Gottchol Winskit

E-123 Omega

The Gentleman Gorilla
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2011
Reaction score

NAME: Gottchol Winskit
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 15
HEIGHT: 1 meter.
WEIGHT: 90 lbs.
EYES: Brown.
HAIR: Brown and black.
SKIN: Not certain.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Covered in fur, short stature.

History: So, want to know of me, yes? Curr....curr..rius, of something small as me? There is less to say. Very small, yes. Yes, am as short as my story. It is fuzzy, my memories when thinking back. Though not like me they are. No. It is...different. Like a haze, maybe. A cloud that blocks sight to parts of memories. But I will do my best to retell.

It was cold, elders said, on my birthday. Cold with wind spirits abound and the boar-wolves howling in the ever darkness surrounding our village. They said it was... a word close to it in Basic was, "omen" It made many look awed when at me. Even when a Wokling, reverance was very often. I was kept at the center of our village, next to our village`s... "Spirit Tree" with my family. Not often could I see them, though. As village custom, Woklings rose by whole tribe, and much much more my case. Unluckily, this did not please Brother. No, took away his favor and placed it on me it did.

No, he was displeased, one would say. By term you use, sikkles... "cycles" he was older then me by many. It was once said after my birth, my brother, only a Wokling then, voiced for a celebration of me, just because he now had a brother. How I loved him. He made me feel safe inside. Warm and fuzzy, as the term goes, though once more, not fuzzy like me. I now know I have gone off the track, so I shall get back...

Before I had come to the world, my brother was a favorite in the village. As Wokling nearly of age to be a full Ewok, he towered over many of my kind. Some sillier adults called him a "infant Gorax" in gesture to his size. But then I was born, and with my own origins, many flocked to me as just a Wokling. This was later, however, when I neared becoming full matured. Before then, my Brother and I played often. We would play games of hiding and seeking out one another, and slay fake Gorax's which only existed in our thoughts. I look back at them fondly, but it did not last.

And so I grew distant from my Brother. It did not sit well with me. It was like being alone, although Ewoks still flocked to me. In the village I had grown close to no one but my Brother, and if he was gone, what did I have? Nothing, as it felt.

After I came of age and was made an Ewok, the thing my tribe most expected occured, I was made an apprentice to our Shaman, an old wonderous Ewok named Graylo. As I think of it now, it was possi...bly... possibly a sign of the Force, to which I took eagerly, wishing to move out of the past and forward to the gift. Graylo taught me many things, in medicinal plants, how to rek.. cog... recognize them, how to test unknown plants, how to wield them, but what was more fun to learn of was the energy that he showed me how to tap on. He said it gave him visions. This seemed frightening. Who would want visions popping in their head? I did not, but I trained anyways. I wished to overcome my fear, I wished to earn the favor I was given.

It was only a year of training, and I had gain only a little skill when I had my first vision. It... disturbed me. Fires covered our village, and strange giants were gathering Ewoks, forcing them onto a metal monster. It scared me from my slumber, and I could not wake Graylo; He was impossible to awake once asleep. I then went for the only one I felt I could trust, Brother.

I soon left the village and went to my brother's own hut outside of the village. It was custom that the male's who had no mate to live outside of village until they took one. I soon found him and woke him, much much to his.... chagrin. He threw curses at me, demanding I leave, and had almost thrown me out when I told him of my dream. He watched me closely as I unveiled the vision into words for him. He frowned at me, and simply shook his head. Upon my asking why, my Brother manually placed an arrow in my chest. I fell backwards, red water pouring from the wound as I stumbled out of the hutt. I tried to scream, but my neck had clenched from fear. He stepped over me, watching the betrayal come over my face. It was... new. It was hatred, fear, sorrow and confusion coming together, and I did not deal with it well. I did not like confrontation, and with someone like my Brother, I felt more in pain then ever.

It was then he revealed his wish to do away with our tribe, and had, beyond my knowledge, came into contact with beings past our stars. He said he wished to take back the tribe by remaking it himself. He then walked away, ensuring to avoid my puddle of red water, or blood, as you call it. After he left, I attempted to see to the arrow and wound, and was able to bandage it in long-grass. As I walked also, I watched in dismay as my vision came true only a short time afterward, as giants began to set my village on fire, rounding up my tribes men and women. I was ran like one with two left feet as I tripped franticly over broken huts. I soon found that Graylo himself had been killed in his sleep, an arrow in his chest much like the one Brother used on me. I couldn't stop him. The world began to change and swirl around me as cries of my people rang out. The pain I felt from them consumed me like an animal, and darkness consumed me as the firesticks continued to boom around me.

When awakened by cruel, cold water, I found myself in pure darkness, surrounded by wretched smells I could not have imagined in my own nightmares. It took time for myself to see in the darkness, and when I did, I wish I had not. The room was grey and mud-covered, a few huddled creatures in a corner of some squared cage opposite of me, watching a dark, scraggly giant holding a empty bucket before me. His skin was pinkish and he was bald of hair save for his head. I now know he is called a "human" but a name does not serve to make things more comfortable. I watched as picked me up, and dangled me high above my floor. He smiled, revealing many lost teeth, before taking me off before an even uglier creature.

It was fat, its eyes bulged, its puny arms dangled from what I could never consider a neck, with a slug-like tail at the other end of it. It seemed an impossible life-form, yet there it stood, or maybe sat, before me. Its horrid eyes looked over my body, and then nodded with approval. Then the human placed a ring around my neck, connected to a chain that lead to the... "Hutts" chair. The thing did not deserve the name of a "Hut" I was certain. From here, I cannot wish to tell you of my story. It was one of pain and anguish. However, I was able to befriend fellow slaves, and learned the language "Basic" which I speak so fluently now to you. In time that I had to myself, I slowly picked up other skills as I was forced to do labor on ships for the Hutt. Such technology was beyond me, but even if I did not understand it, it did not stop me from learning of how it worked.

In my time as a slave, I met another named Jeedo, a young alien I now know as "Rodian" who I would often work with. He was, as they say, street-wise, and knew how to avoid the crackling pain of the sticks guards would use on other slaves. He taught me how to do this aswell. We spent our time keeping together, finishing work quickly and surviving on what we were given. As much as I hated the Hutts, it was dulled by having Jeedo around. I found him as another Brother.

Sadly, I found my string of lucky events were not yet finished with being bad. In my own attempt to hurry cleaning a "pot" the Hutt had used for his... waste, the pot tipped over, spewing a mixture of water and... it, across the Hutt's throne room. But there was naught that I could do, as the guards had come in as it happened. It would have been my death until Jeedo broke our rules to keep safe. In an attempt to save me, he put his own honor down and took claim of the accident. For it, the Hutt had him whipped a few hundred times with a whip which glowed with an evil red light. When it was over, Jeedo simply wept and was taken away. I never saw of him again. Again, I was left alone, my own hatred for the Hutts soared ever higher. I knew someday I would fight this evil, to someday abolish slavery, though I had no idea how then.

The Force then decided my time with the Hutt was finished. I was taken away from the Hutt, as it seemed he intended to use me on a... mission. One which cost my life nearly. But the Force smiled on me, as during the mission, the Human whom was using me to carry items of interest engaged a large, furry beast in a tavern under the effects of firewater. The beast activated a sword that spewed a firey light which came from nowhere. It slew him within moments. Though even as I felt relief at his death, I was also sad from it. Death was not something I wished on anything. Even as a child when I learned to hunt in my tribe, each animal I killed I felt pained for. But remorse ended when the sword moved on to me. Life flashed before me as I watched the blade come towards me, but it stopped. The beast looked down on me, and for a moment I caught a moment of its face. It was female, I saw, and had a metallic arm. The sword dissapeared into thin air with a strange sound, and the beast then took me away.

It was then I learned of "Jedi" a name I wouldn't soon forget. Warriors of the Force, bringers of justice and good, peace-keepers of the Galaxy. I would neither forget the name of the one who saved me, Samanya Mohatu, as she called herself. A magnificent woman who told me of the Jedi, and even revealed my own potential to become a Jedi. I asked her to show me how without hesitation, and so she brought me to the Jedi Order.

Now I spend my time here in the Order as "Initiate" of rank. I hope to someday get farther, but for now, I shall sit and learn, and someday, I will find my old friends and family and free them. I will find Jeedo, and I will take down slavery with my own paws if need be. I will also someday even repay my Brother for his transgression. Until then, I have little else of a story to tell. As I said, it is short, was it not?

Personality: Still not done? Wishing to know more? What am I like? A strange question to ask. I am outspoken and have been told stubborn, though I do fear confrontation as I mentioned. There are only a few things I truly hate, slavery, and metal. The one after the first is more inconvenience, though. Slavery is an evil greater then any other I know. It angers me, and I cannot handle anger well.

As a proud Ewok, my curiosity is larger then many would like. I've asked thousands of questions over the simplest things. Technology and the Force are the few things I wish most to learn. To learn it is to grow to become a great Jedi.

I also keep clean because smells tend to linger in my nose, which are horrible. I do at times miss my homeworld, the smells it had, but the Force had a plan for me, and I wish to follow it.

Appearance: What I do look like? Can you not see me? Well, as you do not see, I am what you call "diminutive" as I do not reach past your thigh. Fur also covers all of my body in shades of brown and black, which camoflauges me well. I also care with me a necklace of animal teeth I collected in my youngest hunts. I had been able to hide it when a slave, so I keep it around my neck now. I also wear tan Jedi robes which fit too tightly, showing my stomach more prominently. They are stuffy and hot, I do not enjoy them much. The rim of my left ear is split, as I once failed in delivering food to the Hutt, and gave me it as a small punishment. Some have said my appearance is like a badger, though I don't know what that is. Is it an insult?
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Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
For a diminutive furball, he's not bad at all. I quite like him - nicely done. :3


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
You're back!

We've had a Bogan Jawa, now we've got an Ewok Jedi.
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E-123 Omega

The Gentleman Gorilla
SWRP Writer
May 17, 2011
Reaction score
Indeed. A good balance, don't ya think? Can't have tiny people only on one team, it makes them far too overpowered.

As a side note, what name would I know you by? People seem to have changed names somewhat.