Ask Foundations Of A Regime

The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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Hardship was the name of the night for the army. Plenty of people had been killed by their own friends in the chaos and deceit of the night. Ultimately, though, the priests were able to dissipate the power of the toxin and the army was moved free from its camping point.

Fatigue and horror would continue to cling to the army throughout their march, but the morale boost from their healing at the cost of the Leviathan kept them going and kept them on their feet.



When the city of Murzana came into view, it wasn't something to disappoint. A hidden gem in the deserts of Korriban, the city had thrived and prospered even in its isolation. Walls and towers surrounded the city in its entirety, providing strong defenses that extended out in nearly ever direction. Its back lay against a sheer cliff dropping off into near-nothingness behind. No retreat and only one way to assault.

The front had a deep moat that ran all along its front side dropping into a fissure over 100 feet deep that made close assault difficult and stone bridges that crossed this moat.

Despite these defenses, the city's greatest strength had always been its secrecy. It hadn't been subjected to a true invasion in generations, but today would test its might.

Ashani wasn't afraid, though. The desert scouts had reported on the progress of the boy-who-would-be-king and his army as they crossed the wastelands, and her army was ready. She rode through the ranks of the city's troops atop a wolven creature, ready to direct the troops as the army advanced.

They will break upon this fortress like water on rock! Within these walls, we will outlast them! she cried out to her troops over the din of their preparations. Korriban had been decimated time and again throughout history, and it would know death again today.

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

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May 22, 2023
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Azar was sleep deprived, but that didn’t matter right now. His loyal forces stood by him the entire way, their belief in his cause fueling them all. It was daunting, the most pressure and weight Azar had ever felt. He found solace in the presence of Karys and also Trodai and Veltharion, knowing he could lean on them through this.

He wasn’t alone.

The Kressh saw the magnificent city for the first time - rising formidably above the dunes. It was far more majestic than any pictures or descriptions. It was the perfect representation of the grand efforts of his ancestors, forged by those that were blessed by the old gods and were closest to Adas. He wondered if even Empress Andraste ever laid her sight on this city. Azar took a moment to simply admire it, wishing that it didn’t come to this.

He knew Ashani would be behind those walls, commanding a position far above anything she would have achieved under different circumstances. She had been nothing more than a simple, illiterate farmer that didn’t even realize she possessed the skill of psychometry. Azar almost had to smile at how much he unwittingly shaped her career.

The sight of the bridge was problematic and his mind worked on the best strategy forward. The Kressh forces consisted of lanvarok and spear men up front, archers and Kissai sorcerers in the back. Grotthu, the ones that survived thus far, lined the very front. Many of the soldiers were outfitted with parts of the leviathan as part of their armor.

Azar had his helmet back on, perched atop his mount near Trodai and Karys. He turned to Trodai first, “Have the siege weapons prepare to target the towers to prevent an assault as we push across the bridges,” He said, “Make sure the trebuchet are protected,” He gazed at Karys, “I will look to you to lead another forward assault once we have an in,” Azar telepathically connected with Veltharion in the distance, ‘And I look to you for perhaps the most critical part of our operation. Once you have an opening, you must cross to the other side discreetly with some of the Sadow trained Kressh warriors.’

With that, he turned towards the city and called out with a projected voice that the citizens would be able to hear, “Murzana has stood for millennia and was built as a testament of our might and a symbol of prosperity. That vision is yet a dream only because your walls harbor a poison that seeks to consume not only you and your families, but extend to butcher other sith across Korriban. We are few, we are dying, we are scattered and yet the Sadow you harbor seek nothing but total annihilation and perpetuate the worst of our past. They use Murzana as a staging point for their own selfish cause. Turn from them and there need not be any bloodshed here today!”

Azar wanted everyone to know that Murzana had been given a choice. He wanted them to know exactly what kind of King he intended to be. He wanted those whispers and rumors about him confirmed. He wanted the civilians to hear it themselves.

@Phoenix @Akheron @Rom @Apollyon

Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai was also deprived of sleep and yet it was a familiar feeling. For he had gone a few days before without it, during his mercenary years. During a particularly troublesome many ways similar to his current predicament. He tried his best to stay alert, eating a energy bar. And when he saw Murzana on the horizon he looked in awe but also sadness at having to destroy it possibly.

A piece of history. Their history and the people's.

He could hear the chanting of war even from where they currently stood and the howls and noises of beasts. Terentatek and a wolf. As Azar looked to him, Trodai looked back with a gaze of fire. Of determination. He nodded as he spoke, beating a arm across the chest. He too hard added some additional armour courtesy of the dead leviathan that had so nearly ended him. Now it served another purpose.

"It shall be done Azar. I won't let you down, should they not yield I will tear the city down if I must."

Turning to his own commander, Graush who was equally fatigued, Trodai spoke "I know it's been a rough night but we are at the final stretch. Do not falter now old friend. Spread the trebuchet out. I want the trebuchet's set up to hit the walls in three separate areas. Use the U Formation but spread it out. I want different lines of fire and firing arcs, overlapping. Punch holes where possible and concentrate fire there or at the towers. I need you to protect the trenches and sorcerers while I push forward and create openings for the troops to the gate and drainage ditch. I must rely upon you once more. At my signal unleash hell."

He held his shoulder, if Karys or Azar were to look they would see the friendship was strong. One formed through fire.

He sent a equal telepathic message after Azar "Until there is a opening we require your beast riders to assist the Commander. Protect the trebuchets and sorcerers. Ensure we punch a hole should they not yield. You have done well so far, keep it up."

With that notion, everyone moved about into position. Ready to bring a reckoning upon any refusal to heed Azar words. The trebuchet spread out into position. Set up to hit the walls in three separate areas. A spread out U Formation. Different lines of fire and firing arcs, overlapping were organised. They would punch holes where possible and concentrate fire there or at the towers. The commander went with two battalions to protect the trenches and sorcerers. Trodai sat on a large war beast, this time a giant Korriban Scorpion, far larger than his pet at home. And more rigid than their Ziosti cousins, the venom more concentrated. They were equally as feisty however when riled up. He waited for words to be spoken by the defenders.

For good or ill. His arm ready to signal the beginning of armageddon upon the city.

@Sreeya @Apollyon @Rom @Phoenix


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys nodded at Azar when his order was given. He’d squeeze his husband’s hand once and given him a worried glance.

<Be careful, okay? I love you.> He replied before giving him a kiss and then pulling off from Azar side .

<Grotthu to the front, right box formations! They will soak charges from those Terentateks!> Karys called as he came alongside the command team under his sanction. <Massassi will form up behind them with shields, I want tight phalanxes! Each Massassi formation will have a sorcerer in their midst! Ensure there is enough space for them to see from and cast their spells through!> He barked. We will hold out of their range until two entry points have been created! Until then, I want all magicks to be focused on ensuring those trebuchet shots hit their targets! He continued. <Guide them in and ensure they land! We can’t afford their for their Sorcerers to rebound them back at us.> Karys explained. <For Azar’ithar, for Korriban!>

With his orders given, Karys would watch as they were played out and wait to move up his forces until the allotted time. With their enemy boxed in, there was no reason to rush. They had the advantage of range here.

@Phoenix @Sreeya @Akheron @Rom


Sith Order

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May 17, 2021
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Veltharion was running through a final check of his gear and armor, tugging on straps and checking to make sure that he'd have everything he'd need for the battle ahead; his lightsaber pike was in it's collapsed state and hanging at his hip beneath his dark cloak, scatterblaster hanging from his bandolier with plenty of powerpacks for the battle ahead, and in a reinforced pack slung across his back was the kyber bomb Azar had crafted. His tail blade dug a furrow in the sandy rock behind him and the crude sith sword he'd picked up during the fight with the Leviathan was lashed to his mount; a fearsome slathering beast of a tuk'ata hound. Rubbing his hand down it's muzzle and behind it's ears, the Barabel's head snapped to the side as he felt a tendril of power reaching out for him and the voice of the Longfang echoing in his mind followed by General Trodai. Dipping his head and reaching back out with a wordless sense of understanding, and loyalty toward Azar, Vel pulled himself up onto the back of his dark hound and raised his tail up before viciously snapping it to the side, the thunderous whip crack of displaced air riling the beasts and catching the attention of his riders.

"Riderz, we have our orderz! We've been assigned to defend the trebuchets and sorcerers from incursion, ready to move and reinforce any place in our lines where the enemy makes a hole. Once the enemy is committed the command will fall to Raszageth and you will ensure the safety of the Kissai and our King. Go forth, and fear no darknezz; the Hungry One iz with us this day!" Turning to a group of cowled Kressh men that had received special training, Vel pointed a claw at their leader and hissed, "When the time comez this one will meet you at the gorge. Be ready." Snapping the reins, Veltharion reached out with the Force to try and connect with the mind of his Hound as the riders formed up and made ready to reinforce the trebuchets and Kissai ranks, hoping that the increased connection between beast and rider would make them a more powerful force on the battlefield.

@Sreeya @Apollyon @Akheron @Phoenix

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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Azar's voice echoed through the Force and boomed over the city with his message. Several of the soldiers along the walls shifted slightly, moving their grips on their weapons. Seeds of doubt were already planted, but no one was breaking ranks to run before the battle had started.

The army formed up in front of the city in its phalanxes with its sorcerers and began to draw forward. The first difficulty they would have was navigating the trio of bridges over the moat. Each one was made of stone and although it was structurally sound it was narrow and gave the aura of a trap.

The towers near the bridges began to rain lanvarok fire down on the phalanxes but did little to punch through the shields of the Massassi.

Securing or bringing down the towers would be a necessity to securing the bridges, but that was easier said than done. Shots from the first of the trebuchets slammed against the towers and suppressing fire from archers and lanvarok managed to suppress some of the attacking fire. So far... things were going well for the attackers, but the next move would still fall to them: charge across the bridge, find a way to secure the towers, or bring them both down and hope to create a new path for the army across the abyss.

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

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May 22, 2023
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“BARRIER!” Azar projected to the Kissai to collectively toss up a barrier in defense of incoming lanvarok if they made it past the Massassi phalanx. The battle was underway and Azar knew the citizens heard him. He would capitalize on that later, but they had immediate concerns for now. He glanced back at the Kissai, “Focus on the tower’s structural defenses and topple one over the moat!”

However, Azar wouldn’t employ that same strategy for the other towers. He turned to Karys, “They have more firepower than I anticipated,” He said quickly, “We need some footsoldiers to breach the towers and take over. The towers will also give us a vantage point should Murzana decide to come out to meet us. Do not be seen in your approach.”

With the focus on the towers and initial volleys, Azar hoped that Veltharion would sneak in unnoticed and begin work on exploiting the weakness in the Murzana walls. Should he succeed, it would collapse the entire front row and structure to ease their advance.

“What do the scouts report? Do we have any reinforcements coming whether it be for Murzana or us?” Azar asked hastily.

@Apollyon @Akheron @Rom @Phoenix

Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai observed the battle as the enemy city refused to yield just yet. An unfortunate circumstance but not unforeseeable, he thought. For some would remain as loyal to their generals as his men and women were to him, Veltharion, Karys and Azar. They would rather die than submit. Defiant to the end. it did earn them some respect in that regard.

As Azar yelled out and Karys issued his own orders, Trodai was left to consider the other elements. He noted how so far the trebuchet, arrows and lanvaroks appeared to have some affect on suppressing the towers, with things so far improving despite their initial troubles. But he knew it wouldn't last long. He saw the two avenues to take, and decided upon a course of action. Seeing that Azar was up to something he decided upon another diversion to keep the enemy occupied while Karys did what he wanted and a possible way to gauge the enemy. To see their tactics and exploit it.

He called out "Reinforce General Karys'ithar with two additional platoons! Help secure those bridge towers! Keep fire concentrated on the other towers away from the bridges, to allow them to be captured. Send a probing force forward of Grotthu across the bridges. Let's see what weakness the enemy will reveal."

With that the trebuchets continued to fire upon the other towers. Away from the bridges. Two platoons moved to Karys to help with securing the bridge towers while a probe force of Grotthu left were sent over the bridges, to test the defences. Trodai observed to see the reaction as the pawns set to work in the chess game being played out. If the small charge revealed a weakness or opening he would seek to take advantage of it and concentrate efforts there. With most of the army held back until the opportunity presented itself.

@Sreeya @Apollyon @Rom @Phoenix
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Sith Order

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May 17, 2021
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Veltharion watched the opening salvos of the battle from the back of his Hound, sanguine eyes narrowed in concentration as he considered the tactics and Sith way of waging war. He had been waging war against other clans on Barab 1 since he was old enough to wield a spear, but among his people there were no grand battles with warriors marching in formation or siege weapons; the tight confines of the warrens and tunnels wouldn't allow for it. His wars were one of stealthy infiltrations and lightning raids on an unprepared enemy; these grand displays of force against towers and strong walls was completely foreign to the reptilian Acolyte.

Thankfully, Azar had a job for him that was more suited to his past experience. Slipping off the back of his Hound as he reached the five Kressh assassins that had been assigned to his command, the Barabel would double check his equipment and the kyber bomb on his back before setting off and circling around their forces to approach the moat on the opposite side of the attacking force.

Vel closed his eyes and let out a slow breath before drawing on the Force, folding it around himself and chanting a spell of shadows, his native language flowing off of his tongue as he concentrated on becoming smaller, fainter; to vanish from sight and pass unseen beneath the notice of any scout or guard. The Sadow-trained assassins did their own variation of Stealth, seeming to shimmer like a mirage in the desert heat before the band of six moved as one in the direction of the moat, hoping to find a relatively safe point to leap across the moat using the Force and continue their stealthy approach to the walls.

@Sreeya @Akheron @Apollyon


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys phalanxes came to a halt before the bridges, the Grotthu before them hesitated. Karys barked the order to halt, there were better ways of hunting for traps. Karys didn’t need to sacrifice the lives of even Grotthu to gain intelligence, they had the Force. When the reinforcing Grotthu arrived, Karys would hold them in reserve as well but was prepared to use them as a distraction force if need be.

His attentions would turn to the chief sorcerer under his command.

<Pick three Sorcerers and their accompanying Massassi. They will remain here with you and a holding force. I want them to extend their senses and hunt for anything that might be waiting for us.> He commanded. <If they sense anything they are to immediately notify you.> He continued. <And if anything here of note occurs, you are to fall back and notify me telepathically.> Karys stated with finality.

With that, Karys’ attentions turned to the furthest tower that was being suppressed. He would arrange the reinforcing Grotthu into a defensive formation at the bridge’s mouth. Meanwhile, he would take three-fourths of his Massassi warriors and their assigned sorcerers to assault the furthest tower. The rest were left to protect the chief sorcerer.

<When my assault begins, send the first two platoons of Grotthu across this bridge to assault this tower.> Karys commanded offhandedly. <If they make it across, send the next two and begin an assault. Keeping our enemy preoccupied is of grave importance.>

Hopefully, the tower would be easier to overtake and allow them a foothold when it came to taking the neighboring towers on the other side of the bridge. In addition, if there were traps the soldiers within the tower could spring, it was least likely to happen at that location. And so, Karys and his warriors would begin their assault while a portion of his warriors hunted for traps. Action being taken and intelligence being gathered, it was risky but hopefully it would pay off.

@Phoenix @Sreeya @Akheron @Rom
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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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The assault on the city was going about as well as one could expect. The Grotthu were having a bad day, though. Azar's plan to topple the tower over the moat was successful, giving a route across even if one that perhaps would only support a fraction of the army before it collapsed under its own weight and the weight of innumerable boots.

For now, though, they had a path if a precarious one.

The Grotthu sent across the bridge met a violent and horrid end as they were skewered under arrows and lanvaroks fired from afar, although some of the second platoon managed to make it across.

Veltharion and his stealthers did manage to find a narrow point and with the help of the Force, leapt across and to the other side and toward the walls.

The second tower, also, was brought down by trebuchet fire, and a massive plume of stony dust kicked up into the air. Several of the Grotthu on the bridge were crushed under its debris, but between the precarious fallen tower and the bridge that also now looked perhaps a bit structurally questionable, they had their path to the city walls, though whether either of those crossings would take siege equipment was still very much in question.


Sith Order

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May 17, 2021
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Veltharion and the Kressh Warriors moved as quickly as they could while staying out of sight from any defenders who may not be distracted by the attack at the bridges. A loud rumble and crash in the distance seemed to indicate the attack on the towers was going well, but Vel refused to let himself be distracted; there was a ways to go until they'd reach the drain in the wall and they couldn't afford to be sloppy.

As the group of saboteurs approached the section of wall where the drain was located Vel slowed their movement to a crawl, creeping closer to see if the drain was under guard or defended in some way; if it was not then they'd make their approach and plant the bomb before reaching out to Azar for the signal to execute the plan. If it was... well, Veltharion was confident they'd be able to overcome any defender.

@Phoenix @Sreeya @Akheron @Apollyon

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

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May 22, 2023
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“Abort!” Azar telepathically called out to Karys and his men as they approached the second tower. It took a solid hit from the trebuchet and was about to come down, “Get out of there!”

The second bridge collapse wasn’t ideal. He had hoped that one would drop and the other would be a takeover. Nonetheless, there was nothing to do now but to adapt rapidly. From their comms, he was pleased that at least Vel and his crew made it across. Azar paused for a moment to consider his options. The towers being out of the equation was good, but he knew that the bridge was flimsy. Azar cursed under his breath, knowing that he would have to make some tough choices. The opposite side would have a plethora of defenses, and his sorcerers would have to focus on just getting the men across the bridge. They could take their time and try to secure all the other bridges, but that would only give Murzana time to call on reinforcements and pincer Azar’s forces.

“Secure the bridge!” Azar called out to his sorcerers, all of them collectively working to hold the bridge and debris to allow the influx of troops to cross, “Stay in formation!” They would keep to their shielded phalanx, a sorcerer embedded within to throw up a barrier when needed.

“Once you are on the other side, ignite your arrows and fire into the towers adjacent to the walls at the other bridges!” It was an economical move - only going after the single towers closest to the city walls to prevent any rear attacks. This would be an adjustable strategy depending on what they faced on the other side.

If all went well, Azar would begin to cross himself with the last of the Kissai.

“Move the siege weapons to the edge of the moat,” He said lastly. This would position the siege weapons much closer to allow their volleys to go over the moat and strike at anything coming out to meet them. With no towers left they were safe for now.

@Apollyon @Akheron @Rom @Phoenix

Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai observed the battle, and the probing force he had sent. He took note of the enemy defences and how the Grotthu were met with arrows and lanvarok assault, with some making it across. While he heard a crash and saw the first tower collapse across the most followed shortly after by the second tower that crushed several Grotthu upon the bridge. Damaging the bridge itself.

Thinking upon it, Trodai knew it was a unfortunate setback and yet they also now had a opportunity.

As it collapsed he knew Karys was there and so acted quickly "Send a squad to help him! Cover his and his men retreat with suppressive fire, give those walls a volley!" he said to the Commander before issuing a further order as he noted Azar moving forwards "Cover him as well. Move every troop you can across that bridge while we can, I shall join them. We attack from front and rear! Archers, lanvaroks and trebuchets concentrate fire on the walls and those manning them."

The order was followed and a squad went to help Karys and his Kressh Assassins to retreat, with a volley of arrows and lanvaroks aimed at the wall opening fire to cover his retreat. A additional platoon was sent to cover Azar advance, firing at the wall and those manning it with concentrated fire by arrows and lanvaroks to clear his way ahead.

As he moved to the bridge he heard Azar request the siege weapons be moved towards the moat and set to the task.

"Siege weapons move to the edge of the moat! Cover our advance and the bridge! Any enemy comes out let them have it." he said with conviction, before he headed with the troops, pulling enemies from the wall using the Force and into the moat below as he made his own way across. Any who fell on the bridge would be trampled and impaled by the surge of troops. He attempted to pull as many as he could under cover of shields from the arrows and lanvaroks above. With lightsaber in one hand and pulling with the other.

@Sreeya @Apollyon @Rom @Phoenix


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Azar’s voice echoed in Karys’ mind as he and his men made their way towards the tower. He responded quickly and order a retreat away from the tower before it collapsed. Karys and his men would retreat and rejoin with the rest of his forces. Once they had linked back together Karys would order them to push across the bridge the sorcerers were supporting.

Thank you baby.” Karys pulsed back to Azar.

Karys and his Massassi prepared to deal with the onrush of enemy soldiers once they’d crossed the bridge. They would break on his phalanxes. Karys simply had to buy time and lure out the Terentateks at a steady pace to whittle their numbers down without too many sacrifices.

All they really had to do here was buy time for Vel to blow the drainage ditch in the wall. Once that was done Karys would be able to send his Massassi in to rampage across the city. Murzana would fall and Karys would be at the speartip of its destruction.

And so Karys and his men continued their advance towards the hidden city of vengeance.

@Phoenix @Sreeya @Rom @Akheron

The Storyteller

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Dec 24, 2017
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With no small amount of effort by the sorcerers, they managed to keep the bridge upright for the army to cross over, but it was through near sheer willpower and took the reserves out of more than a few of the sorcerers. But across they were. The trick now was that retreat was nearly impossible.

They were in it until the death of someone.

Velatharion and his troops would have a more profound influence on the battle per pound of sentient being than perhaps any other group on the battlefield. Sneaking down to the small culvert at the wall's base that was little more than a drain, they placed the fire device that would undo stone.

Hopefully his small team would remember to move away before they detonated the explosives.

They tore through the stone of the wall at a rate of 5000 feet per second, shredding and sending stone flying out in a peppering debris field all around. The defending army would be forced to adapt, but they were hardly helpless.

The trebuchets were pushed to the edge of the moat, their crews silently grateful not to have to cross the precarious distance but ready to fire at the city and its defenders.

The gap in the wall was perhaps Army Kressh's first and last real attempt to take the city. Defenders within its walls were no small group, and the decision of how to push forward would determine everything about how the battle would unfold.

Would they send their heavy infantry into the gap, forcing their way through whatever defenders were closing the gap? Would they send the Grotthu in as a mass, simply filling the breech with bodies before it could be closed? Would they leave their flank open to the main gate to their left and potentially open themselves to a counter attack? Would they play it safe and allow the defenders to fill in the gap and simply lay siege to the city, waiting them out? They outnumbered the defenders, but that didn't mean that Murzana and its Terentatek were without their own threats.

Perhaps everything hinged on this moment and the decision that they would make now that their door had been opened.

Army Kressh remaining: 4650 Grotthu, 2500 Massassi, 600 heavy cavalry, 200 sorcs, 10 trebuchets


Sith Order

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May 17, 2021
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Veltharion watched with wide eyes as a section of the mighty wall where they'd planted the Longfang's kyber bomb practically disintegrated, stone and debris flying in all directions and clearing the way into the city itself. Reaching for his belt, the Barabel acolyte removed the finely-wrought horn and brought it to his mouth before blowing three times, the trumpeting sound echoing across the flat plain and summoning cohorts of his beast riders. His mind reached out across the battlefield, briefly touching the mind of his faithful Tuk'ata as it wheeled around and led half of the assembled riders charging along the city side of the moat toward the breach, and then went further to touch the mind of Azar.

'Longfang, the wall is breached. This one haz summoned half of the beast riders to claim a foothold but we will need the support of the Grotthu. This one will hold the wall.'

Turning to his team of saboteurs, Veltharion raised his lightsaber and ignited it with a snap-hiss before waving it toward the breach and charging through the dust toward the shattered wall. Between their stealthy approach and uninterrupted scouting and planting of the bomb, followed by the force of the explosion and the rubble flying into the city, the Barabel was confident that it would be some time before the defenders would be able to reroute forces through the city to even reach the breach, let alone begin trying to plug it. Time enough for he, Azar's shadow warriors, and his fast closing force of three hundred beast-riders to claim a foothold within the walls and hold until they could be reinforced by the Grotthu.

With a hiss of satisfaction at a plan well executed, Veltharion stepped through the rubble of the wall and became the first invader to cross into the city of Murzana in generations.

"Two of you, scale the remainz of the wall on either side of the breach and keep this one appraised on forces approaching along the top of the wall or from the city. The rest of you, help this one move the largest rubble out in a ring along the streets and alleyways leading to the crater to form a makeshift palisade; we'll need the space when the riderz and grotthu arrive, and we cannot let the defenderz take back this breach. Once the foothold is established we will move street to street, securing as we go, until we encounter the enemy. But we will hold them here!"

The baying of his Tuk'ata and the thundering of the mounts grew louder and the Barabel let out a burst of hissing laughter as he looked back over his shoulder to see his cavalry turning toward the city and the breach in the wall, spears shining in the light, with his Tuk'ata racing out ahead of the pack to rejoin his master.

"Right on time."
@Phoenix @Sreeya @Apollyon @Akheron
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Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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The explosion was a beautiful sight to behold and it was something that reminded him that this was all worth it. That they could fight through this. That letting the leviathan die was the right choice. It had to be. Azar looked over his shoulder, seeing the collapsed bridge and feeling that sense of dread. There was no way back and his entire military force was here with him. If he made a mistake, they would all die here together because Azar wouldn’t turn on them.

With each small victory, Azar felt one step closer to the crown. He saw first hand the blood, sweat and tears it took for a man to slowly transform from a prince to a king. He took a moment to crouch down and run his fingers through the dirt on this side of the moat. Soil of Murzana. Soil of the city that would make or break the foundation of his regime. He rose up and smeared that dirt across his chest before he announced his next orders.

“LADDERS! SCALE THE WALL!” He called out, “GROTTHU FORCES TO THE BREACH! STORM THE CITY WITH THE CAVALRY!” The defenders would have a choice between stopping the scaling fighters or rushing to the breach, forcing a split. Since the explosion was a surprise, there was a pause during which the defenders would have to assemble their forces to reach it in time. 1,200 Grotthu would rapidly join Vel and the 300 cavalry forces for the initial charge through the breach.

Azar didn’t forget about the chance of terentatek appearing and he would brace for them accordingly, purposely holding Massassi in reserve.

@Rom @Akheron @Fine Dining Set @Apollyon @Phoenix

Vossari Khaldun

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Fine Dining Set
Sep 26, 2023
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A cruiser bound from Tund dropped into the Esstran system. From the seams of his helmet, he perceived it for the first time: The red jewel, Korriban. Its windswept deserts had been all the talk of legend, of myth, in the Sith academies. The secrets that its people held, the powers that lay within the soil, and the great destinies of those who could rule - all these thoughts lingered in Vossari's mind as he approached. Yet there was a far more personal reason for Voss to be here.

The princess was storming the caste, the dragon consolidating his hoard. While Ashani had stayed on Korriban, and become one with the power of the desert sands, Azar had gone off world. His power base was not just his Sith troops, but his allies, and the Sith Order itself. These off-world ties would come to serve Azar today.

For months, Vossari had studied in the ancient libraries of the Sorceresses of Tund. He had trained with them. And, in exchange for this most holy pilgrimage back to their spiritual homeworld, he would bring their ruinous powers to bear against Azar's enemies. He enclosed the helmet on his suit, guiding the sisters off of the ramp onto the homeworld. On his back sat the Sith Warblade, the Ruby Requiem. It, too, finally returned home. Hidden in his suit was his lightsaber.

A Kressh desert guide met them at the spaceport, and the long journey across the scarred planet began. The group joined a caravan of travelers, taking a deliberate, slow, and long path towards Murzana. While they would miss the first arc of the fighting, they exchanged expediency for safety. On this path, the Sorceresses were safe. Each step into the bone-cracked desert was a step into history itself, as the ancient kingdoms of the Sith left artifacts all across the surface of Korriban. Yet, Vossari could not stop to smell the roses, or appreciate the intellectual curiosity this all stimulated.

He was here on a mission. Azar was fulfilling his promise to return home a king. Vossari would help him fulfill this great destiny. After several moons, the city of Murzana loomed in the distance. The caravan mixed with the camp followers, selling food, supplies, and goods to replenish the stores of those who worked to transport supplies to the frontlines. They dare not approach the frontlines of Murzana itself.

From here, Vossari approached the great moat to the din of battle. A mighty chasm indeed - locking in the defenders and attackers to a brutal slugfest of a battle, where the only options were victory or death. With a running start, Vossari took a force-empowered leap across the moat.

Azar would feel a slight tingling sensation, as the draconic tattoo upon his shoulder glowed from beneath his regalia. The dragon roared. As Azar issued his command to the troops, the Kressh sorcerers would look to the skies as the Wrean champion rode the wind itself to land beside their company. From behind an opaque, black mask, the Supreme Commander of the Kressh army would hear a familiar voice. "Hey, princess." Azar could likely picture the smirk on Vossari's face, beneath his helm. "I know you like gifts."

Behind Vossari, red smoke clouds appeared as sorceresses, clad in the armored robes of ancient Tund, surfed through the chaotic streams of magic to teleport behind him. Azar would recognize the formation - all-humanoid, all-distantly Sith - from his time on Tund. He knew how valuable of an asset these sorceresses were, how dangerous and wondrous they would be.

Vossari Khaldun and one hundred
Sanguine Sisters would take position with the rest of the Sorcerers in the Kresssh army.

@Phoenix @Rom @Sreeya @Akheron @Apollyon

Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
Trodai was busy moving forwards when he heard and saw the massive explosion, marking the successful detonation of the Kyber bomb they had brought. He allowed a small smile, respecting the Barabel, Veltharion a little more as he accomplished the objective and provided a opportunity for the troops. One they would take advantage of.

And then he felt it, the shift in the balance as the Darkness enveloped the area. As he felt the call of the Darkside grow with the arrival of the Sorceresses from Tund and Vossari. It made him smile more, for he had not expected such reinforcements but welcomed them. And the extra firepower brought to the field of battle. It was most welcome. It made him equally respect Vossari for bringing them and assisting, although he didn't know what to expect. Until he was shown a glimpse, surprising him as they teleported across the moat.

He was briefly in awe until he heard the voice of Azar shout across and Trodai acted accordingly.

He turned to the Commander and the men and women. "Ladders forward! Prepare for scaling actions. Grotthu forwards to the breach! Keep them busy! Trebuchet, focus on the gate, archers and lanvaroks aim for the walls and those upon them! Give the wall another volley! Keep them occupied for the Grotthu to reach the breach and sorcerers, sorceresses and General Vossari to do their work. The rest of you chip away at that gate, I want shields, swords and spears at the ready for any surprises."

The order was quickly followed with the siege weapons, trenches, arrows and lanvaroks firing upon the walls. Aiming to bring down as many as possible and maybe even bring down more of the wall if possible for additional entrances. A volley was unleashed on those manning the wall to provide cover for grotthu heading to the breach. Meanwhile ladders were moved forward towards the walls with trained troops ready to scale and ascend with hooks, grappling equipment and swords.

The Grotthu shuffled towards the breach and went willingly to die under the cover of the volley. The rest of the troops continued to chip at the gate, trying advance and breach through. Trodai observed as he too fought, ending lives and dragging enemies from the walls above. He knew with their attention now split the enemy would find it now a difficult task to defend both points of contention, not to mention against the new arrivals. He just hoped they could hold, especially with the Terentatek which he had yet to see. But he knew it was inevitable they would soon come. And then the real battle would begin.

Trodai continued with his aid by coiling the force about the gate, telekinetically latching at the hinges, trying push it towards the enemy, intent to weaken it structurally and allow his own troops to smash it easier.

@Sreeya @Apollyon @Rom @Fine Dining Set @Phoenix
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