Fyonna Kira

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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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Fyonna Kira


"That is the theory of the vanquished! Victors must always speak of the way the world should be, not the way it is"


AGE 27
HEIGHT 1.676 Meters (5FT 6IN)
WEIGHT 61.23KG (135 LBS)



funny moment reference |<voice samples >| interview

When first looking at Fyonna they see that she is not abnormal in height. Woman has an unblemished face of lighter complexion. Her dark brown hair appears almost black unless in direct sunlight which she styles in numerous ways if she is not participating in excessive physical exertion. Her attire are always in good taste keeping her reputation as a classy yet alluring lady of nobility. Even when she dresses simply it is still fashionable as well as pragmatic. Furthermore one can note her fit appearance with moderate muscle tones. This is thanks to her self disciplined lifestyle involving regular exercise and healthy diet. Regularly meditating allows her to keep the wear of stress from her features.

Her frame is average though the noble families and their selection of attractive partners have given Fyonna a biological advantage in physique. Morganians in particular are well known for the astounding appearance. While Fyonna dresses in good taste one can tell she is fit and has curves in all the right places without needing to show an excessive amount of skin. she does partake in temporary body art from time to time. sometimes people take these as tattoos but are in fact just temporary ink that washes off and goes away with time. these do take a substantial amount of time to put in place and most she does herself.

Her hazel eyes are in high contrast with both her lighter skin tone and her opposing dark hair color. The green and amber accents in her irises often deceive others that behind her eyes are often cold calculating gaze. If she were not so ruthless in her duties she would be be the life of a party and light up a room with her charismatic charm.



Born from one of the noble houses of Ondereon Fyonna doesn’t disappoint in her mannerisms and personality. House Kira is known as the enforcers of Ondereon to which Fyonna has pursued excellently from her time on the planet. She sees order and purpose in all things. Chaos and fruitless action to be something to be removed from civilization. If someone breaks a rule, there are always consequences and Fyonna is more than happy to execute the punishment herself. This doesn’t matter if the person is a close friend or family member, she upholds order and law with great zeal as she had been taught to from an early age.

Purpose is reflected in everything Fyonna does. Though she is introverted she does spend time around others though she simply doesn’t rely on the presence or attention of others. Other people means more observation for upholding directive and if she only had to worry about herself or a handful of people then she would be much more at ease.

When the Crimson Succubus relaxes she tends to do so in solitude and after all work is complete. A workaholic might be a term to describe her but she does enjoy what she does and is exceptionally good at it. Seeing knowledge as power she has learned to be extraordinary in diplomatic and social engineering as well as application of physical skills. Anywhere from open combat to technical talents Fyonna often studies multiple subjects at one time that would be on par with a full time university student on top of her normal duties.

The earning of her nicknames each have a story behind them. She particularly enjoys the occult and arcane arts of the dark side of the force and seeks to control and dominate the forces of the galactic ethereal power. One such endeavor to search for reanimating the dead has given her the title Necromancer which castes her in somewhat of a morbid if not superstitious light by those that have heard of this but she is most prominently known by her first title. On the other hand she has earned the nickname Crimson Succubus due to her ways of being a real life fem-fatale. Charismatic and charming she is highly seductive to both men and women alike. She has a way of learning other’s desires and using them to her own ends and making her victims pay dearly for their urges.

Over all she is a lady of nobility and conducts herself as such. Well mannered and versed in proper etiquette she does so not only to have diplomatic and social interactions go smoothly but because that is the lifestyle she had known. Less fortunate individuals that live in destitution she sees as losers in the lottery of existence. Just as there are laws for civilizations there laws of nature that cannot be ignored. The weak reproduce and die out but the strong reign and survive. This outlook is taken as arrogance which Fyonna would not necessarily argue against but she does not completely lack empathy with the destitute populations of the galaxy. The fact is that the galaxy is not ready to completely change its ways and eventually, with her guiding hand it can steer away from unhappiness, poverty, and slavery. But that comes second to law and order and even the slaves have purpose and value.

High in ambition she wishes to rise to the top of whatever she takes part in. when she was young and quiet she studied to become the top of her class. She excelled in sports and physical activities. At first it was because her parents pushed her to be the best but she took the initiative even when they weren’t around and did it for her own benefit. Self-improvement was more important than beating someone else. Fyonna wishes to not become better than others since she doesn’t need gratification from another party. Instead she just wants to be better than her former self to which she sees a true form of nobility.




Both Fyonna’s parents were aristocrats from House Kira of Ondereon. The House of Blades had a few other than human families within it and Fyonna’s father and mother is one such family. The two of them were both exceptionally successful individuals from an early age and excelled in their fields of work. Her mother was of a less notable family in House Rash that had gained prominence through consulting with off world law enforcement from other factions. Fyonna’s father had been a lead agent of intelligence when the two met on the job. Both were still young but it had been the budding of prosperous relationship. Sibun Adoga Kira is her father’s name and he has since risen to a high ranking position in the Ondereon military law enforcement. Her mother, Ayer Fher Kira, continues to work as a magistrate dealing with external governments and organizations in areas requiring judicial observation and input from the Ondereon government.

But Fyonna’s parent’s weren’t always so comfortable with their lifestyles. They first worked hard to climb the ranks of their respective organizations. Sibun Kira had started off as a simple military officer and had been recruited by the intelligence community to work for the government. Ayer Kira (then known as Ayer Rash as she was known then) was a simple auditor at first before ascending to her current position over time after switching between private companies and government work. Many women chased after Sibun but he turned many of them away and a few offered Ayer a hand in marriage but she declined, instead both focusing on their work as a priority. But after finding one another the two soon formed a bond and were together for a long time without actually marrying one another. Some frowned upon this activity but eventually the two married and had Fyonna a few years later. they both were aware of their duties towards their houses and but that was not the sole reason for how they conducted one another.



Even though they had more time than they had before Fyonna had been born Sibun and Ayer had more responsibility in both of their areas of expertise and so couldn’t give Fyonna all the attention they normally would have given her. previously they had been observed less but now that they had risen to prominence in the social jungle of the noble houses they had to put forth effort towards gatherings and politics even if it was far less than other house representatives. This led Fyonna to be raised by tutors, nannies and other members of the family. Fyonna did not resent her parents for this, instead she admired their dedication to their jobs and sought to do the same. She saw it as the natural way of things and so never learned to form strong bonds that others did with their parents.

Because nobility on Ondereon is high in the echelons of the social pyramid Fyonna went to a private school and learned from the best teachers. These classes were difficult and she struggled at times. But it wasn’t a struggle to pass the class, but be the best in every subject. Fyonna’s family on both sides were known for being non-political so she didn’t partake in the normal social hierarchy that formed in school environment.



It wasn’t until she had reached her teens that her parents realized that their child was different in more ways than one. They hired a tutor to test her ability in the force. The teacher was surprised at the potential Fyonna possessed and did his best to guide her through the basics since he had been little more than a jedi knight before leaving the order. The instructor was not used to individuals being influenced by the force as much as a normal jedi as he had dealt with others with only above average individuals gifted with the force that could do little more than raise a little stone with months of training. Fyonna learned surprisingly fast and on top of her motivation and learned personality she was strong in the force.

Her parent’s realized the she would need a better teacher than the ex-jedi but couldn’t find anyone. One day Fyonna told the man off in a heated arguement. They hadn’t made much progress as there was only so much he could teach her with his limited experience. He quite and Fyonna turned towards a medium of both her parents and became a commissioned officer in law enforcement for the Ondereon military.



in the military she was an entry level officer amongst a large community. rumors still were whispered of her parent's reputation as well as her own by those that knew her but it was a more open minded environment and mixed with the greater populace of Ondereon. this allowed her to earn merit for her actions and have a relatively clean slate earning a reputation that was completely her's on her own terms.

after several years she worked her way up to a higher position and as such was able to instruct those below her. she soon became in charge of her own unit fighting the criminal underworld as well as eliminating pirate operations in nearby systems. she was given command of a corvette and was instructed to do whatever it took to eliminate the corsair presence. brutal, ruthless and efficient were how she carried out her duty.



but the pirates were frustrated at just how increasingly difficult it was to operate in the area. they couldn't turn a profit as they once did and so decided to lash out. numerous civilian vessels were attacked and ravaged. no survivors were left save for the few that the corsairs took as slaves. Fyonna was outraged at the audacity of the pirates and so hunted them down with her ship.

after several months of tracking the pirates she found them far outside of Ondereon space. Fyonna's ship had left the area to bring them back. but in that time the corsairs had also harassed other groups as well in an attempt to make quick cash, most notably the Sith. the dark siders beat her to her target and they had eliminated all of the pirates to send a message to any who would steal from the sith. Fyonna wanted to bring them in under charges even though she wanted them dead as well. still she noticed the extent of the sith's power and so sat down with the sith before returning.



the woman had discussed a great deal with the dark side warriors and found the power they offered provocative. she wished to join the sith and so returned to Ondereon and finished her contract with the Ondereon military at age twenty. there were mixed feelings in her own house as well as throughout the upper class as word spread of her acceptance of the dark side but she was already light years away in sith territory learning far more than her previous instructor had ever taught her.

she became a full sith quickly and gained prominence thanks to opportunity and perseverance. she did as she was told until she no longer had to take direction from her master and became graduated from the acolyte status. Fyonna went on missions to enforce the sith's rule over its territory and insure rebellion was nonexistent. rules were put in place and overseen by her and any existing problems were quickly rectified by the talented sith.


Fyonna knew that her power was only limited by her own will and as such sought to reach ever higher. she focused on perfecting her own strength and ability before she took on more responsibility. if she wanted to have others obey and follow her she couldn't be weak or incapable of conducting the actions she wished others to do. though she had great potential she stayed under the radar of most other sith.

she became an agent for the brotherhood in her specific field. she tricked and schemed against the sith's enemies causing greater destruction and collapse of criminal groups that couldn't be done any better than if an entire army had wiped them out. she out thought the enemy, entranced associates and killed any that got in her way. this was how she started to gain notoriety as the Crimson Succubus.


though her identity was not fully known the reputation of the Crimson Succubus had become spoken in hushed tones throughout the criminal empire in the outer rim. deserters of the republic still feared the enemies of their previous affiliations. force wielders no longer part of the order knew her to be an opposition to their own agendas. traitors to the brotherhood jumped at their own shadows thinking she was on their heals. sometimes they were right.

Fyonna had become an inquisitor on behalf of the supreme leader and the upper chain of command. she slaughtered any who dared cross the ideals of the sith and imposed judgement just as her upbringing had instilled in her. every time a member of the sith deserted the brotherhood she would track them down and eliminate them. it is rumored that several times she used the traitor's own weapons against them. now she keeps their lightsabers as trophies. if one is lucky as a show of elegance, skill and power she will use the force to control all of these in a dance and sometimes even in combat. it is theorised her use of weapons belonging to dead individuals as the origin of her secondary title in aw bit of irony, Necromancer. her display often makes it appear as if the sabers are wielded by phantom attackers. but the truth behind her secondary title is because of her fascination with occult and arcane literature. some of which is gruesome and considered savage even by present day sith.

Character Theme: Horns - Bryce Fox
Chapter 1: Dangerous - Big Data (ft Joywave)
Chapter 2: For Kicks - Metric
Chapter 3: U Don't Know - Allison Wonderland (ft Wayne Coyne)
Chapter 4: Commander - Apashe (ft Panther)
Chapter 5: Trouble Finds You - Juliet Simms
Chapter 6: The Devil Within - Digital Daggers
Chapter 7: Ricochet! - Shiny Toy Guns
Chapter 8: Eyes On Fire - Blue Foundation
(these will probably change as more detail is added and chapters expanded)


Starting at an early age Fyonna was taught by the best tutors a noble family could acquire. this was not her only source of instruction as both of her parents were very capable and intelligent individuals and passed on many lessons to her. privates schools allowed her to have extensive facilities and resources at her disposal from an early age all of which she utilized to rise above the regular and less motivated members of her peer group. but those were only subjects that were available in public. in adulthood she has learned to hone anything and everything she puts her mind to.

a disciplined fitness regime keeps her stronger than her smaller frame would imply. hand to hand combat is a pride of hers as she has learned various forms of unarmed combat from numerous individuals. lightsaber combat amongst other strengths is just as skillful. ranged combat it moderately used by her though she is acceptable and well rounded in all areas of marksmanship.


(capable -> advanced -> expert -> master]

Lightsaber Skills

Shii-cho - Advanced
Makashi - Expert
Soresu - Expert
Ataru - Capable
Shien/Djem So - Expert
Niman - Advanced
Juyo/Vaapad - Capable

Force Abilities

Acrobatics - Advanced
Energy Manipulation - Master
Telekinesis - Advanced
Healing - Capable
Status Effects - Capable
Trances - Advanced
Sense - Expert
Mental Manipulation - Capable

Echani Arts - Master
Piloting/Mechanical Ops - Advanced
Intelligence Acquisition - Expert
Black Ops/Espionage/Subterfuge - Expert
Firearms/Marksmanship - Advanced
EVA/Water combat - Capable

Military Tactics - Advanced
Tracking/Hunting - Expert
Culinary Arts - Advanced
Sculpting/Painting - Expert
Information Technology - Expert​



Notable Kills

Shayara Mal'do
Roy Pherae


#CC0018 Fyonna Kira (Sith - Moff of Ossus) Seductive Inquisitor
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SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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reserved because of reasons


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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After reading this further, she would get along really well if Lighthawk were he an angry person. They have a lot on common, mostly the keeping one's sabers and using it against them thing. But he despises the Sith. Maybe the reason he quits and refuses to teach her anymore is because he can see the Darkness in her and fears what she may do with his teachings?


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
After reading this further, she would get along really well if Lighthawk were he an angry person. They have a lot on common, mostly the keeping one's sabers and using it against them thing. But he despises the Sith. Maybe the reason he quits and refuses to teach her anymore is because he can see the Darkness in her and fears what she may do with his teachings?
yeah i think that would be a good idea. he only wants to teach her basic "neutral"/light side techniques and she's like "screw that, lame. gimme the good stuff."


The Lightbringer
SWRP Writer
May 13, 2015
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yeah i think that would be a good idea. he only wants to teach her basic "neutral"/light side techniques and she's like "screw that, lame. gimme the good stuff."
Sounds good. I can work with this. ^.^


New Member
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2016
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I'm new to this site and really didn't want to voice any kind of disapproval of anyones work before I became more familiar with the people here.

However, reading through your character I immediately started thnking one question "If she started training as a teen (asuming that means 13) how did she manage to obtain such a wide variety of skills with so much development in a lot of them?". A maximum of 8 years would be her training period, and I don't want to sound rude or anything but I don't see how somebody could gain this level of skill in so many things in such a short amount of time despite how hard they work.

I know everybody hates a critic and I'm sorry I had to be the person to voice any kind of criticism for the character you probably worked quite some time on and I think its well written, I'm just not convinced the level of skill you gave her in so many things is believable, though I'm sure their have been characters that are much worse in this regard.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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I'm new to this site and really didn't want to voice any kind of disapproval of anyones work before I became more familiar with the people here.

However, reading through your character I immediately started thnking one question "If she started training as a teen (asuming that means 13) how did she manage to obtain such a wide variety of skills with so much development in a lot of them?". A maximum of 8 years would be her training period, and I don't want to sound rude or anything but I don't see how somebody could gain this level of skill in so many things in such a short amount of time despite how hard they work.

I know everybody hates a critic and I'm sorry I had to be the person to voice any kind of criticism for the character you probably worked quite some time on and I think its well written, I'm just not convinced the level of skill you gave her in so many things is believable, though I'm sure their have been characters that are much worse in this regard.
you made me realize i didn't change my character's age to 27 like i had intended. #fail
so basically there's 6 more years in there
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