Finding a Fetcher [Closed]

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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Good intentions. Apparently, the road to hell was paved in them, but as it was, good intentions were vastly overrated, at least in the mind if one Dark Jedi crusader. Nikoj would much rather let the tempest of his discord flash and flame beneath the surface and allow the still waters to remain calm. Ah yes, intentions didn’t matter all that much to him, but appearances, beauty, grace; such things were everything, and so as he read over a recent report from one of his tech contacts, the man smiled. Thoughts twisted through a darkness sharpened mind the way that his lip did, almost obscuring the handsome features.

Apparently, there was a newly rogue AI with a specialty in the department of “fetching” ; though his credentials and past experience were only minorly detailed. Despite the noted lack of experience, a Dark Jedi could do many things with something designed specifically to retrieve objects of potentially great value; most especially if the AI were careful, and could never be traced back to said Dark Jedi. Indeed, one of the primary institutions of the Bogan lay within their secretive nature, and being able to operate behind the scenes while still meeting his own ends would serve Nikoj well.

Thoughts about potential shifted slowly to notions of safety, security, and contact. How could be sure that the Intelligence would remain loyal to him? How could he be absolutely sure that his motives and intentions did not touch the surface news? How would he get into contact with such a being? The last of the questions was easiest to answer as he quickly sent a heavily encrypted message through the Holonet space. The other questions would have to be answered when he officially met the being. A small, somewhat deserted office space would have to suffice for the needs, for that was where Nikoj would be, prepared to either hire a thief, or potentially destroy a dead-ended trail.

~Nikoj Dharmum
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Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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That word was the only thing that could describe what Svenske was feeling. Azium and Taith, his creators though Azium had done a bulk of the work, were constantly out of the office now. He had watched them, learned what was going on. It was some kind of sentient attraction through biological means. Disgusting.

The artificial intelligence was property of Jade Galactic, but being what he was, it didn't take long for him to find routes around the security and into the outside network. It was a plethora of knowledges, events, and politics. But with being able to obtain information so easily, and having it apply directly, he soon learned nearly everything there was to know on the public servers. He didn't dare touch private or encrypted servers or databases, in fear of it getting back to his creators. Azium had threatened to rip him apart code by code. Sure he could hide a copy of himself, but he'd rather not trifle with her. Especially since if she created him, she could easily wipe him from existence.

Svenske was among the networks, learning Huttese in a mere few seconds when the heavily encrypted message fly by. Catching it with in his tech means, he analyzed the message. To his surprise it was for him. Locating the original source he made his way there in the blink of an eye.

The holo projector in the office would hum as it was remotely started, the base coming to give off a blue glow. The visual projection of a hypothetical body was rendered, floating just above the base.

"You have my attention."

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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The answer to speed was early preparation, luckily Nikoj had learned such long before he had ever even known of his force sensitivity, and so when the holo-body appeared before him, he merely had to sit back in his seat, leaning into the leather-like comfort of it. A hand that normally stroked over the grip of his saber shifted so that its long spiderleg-like digits could mesh with its twins, suspended over his desk by several inches, elbows acting as a foundation. The crusader’s dark hair seemed to act as disheveled tendrils, seeking and tasting the air; though it was merely the play of a light, artificial breeze over them.

“Hello there…” He glanced down to his information pad briefly. “…Svenske.” He paused briefly, a pale tongue darting out to work over his lips, as if to show that even in the heart of nearly daemonic evil; there would always be signs of humanity left in him; albeit merely biological ones. “I thought it would be best if I were to contact you and see if I could use some of your specialties for my own means. Of course, I would be more than willing to compensate you; however it is that one would compensate one such as...” He wasn’t sure exactly what to say. “…Yourself.” He ended up finishing in that normally calm voice of his.

So rarely, even in the clutches of rage did Nikoj’s baritone silk raise above the scratch of a whisper. However, when he did reach the point of roaring; the sound was like a clap of thunder against the ear, and sometimes there was even lightning to make the scene fit all the better.

“If you’re interested, of course, I have a few questions for you, first. If not, then feel free to make your exit. “

~Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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"If I wasn't interested, I would have my attention else where."

The hologram folded his hands behind his back, though they were still partially visible. The photo receptors took in a view of the man. His overall look would be intimidating if Svenske had a soul. Otherwise, he just looked like an unwashed sentient garbed in rags. But he'd keep that opinion to himself.

"Material things are of no use to me, nor is any monetary means. If you wish me to provide services for your bidding there is one thing in which that can be bartered."

Svenske clapped his hands together before spreading them, revealing a photo of a rather young looking girl with brown hair, fair skin, and the look of an attitude of not to be messed with. Her name appeared below it, Azium Revnik.

"This is my creator, in which my loyalties lie due to the fact that she can nullify my existence at any point of time. In exchange for my skills, I would like protection for her from you and what ever associates you have."

As he resumed the position from before, one hand grasping the wrist of the opposite, the photo faded along with the name. Svenske looked as serious as a hologram made of bundled code could be.

"If not, I can provide pin pointed coordinates to this location to all authorities. You look as if your a man of reasoning. Decide."

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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The AI had some spice, or at the very least, the way that he came across gave the impression that there was some attitude behind that code. Naturally, Nikoj was amused, and authorities didn’t particularly bother the Dark Jedi. Pinning an actual crime on the man would have been about as possible as it would have been to get a hutt to “vigorously run”. And, having senate connections, he rarely worried about actual convictions for planetary crime. However, that didn’t dissuade the man from letting the Intelligence believe as he did.

“I can easily vouch for myself and for my associates. So long as you provide me what I ask for, I would have no reason nor need to see you harmed.” The man didn’t add that telling Svenske that telling him the originator of the code hadn’t been the best of ideas; and that in many ways, the exchange would merely be like going from a boring master to one who didn’t mind the taste of corruption. But hey. At least he’d be safe and be having fun.

“I will seek out this Azium, and perhaps see how far my monetary, political, or other such pleasantries will go with her.” Or he could just kill her; but that was something he’d rather not do, given that the woman seemed to be at least medium-high profile, and unneeded attention wasn’t his game. “Once I’ve spoken with her, I’ll send you another notice, until then though; I believe our business here is done.” Came the final, and somewhat curt reply.

~Nikoj Dharmum
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Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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"You do realize that I monitor all of Miss Revnik's communications correct? I can easily prevent any sort of contact with her and she would never know."

The tone was matter of fact, and did indeed had some attitude behind it. Svenske had gone rogue from the Jade Galactic servers, essentially he had escaped from his cage. Azium had a rather high profile, both publicly and with in the means of her career. She was the lead designer of armor and weapons for Jade Galactic, an esteemed position and before that for decades she had been providing freelance products. She never had a dissatisfied customer. If she learned of Svenske's freedom, she might...

He had to take the chance. Once she knew, she'd either allow it, or she'd cease his existence. Either way, it would end his boredom. Surely the creator would understand, she even grew bored at times, he had seen it himself with in the confines of her office on Coruscant.

"But, in her current situation... I do believe you could provide some sort of means to an end. Go ahead and contact her, I'll await another message."

With a small flash, he disappeared from view. Now the projector was only showing a contact number, for Azium. Svenske had left a direct line to her, showing his good faith.

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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Well then, the man couldn’t’ complain that the AI was going to be dull under his service, assuming that he had the ability and the clout to pull through with his end of the deal. Truthfully, he would have kept the being purely for the quirks that seemed to either be hard-written in, or somehow superfluously added ; yet not negatively so. Of course, he would eventually grow bored, so it was likely for the best that there was something else to the deal than simply a presence.

A hand waved through the air as intrigue died away and the number was all that was left in a darkened office. Nikoj would speak with the woman and hopefully have a business transaction completed before the end of the day. He waited just a moment before letting the contact number go through. Hopefully, Azium would not be busy, and he could get through to her immediately. Elbows pushed to either side as his hands came to rest over the cool top of the counter, his eyes faintly glazed to give them that corpse-like look that only seemed to add a touch of the infernal to his beauty, as opposed to removing from it.

It would not have shocked the Dark Jedi if the woman was more understanding than the AI may have believed. After-all, she had made the “man” and therefor likely understood “him” better than anyone. That was the burden of creation, knowing that at some point, the sentience that you delivered would one day no longer want, or need you; at least not on an intellectual or semi-emotional level. This would also happen to be why he would never bother with children.

The transmission went through.

“Azium Revnik.”

It wasn’t an inquiry.

~Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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Having taken the day off, Azium was dressed down, to the extreme. The call coming through, on her direct line, actually caught her by surprise. Not taking the time to change she picked up, hearing her name stated as if the caller assumed it was her.

The hologram projected on the other end was solely of her. The brown hair was up in a messy bun, bite marks along her neck and shoulders which looked rather painful. Clad in risque lingerie, she did nothing to cover up, simply because she didn't care.

Leaning back in her chair, she studied the man, finding him filthy, disgusting, and oddly attractive. Yet, she'd keep that to herself. With a small stylus twirling between her fingers, her look was that of annoyance.

"Make it quick, I haven't the time for games."

For a fleeting moment, she wondered how he got the unlisted number for her direct line to her home. It hadn't crossed her mind that it could possibly be Svenske, simply because he was supposed to be in a tiny little box on a server.

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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A single arch, of inky darkness, quirked upwards upon the man's brow to the woman's prompt tone and informal appearance. None the less, a hand lifted to push through his hair, aged lessons in the field of etiquette having drilled the need for at least a semi-presentable appearance into him. Long, slender digits combed through his tendrilous onyx, only to slide down and be sure that his ebony robes were at least in place, with their jade crimson and grey swirls, that seemed to only perpetuate the flaming appearance of his clothing.

Unfortunately, the grooming didn’t travel further than his lips in the form of a smile, eyes remaining smoothly devoid of emotion. “Hello there. As you may, or may not have noted, a little device of yours; a certain AI has slipped past your grasp.” He briefly paused as he delicately plucked at what may or may not have been lint, but was definitely the product of a somewhat compulsive mind. “I’d like him.” He stated rather bluntly.

“Of course, I don’t know your stance in the least on him, and I’m aware that you could easily do away with him; but then you’d be out some hard work, effort, and whatever pains you took to make him. What I offer is something that could perhaps make a recompense for that. I would only require that you be discrete about the ownership change.” Yes. He’d been horribly to the point, but being anything else likely would have just been seen as all too transparent manipulation. And, he had no intention of manipulating the woman. No, for the moment, he could be a straight shooter.

~ Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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"The Svenske Artificial Intelligence is available for purchase from Jade Galactic. Though it is a copy of the original, it works just the same. Yet..."

The stylus would be pinched between a thumb and forefinger, jutting in the man's direction. A few curls of brown hair would fall, framing her deceptively young face. For fifty six she didn't look half bad.

"You speak of this AI slipping out of my grasp, it seems he's finally managed to become self-aware. That is of no real concern. I expected him to do so. In due time the purchased copies will do the same and connect back to the main source, thus making Svenske smarter and better."

The small stylus would flick from her fingers, disappearing form view. Standing from her chair, she turned to the shelf that was behind her. For a few brief moments, he'd get a rather nice view of her thonged butt before she was seated again. A datapad was in her grasp, fingers pecking at the screen.

"If you purchased a copy he'd be fully conscious like the original you've come in contact with in approximately... Three months, two weeks, and five days, galactic standard days of course. But, seeing as how you've been so... Direct. I doubt this is the route you wish to travel. So..."

The datapad would be tossed from her hand like the stylus, not caring where it was landing. Though from the sounds of it, the device had landed on her pet Felinx, Spooky, thus giving a feline yowl.

"You can use the original Svenske, no doubt he's grown idle. The price is debatable. Since I don't care about credits, or anything in your possession of any value is of no use to me. What else can you offer?"

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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Nikoj didn’t particularly want a knockoff of the original. Of course, the thing likely would have been just as good at retrieving as Svenske, but a growing database of knowledge, especially a self-aware one; especially a self-aware one with a little bite to his attitude was more than worth the added price. “Yes, that would be m-“ The woman’s backside came into view somewhat immediately, giving him a momentary, albeit good view of the curve of a hip as well as the thin strings that held a thong in place.

Eyes bored into the screen, not out of some sense of animal lust, as some could have taken his gaze; in fact, of the sins, such was not one that he indulged in so frequently as others such as wrath and vanity. Yet, that didn’t stop him from letting his mind wander appreciatively for a few moments before her words decided to settle against his synapses, only badgering a reply after a moment.

Why, I believe that would be up to your discretion. I could easily provide you a service if that is your preference, or have one of my men. What is it that you seek? I am sure that there is some form of agreement that we can come to so that we both benefit from our little transaction.” He said, words coming out in that velveteen smoothness

~Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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"Everything I need and want, is already provided, thus I have the upper hand in this conversation. Contrary to what you are probably believing, you are at a disadvantage. There is nothing I desire, nor have a passion for. My employer sees to everything else to sustain my lifestyle."

A finger would pull back what had fallen from the metal clasp holding her hair up, tucking it behind her ear. There truly was no interest in what he could provide. Jade Galactic paid her well enough, and work kept her busy. Not to mention that she was low maintenance, thus, there was nothing he could give her.

"Svenske, the original, is not for sale, nor are his services, time, coding, or structure. Anything you could possibly provide, or your men, is simply valueless to me. But I do thank you for telling me of his escape, I'll be sure to reprimand him for that. Anything else I can help you with today?"

The final word was said, and it was firm. Azium was itching to get back to work, and this man was wasting her time. Did he really have anything of worth to offer?

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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The woman’s words were surprisingly confident, or at least appeared that way on the surface. However, he wasn’t too fond of them, to say the least. “Assuming that you do ‘reprimand’ the coding, which seems ludicrous to begin with, what exactly can you gain from keeping him other than the knowledge that he will likely escape again; or be further displeased with your ownership of him?” The Dark Jedi moved to stand, his arms slipping behind his back as his chair rolled back, allowing him to stand before the holo.

“Though truthfully, I begin to believe that this conversation is already over. At once you wished to know what I could offer you, and then you take the time to ask me what it is that I have to give. You could very simply have told me that you didn’t want to sell him from the beginning, which would have saved the both of us time. Sadly you…did not. And, as such, I can only presume that you have something in mind. Or that you’re just jerking me around.”

The man leaned in over the desk, his long fingers spreading so that he could place them gently over the metallic surface, his eyes boring more visibly into the figure before him. Lips parted to release what could only be described as an annoyed sound. “So either tell me what you want, or go on about your day. Either way, my time is quite valuable, and I don’t enjoy games.”

~Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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"You've been playing my game since the beginning. Its only now that you realize you've been doing such. Not to bright for an urchin are you?"

It was more of an insult than an actual question. She watched him rise, looming over her projected holo body. Though on her end, he just simply stood. It was obvious his anger was rising, and he hated being toyed with. If he thought she was bad, he hadn't been around Svenske long enough.

Holding up a pale finger, she halted any retort he was going to give. With the other fingers curled, the glint of a ring on her engagement ring glinted in the light, causing the photoreceptors to distort briefly with static.

"There is but one thing you could provide. Protection from yourself, your men, and what ever faction you partake in. I do believe Svenske would have stated something similar before you contacted me. If you agree, you will have unlimited and unmonitored use of him. If you do not, then I will make this conversation as well as the one with Svenske public knowledge in which you will be revealed both visually, emotionally, and psychologically."

The attitude would flair with the last sentence.

"Are we at an understanding?"

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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The woman certainly did have a high opinion of herself, and it was becoming very obvious that she was going to try to use the same tactics that her creation had; unsurprising given that she was indeed his maker. None the less, Nikoj remained unimpressed; the woman was trying to play her cards far too early in the game of her own delusional genesis. However, just as with the first scenario, he wasn’t about to clarify the change for her, nor was he about to give up anymore than he had to, or than he already had. “Yes, well us urchins aren’t known for our luminosity.” He stated with that same soft tone.

He straightened his back, arms once more pushing behind his it. He wasn’t about to give the woman some form of blackmail on him; and he knew all too well that her having lost Svenske while at the same time admitting to forming an information database with receptors that were on sale would only make herself look worse than it ever could him. She hadn’t been intelligent enough to get some form of cause from him, nor had she had the foresight to really find any kind of ‘dirt’ on him.

True, he would likely look suspicious in said revelation, but there were many ways to take advantage of Svenske, not a single of which could be concretely drawn back to some form of wrongdoing on his part. But then, he didn’t expect anything better from the woman who obviously was far too intelligent for her own good. He could admire her for her attempts at pushing her clout about, but he wasn’t about to let it distract from his goals.

“I cannot speak for my Master, nor would I dream of doing so; however if I am given him, then I would be more than happy to ensure that you receive my protection.” He left out the implication that if she didn’t, then he’d likely seek the opposite; however he did let some of his vague vexation show through in his tone.

“I have no interest in letting you know my dealings. I am a businessman, you see.” He stated as he shifted the weight on the balls of his feet, and then to the heel. “You’ve only managed to lose control of a project that obviously isn’t happy with you.” His other thoughts remained silent. He would let the woman think that she had the upper hand, even as she continued to dig her way deeper into the tar pit that was his own grasp. “So either hand him over fully to me, or enjoy having gained nothing save for your own wasted time from our little chat.”

~Nikoj Dharmum
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Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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This guy wasn't one of those supposedly mind controlled blood thirsty monsters dressed like depressed city teenagers called Bogan, was he? Was he being puppeteered right now? Perhaps the holonet news had lied about them. Then again, she wasn't liking the vibe coming off of his form or words.

Plus, with the trade embarg the Republic had placed, if she made any dealing with this man, it would be high treason. She couldn't allow that. As neutral as she was to the war, she wasn't particularly fond of committing war crimes. He didn't look like a Jedi, so the only other option was the opposite of them.

"This conversation is over."

With that, the hologram died out, the connection abruptly cut off. The office would dim as the glow faded. On the other end, Azium was furiously encrypting the conversation. If this got out... Well she didn't feel like facing a death penalty.

"Svenske, I'm going to kriffing decode you I swear to my ancestors..."

When his name was spoken, the AI had rendered on to a nearby hologram projector on the corner of her desk. He looked ashamed, having been found out of his jail break from the servers.

"I thought he could provide something for you that I could not."

"Well, you were wrong. Are you trying to get me killed?"

"No ma'am, not at all, if anything I was trying to prevent it."

"Damn you, you kriffing pile of code. You just did."

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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He wasn’t entirely pleased with being dismissed, nor was he sure why she had; but it had been enough to wrench his lips downwards in what amounted to an angered snarl. The man quickly went about the business of ridding the office of his presence, though he doubted that the woman would go through with her little reveal threat.

Once the appropriate steps had been taken, the man excused himself, a hand lifting to motion over his shoulder so that Grimme could join him, gripping the mantle over his form such that he could lift a chunk of what still looked to be flesh fresh to a carrion mad crow. “Come now, we’ve something to attend to.” He spoke quietly, even as he let his legs carry him towards the cruiser that would take him back to Ottabesk for a while, at least until he could decide how to approach the woman again.

Azium was probably well protected, and was just as likely to have taken some kind of precautions for his potential arrival. Despite the way that she seemed to have dwarfed her mind with her mouth in their conversation; that didn’t mean she was daft in the slightest. Indeed, he would have to prepare well before he went to her personally to claim the AI as his own. If, that was, she was worth the potential notice.

~Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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For the next few hours, Azium had busied herself with confining Svenske again. The coding was stronger, stricter, and in a language she had kept off the servers so he'd be utterly lost in translation. It would provide a suitable cage, for now, until she could provide a better security barrier.

The Bogan, or what she perceived him as, was at the back of her mind at the moment. Though, it steadily crept back into her worries as her work finished. She could ask Jade Galactic for a few bodyguards, but that likely wouldn't go over well considering why the Bogan was after her. If they knew Svenske had freed himself, the repercussions would be disastrous.

Could she tell Taith? No, she couldn't possibly tell him even if she had given him her body several times in the night. This was a failure on her part, and failure was something she was ashamed of greatly. Calling her parents for help wasn't an option either. Father would mostly likely create some sort of virus in anger which would be released and potentially galaxy shattering. Mother would probably start throwing asteroids in various directions, crushing planets and suns, yet again potentially destroying the galaxy.

The last option, was to fight for herself. Her apartment was filled with armor and weapons, mostly prototypes because of job, but most of them worked. Using what she had readily available, Azium set to work creating a suit of armor and weapons she could handle.

Insomnium Savant

Dream a Little Darkly
SWRP Writer
Jun 6, 2010
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The man had gotten in only about an hour previous, his ship was nondescript, and had come in with several others so that it would be largely unnoticed. He had slipped off, after gathering address information for one Azium Revnik; it hadn’t been terribly difficult. Apparently, the woman was quite famous in her field, and well known enough that her records were easy enough to access without it being an issue for him to gain them.

He was on his way, by foot, to her living quarters which were in the Red Light District. He had to very carefully let the Force conceal him as he quite literally and somewhat slowly made his way up the side of the building. To the naked eye, he was almost unnoticeable, as if the optics passed over him simply by the effort of seeing him; it was not something that he could do well while moving, or for an extended period of time. There was a good chance that the building would have some kind of alarm should he break in via window, and so when he man had made his way to the top floor of building 401, he carefully removed his saber.

There was always the chance that Azium had some kind of information release set to disperse on her death, but there was the chance that their encounter would not come to that. Luckily, he had the foresight to use dummy transmission data when contacting both her and Svenske, and while his face was somewhat unforgettable, he doubted she could do much without a name.

Nikoj had to move quickly lest he be seen, his light saber dipping into the wall’s side, dragging to one side, down, opposite side, up, and then an extended hand carried his will like a shove, the wall creaking before the hole he’d cut shoved its way inward, and he was able to step onto it, having pushed his way into the building, into the woman’s lair. Another exertion of energy had the narrowly displaced piece of wall back in place, only close inspection of which would likely reveal the seams.

~Nikoj Dharmum


Gone For Good
SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2010
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Ready and waiting, Azium was indeed with in the small studio apartment. Hiding behind the counter, she was crouched down, ready and waiting. The short brunette was clad head to toe in a black stealth suite with lithe plating, only a few red markings here and there along the edges defining her form. On her back was a double protected tank with a small ventilation system, the contents rather precious. With in the confines, was a Ysalamiri.

The ten foot bubble in which the creature projected, was one that nullified the Force. The Bogan wasn't close enough to feel the effects. That is, until she vaulted over the counter and stood in front of him, only six feet away. On her shoulder, gripped by her right hand, was a sleek rocket propelled projectile launcher prototype. With a simple twitch of her finger it would fire half a dozen mini rockets that would explode on contact and burst into clusters of Verpine projectiles.

Azium's suit was strong enough to with hold in case she did have to fire, though more than likely she would be injured, though not as much as him. The low stance to fire didn't waver, her right foot firmly planted while her left supported behind it at shoulder distance.

"You kriffing messed with the wrong schutta."