mad - more than failure, believing everything can be solved with enough creativity. Generally undisciplined when it comes to mannerism, her ways with money could not be more opposite. The Mirialan always possessed a keen mind for entrepreneurship, and although greedy, has so far led a frugal lifestyle.

Her name has also been closely related to the word trouble for as long as she remembers. Emotionally unstable, she is greatly vindictive and resentful, and although at times forgetful of smaller details - mainly names -, she takes pride in never forgetting a wrong. Carrying grudges for long periods of time, she has history with unwisely putting these hard feelings over profit.

Kessara could be simply described as resourceful, as one from such a planet had to be in order for success. Since early the Mirialan displayed a natural aptitude to all things mechanical, with clever solutions to some obstacles her desolated homeworld presented, but not only that, with confidence, a reliable intuition and arguably brilliance, traits usually lacking on most low-level criminals she faced, Kess also socially thrived among crooks.

Sed venenatis dui a lobortis convallis. Morbi tempor, lectus eget finibus bibendum, turpis orci mollis sapien, sit amet aliquet justo lorem nec odio. Proin tempus nulla ullamcorper vestibulum hendrerit. Suspendisse ut varius enim. Praesent nec diam in orci porttitor ullamcorper. Nam aliquam erat sed ligula fermentum ornare. Vestibulum condimentum ex id erat suscipit commodo. Ut eros tellus, rhoncus nec urna vel, cursus laoreet quam. Proin eget turpis quis lacus eleifend commodo non ultrices dui. Praesent ornare ultricies velit, eu rhoncus lorem malesuada id.

Curabitur eget auctor elit. Aenean vitae enim bibendum, vulputate sapien a, elementum odio. Mauris consequat, sapien eget mattis blandit, lacus metus cursus magna, eget consequat urna orci in nunc. Nunc aliquam velit ut tristique placerat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur tincidunt mi eget ex lacinia, in sodales sem porttitor. Vestibulum vitae luctus dui. Phasellus sit amet nunc pharetra, rutrum lacus ut, feugiat lacus. Nullam tristique, nunc et rutrum mattis, nisi neque aliquet nunc, a vestibulum massa tortor eu dui.

Curabitur eget auctor elit. Aenean vitae enim bibendum, vulputate sapien a, elementum odio. Mauris consequat, sapien eget mattis blandit, lacus metus cursus magna, eget consequat urna orci in nunc. Nunc aliquam velit ut tristique placerat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Curabitur tincidunt mi eget ex lacinia, in sodales sem porttitor. Vestibulum vitae luctus dui. Phasellus sit amet nunc pharetra, rutrum lacus ut, feugiat lacus. Nullam tristique, nunc et rutrum mattis, nisi neque aliquet nunc, a vestibulum massa tortor eu dui.


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Zen the kriff out
SWRP Writer
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score





[beebox2=210px]NAME: Elara Odai.
AGE: 23 years old.
GENDER: Female.
SPECIES: Arkanian sub-specie.

FACTION: The Sith Brotherhood.
RANK: Sith Sorcerer.

Arkania had always been a paradise of science, with much of its population dedicated not to working fields and crops, but some of the most advanced laboratories. However, what many would consider unethical, the Arkanians embraced, and while their race was known as one devoted to science, it also became, through the years, infamous for among other things - such as abusing the medical market and prices with their advanced medicine -, their experiments in the genetics field. With great interest in the genetic aspects of the many species of the galaxy, the Arkanians used them, creating a vast number of splinter groups. Some improvements were of course made, but their great knowledge always came at the expense of their subjects, who, with time, started including members of their own species.

From those experiments came Elara, although not directly. Since her grandfathers, her family was considered an Arkanian offshoot, differing from the pure bloods interestingly enough by looking more human, by having five fingers on each hand versus their four. Born to one of the many incredibly wealthy families of scholars, those more simplistic differences did not exactly matter, and even they were culprits not only in the advancement of genetics research, but in the segregation of these other, more significant offshoots.

Purges came and went, as the purest of Arkanian sought to cleanse their planet of the abominations created by them, and while some were against everything involved in this practice, the majority, including most power holders, weren't. That included Elara's family, who took advantage of the purges to further their reach, increase their power, as some key figures in their society fell. Quickly rising to political prominence, however, ended up being their doom.

Convinced by some of their opponents, who feared their newfound power, the pure bloods started seeing Elara's family offshoot as impure, which, as one might imagine, spells quick death to any related. Knowing that in a matter of days their own would all be slaughtered, some decided to flee Arkania, as expected by the authorities. Few were successful, but among them, the young Elara, at the time no more than seven years old.

After successfully but costly evading the Arkanian fleet, the now refugees wandered for what felt like months with their damaged ship. The ever-present fear to step into most space stations and planets kept them going, as, even though they were very similar to Arkanian pure bloods, just like many other offshoots, their immune system was flawed. Soon, with their food and fuel depleted, the race's remnants were left with no choice but to request docking permission. The planet or the exact unfortunate circumstances, Elara does not remember, but to this day she carries the memory of her people falling ill, dying all around her, while she fought. Even at a young age and with no proper training, the child used nothing but instinct to endure her illness, and with the help of the Force, endured long enough, even if in a deplorable, nearing death state, to be found by a wandering Sith. Taken aback by the child's resilience and potential, this Sith helped in the treatment before introducing her to the Academy in Korriban.

To be expanded.​

Initiated at a young age, most of the woman's life revolved around the Sith and their teachings, and today she stands as a dutiful servant of the dark arts that help support her own well-being. However, even after more than two decades under the Brotherhood's rule, Elara might not constitute what most consider the usual for a formed darksider.

Inheriting traits of her former Arkanian people, the now Sith is indeed quite arrogant, tending more to an unfaltering belief on her own abilities than doubt of others'. The amorality of her people's past and present researches are also visibly present, and shape the way she goes about furthering her own knowledge of the Force.

Customarily a calm and collected presence, Elara has always been susceptible to her moods, with a somewhat impulsive nature. Combined with her other assertive qualities, it means in most crucial situations she does what she thinks is right. Demanding not only of the people around her, but also of herself, one of her biggest strengths also becomes a weakness, as dealing with failure is hard for the young Sith, to put it lightly.

Regarding her superiors with utmost respect, the Sith does well to know her place, and expects others to know theirs. Perhaps against the notion many have of the Sith, the last of the Odai is a relative peaceful creature, and unless under extreme situations, prefers to not spill blood. This approach, however, made others think her weak during her years on the academy, unworthy of any title, and at times Elara will still lash out unexpectedly, usually when under vigilance of other Sith, maybe to even try and prove herself. In the same vein, she shows great courage in the face of any predicament, sometimes even too much, and her eagerness ends up being seen by some as foolish.

Easy going, Elara is generally genuine in her intentions, and to some extent shuns some of the more underhanded ways inside the Brotherhood. Definitely capable of plotting and manipulating her way around, the willingness part is the one lacking, believing it to be beneath her.

While confident, her insatiable hunger for self-improvement and overall knowledge of the ways of the Force is driven by approval, which she seeks through every and any form, especially among superiors. Elara's conscientious ways sometimes also leaves her open for abuse. She looks up to those with more knowledge, with more experience, to a point where they might find it easy to abuse her trust. Being overly-trusting in the galaxy at large is a dangerous thing, but especially when surrounded by Sith.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer congue nisl quis feugiat tristique. Duis sit amet suscipit quam, at malesuada neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut placerat vel nisi in rhoncus. Nunc eleifend interdum tellus, eget fringilla risus auctor sit amet. Phasellus lacinia augue sed enim pharetra, non fermentum nulla commodo. In auctor urna lacus, ut vestibulum neque consectetur quis. Nulla erat massa, rutrum quis maximus eget, feugiat vitae nunc. Nam vel vehicula sem. Vestibulum feugiat lorem laoreet elit vehicula mattis. Nam facilisis porta dui eu suscipit. Nulla facilisi. In lacinia purus nec enim dapibus egestas. Nunc sed gravida lacus. Mauris egestas tellus ac mi ultrices, sed euismod risus consectetur.

Ut iaculis ante sit amet lectus varius iaculis. Quisque semper aliquam risus vel eleifend. Cras orci libero, rutrum nec pellentesque non, interdum et nisi. Suspendisse porttitor diam sed sapien faucibus, sed consequat nunc tempus. Praesent a lobortis ligula. Vivamus sem ex, placerat pharetra purus a, eleifend varius nulla. Donec hendrerit semper lacus, a cursus est tincidunt eleifend. Curabitur et varius enim. Fusce ut auctor nunc, vitae lacinia nisl. Nullam vitae viverra tellus, a consequat leo.

Quisque convallis volutpat mauris sed mattis. Pellentesque vestibulum sed quam vel semper. Cras non vestibulum tortor, vel tempus metus. Fusce pretium, enim ut semper luctus, nulla massa porttitor purus, ac pulvinar libero purus quis augue. Cras interdum luctus augue quis laoreet. Ut vitae magna eros. Phasellus mauris risus, maximus sed consequat non, pulvinar quis augue.


Elara's connection with the Force runs deeper than most would expect from a newly-promoted Sith. Since early in her life intrinsic even to surviving, she found at first through instinct ways to enhance her own body through the Force, assisting and almost suppressing the limitations a weak immune system imposed on her offshoot race.

A requirement for at times even staying alive, she nurtured her connection with the Force, to the point of obsessing with the dark side and its fabled ancient powers. While certainly decent with a lightsaber, the most common subject of her studies has always been the Force. However, when compared to more experienced members of the Sith, her skills seem shallow, with a good understanding of the many facets of the dark side, but lacking application. Most of her interests lie in more advanced abilities and rituals, meaning practice with common powers seem too simplistic, perhaps even beneath her.

Most experienced and talented with the manipulation of energy, followed by the many applications of telekinesis, for someone so obsessed with the Force her current powers leave a lot to be desired. An incredible potential is present, but Elara has never been too good or at times even fond of translating that potential to actual power.

Attracted to the idea of manipulating the life force of others, she actively sought a master who could teach her some of the overly sinister ways of the Sith during her time as an Acolyte, to no avail. Now, as a fully fledged Sith, Elara hopes to find that guidance, perhaps not even on the form of other being, but through the many ancient artifacts and scattered holocrons of the Brotherhood.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer congue nisl quis feugiat tristique. Duis sit amet suscipit quam, at malesuada neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut placerat vel nisi in rhoncus. Nunc eleifend interdum tellus, eget fringilla risus auctor sit amet. Phasellus lacinia augue sed enim pharetra, non fermentum nulla commodo. In auctor urna lacus, ut vestibulum neque consectetur quis. Nulla erat massa, rutrum quis maximus eget, feugiat vitae nunc. Nam vel vehicula sem. Vestibulum feugiat lorem laoreet elit vehicula mattis. Nam facilisis porta dui eu suscipit. Nulla facilisi. In lacinia purus nec enim dapibus egestas. Nunc sed gravida lacus. Mauris egestas tellus ac mi ultrices, sed euismod risus consectetur.

Ut iaculis ante sit amet lectus varius iaculis. Quisque semper aliquam risus vel eleifend. Cras orci libero, rutrum nec pellentesque non, interdum et nisi. Suspendisse porttitor diam sed sapien faucibus, sed consequat nunc tempus. Praesent a lobortis ligula. Vivamus sem ex, placerat pharetra purus a, eleifend varius nulla. Donec hendrerit semper lacus, a cursus est tincidunt eleifend. Curabitur et varius enim. Fusce ut auctor nunc, vitae lacinia nisl. Nullam vitae viverra tellus, a consequat leo.

Quisque convallis volutpat mauris sed mattis. Pellentesque vestibulum sed quam vel semper. Cras non vestibulum tortor, vel tempus metus. Fusce pretium, enim ut semper luctus, nulla massa porttitor purus, ac pulvinar libero purus quis augue. Cras interdum luctus augue quis laoreet. Ut vitae magna eros. Phasellus mauris risus, maximus sed consequat non, pulvinar quis augue. Nulla fermentum nisi nisi, et cursus odio malesuada vel. Vestibulum dapibus ac erat a lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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