Force Power Force Speed

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Star Wars Legacies

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Dec 22, 2017
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Force Speed



Medium to High

Force speed is one of the abilities that has given Force users their reputation as the fastest warriors in the galaxy. Summoning the Force and channeling it into one's own body, a user is capable of speeding themselves up in order to quickly move from one place to another.

Using this ability is generally split into one of two categories: combat applications and sprinting applications. Although both fall under the umbrella of "Force speed" they are both quite different functionally.

In combat, this ability can be used for dodging enemy attacks or gaining better position against an enemy. When using the ability in this context, a Force user can go from stationary to covering around ten meters in a straight line in around a second. In this format, it may only be used in bursts of around a second but is effective for evading blaster fire. Any changes to direction must come between bursts, and it does not alter the speed of the arms for lightsaber swings.

When committed to sprinting, a Force user can use the ability to reach much higher speeds. With this technique, individuals may reach nearly the speed of a jetpack. However, when committed to sprinting, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to quickly alter direction or decelerate without injuring oneself.

Neither applications is particularly draining on its own, but prolonged use of sprinting (15+ seconds) or several combat bursts back-to-back will leave the user severely out of breath and fatigued. With the use of medium or heavy armor, this ability becomes significantly less effective. Heavy armor all but negates the effects of the ability, while medium armor can half its effectiveness. Both types of armor will severely exhaust those who attempt to use this ability.

To flesh out Force powers to comply with the site's new rules without a level system. This is a guideline and should not be used for rule lawyering.

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