Gatano Tarahn

Gatano Tarahn

SWRP Writer
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score


A picture of what he one day wishes to become. Imagine this guy with less awesome. Also, I did not create this image.

Gatano Tarahn
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 1.68 Meters
WEIGHT: 76.5 kg
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Caucasian
CREDITS: 1,000

STRENGTH: Average strength of a grown man.
DEXTERITY: Very dexterous, ample hand-eye coordination, quick feet, acrobatic tendencies.
CONSTITUTION: Not easily nauseated or sickened, healthy otherwise.
INTELLIGENCE: Average intelligence, tends to think outside the box, easily distracted. Knows a lot of useless facts about acklay.
WISDOM: The wisdom of your average 17 year old. That is to say, very little.
CHARISMA: Average Charisma; he can be funny and charming.... but also painfully awkward at times.

Many consider Tarahn to be a very nice guy, even if he doesn't like you. He doesn't like most people. He's easily annoyed, and often makes rash decisions, although he tries hard to avoid them. He has an ambitious, daydreaming attitude about life, coupled with diligence and the desire to work hard for what he wants. That doesn't mean he won't take the easy way out if the chance presents itself, with minimal negative impact to himself. Like most guys, easily distracted by women.
He has the tendency to collect things. Almost to the point of hording. His favorite thing to collect are weapons, due to a natural interest in martial arts. He hopes to one day open a private museum of weaponry (ancient and modern) from across the known (and unknown) universe.
He also tends to enjoy tinkering, as he is inherently curious. His curiosity leads him to sometimes be a tad nosy.

Born on Coruscant, where he continued to live for seven years until he was gripped by a horrible illness that forced him to endure a year of treatment aboard a quarantined vessel. This vessel made frequent stops across the Galactic Alliance space, where he and his parents had the ability to visit several strange alien worlds. After encountering one peculiarly seedy spaceport, he and his parents lost their ship, (which happened to be a repurposed acklay freighter) to gang of thugs. Tarahn's parents were killed two weeks later (on his eighth birthday no less), and the young boy was left an orphan.
Thus began a new chapter in life, one where he was forced to work for the food he ate; washing dishes and polishing ruddy astromechs in a run-down cantina on the same hopeless little world to which he lost his family. Until, as fate would have it, he witness the most awesome thing he had ever seen. His boss, a condescening (and also smelly) Kel Dor, was unable to pay him the usual minimum wage. He instead payed Tarahn with a holotape movie, labeled "Kwung Fo, Art of the Dragon Punch Kick"; a badly translated, outrageous movie about old ithorians who would fight and yell a lot. It was a strange movie, espescially since the voices of the characters would finish speaking long before their mouths stopped moving, but Tarahn enjoyed it immensely. This theatric spectacle inspired him to learn the martial arts.
At the age of fifteen, after many unsuccessful and uneventful years of washing, polishing, and trying to teach himself how to fight, he was taken in by a wandering hermit. Who, unlike Tarahn, was actually a master of martial arts. Tarahn was taught for two more years, by this hermit (named Bendis Migaki), before being sent out into the galaxy to learn for himself his place in this expansive world.

Weak, untrained telekinetic abilities. (Force push, pull, etc.) During fits of anger or stress he can sometimes inadvertently shock himself a little, but its usually less than a tiny sting.

Adequate martial arts experience, although not mastery. (Including grappling, kicking, punching, dodging, and dueling)
An impressive degree of flexibility.
Great Coordination.
Aptitude for learning.

A small grasp of the basics of Shii-Cho.
Kel Dor Light-saber nunchaku (yes, this is a thing.)

+ Flexibility: Not easy to hurt his arms or legs.
+ Diligence: Not easily dissuaded or perturbed.
+ Thick Skin: For a little guy, he can take a hit.
- Distracted Easily: Shiny objects and girls occupy the forefront of his mind.
- Anti-Social: He doesn't like many people.
- Greed: He likes stuff.

The clothes on his back, a low-power blaster pistol, said pistol's holster, a pair of homemade wooden nunchucks, a holotape movie, and 1,000 big ones.

An old rusty, used civilian transport he bought for some 300 credits. The long, rectangular shape is barely held together by a few crude fastenings. Two rectangular engines jut from either side of the cockpit, which is at the front of the ship. They constantly make odd shuddering noises. The rest of the ship contains a small cargo hold, a bedroom, kitchen, and living room fashioned from what used to be a smuggling compartment for extra passengers. The entire ship is a cramped, dirty mess.
While the ship itself is much too old and ugly to look impressive, its engines can make pretty good time on a good day. Otherwise, their are no remarkable functions to this terrible excuse for a spacecraft.