Fanon Fiana


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Astrographical Information

SectorMytaranor sector
SystemKashyyyk system
  • Yuuma
Grid SquareP9
Rotation Period17 standard hours
Orbital Period225 standard days

Physical Information

Diameter12,103 kilometers
  • Boreal forests
  • Fjords
  • Mountains
  • Valleys
Points of Interest
  • Aelad Lake
  • Icewind Fjord
  • Jaishel Foothills
  • Lumistag
  • Fells Ermine

Societal Information

Native SpeciesFiani
Immigrated Species
  • Human
  • Twi'lek
Primary Language(s)
  • Fianan
  • Galactic Basic Standard
Major Settlements
  • Hoarfrost Post
  • Le'ai
  • Rimepost
  • Teakroof (capital)
Major ImportsElectronic components
Major ExportsUnprocessed materials


Fiana has a subarctic climate with particularly drastic temperature ranges between its seasons. A typical winter day can average −20 °C (−4 °F), while an average summer day can average 18 °C (64 °F), but the long, frigid winters are the most dominant feature. Summers only last upwards of 3 months, while winters last 5 - 7 months.

It experiences relatively low yearly precipitation, dispersed primarily as rain, dense fog, and snow. The mist, particularly in the low-lying areas, prevents sunshine from getting through to plants, even during the long summer days. However, because evaporation is particularly low through most of the year, preceding precipitation exceeds it and allows the growth of dense vegetation.

In the warmer areas of Fiana, a higher species diversity is prevalent.

Most of Fiana's landforms are as rugged and challenging as its climate. The land is primarily characterised by steep, mountainous terrain consisting of sharply etched ridges and narrow valleys. Its myriad other features include rolling foothills, upland plateaus, low-lying basins, and a variety of other features such as coniferous forests and bodies of water, including ponds, lakes, bogs, fens, and marshes.
The land is abundant in sedimentary rocks, including sandstone, mudstone, shale, limestone, and dolomite, forming most of its high plateaus and mountains. Moreover, much of the soil beneath the taiga often contains permafrost, while other areas have a defiant layer of bedrock looming just beneath the soil.


Fiana is the homeworld of the Fiani, and as such, Fiani are the predominant species inhabiting the planet, making up approximately 82% of its total population. Other races reside on the planet alongside the Fiani, with humans being the most populous at around 8% and other races making up 1% or less.

Although the most common species is Fiani, you will find people from all walks of life residing peacefully alongside each other. Despite the overwhelming yet understandable abundance of Fiani, you will find them coexisting with other races without hesitation. Settlements that are exclusively Fiani exist, although this exclusivity is often caused less by isolationism and more by other races simply not yet reaching those settlements.


Although it's subarctic, Fiana is home to various species of plants, all of which have adapted to the frigid climate. It consists primarily of coniferous trees such as spruce. While they are the most dominant type of trees on Fiana, other species, such as aspen and birch, have evolved and changed to maximise the absorption of diminutive light to survive.

Plants also exhibit other structures in their morphology, such as thin leaves, which minimise the surface area in contact with the atmosphere to reduce water loss. Smaller herbaceous plants, such as ferns, grow closer to the ground. Occasional wildfires clear out tree canopies, allowing higher levels of sunlight to invigorate new growth, and those wildfires are almost a necessary part of life for specific plants.

The most notable of these plants is the Glitterbloom, a small, delicate flower with horizontal stems tucked away underground that remain protected and often survive these wildfires. The booster shot of nutrients following a wildfire makes the soil particularly rich for the new sprouts, causing fields of Glitterbloom to appear all over.


The Glitterbloom earned its name because of the bioluminescent reaction its leaves have after being exposed to UV light, causing them to glow in the dark. They are prized and cherished among Fiani for their resilience, beauty, and medicinal qualities, including effects on memory and fatigue.


Fiana sports a relatively small variety of highly specialised and adapted animals, caused primarily by the harshness of the climate.

The cold winters and short summers are challenging for reptiles and amphibians, and they are easily the least common type of animal. Fish, while more common than reptiles, are still relatively low in number because of the need to withstand cold water and life underneath ice.

The most populous type of fauna are herbivorous mammals of various sizes. Smaller mammals, such as rodents like marmots and hares, have adapted to survive in their native ranges, and larger mammals, such as bears, feed excessively during the summer to gain weight and hibernate during winter. All of them have adapted layers of fur or fat to keep them insulated and protected in the harsh climate.

The most noteworthy of Fiana's mammalian life is the Lumistag. They range in the forest-edge habitat, feeding primarily on grasses, plants, leaves, and bark. Male lumistag have large antlers they shed each year and, similarly to glitterbloom, possess a luminescent quality that makes them highly coveted.


Meanwhile, predatory mammals of Fiana have adapted to travel long distances in search of scattered prey or have developed the ability to supplement their diet with vegetation or other forms of food.


Although wickedly cold and challenging to thrive in, Fiana is less desolate than some may initially believe. The planet does not hurt for fresh water, lumber, or stone, and although the variety of fish and other game may not be as diverse or abundant as some planets, it is still plentiful.

Floodplains scattered throughout the planet are free of the permafrost that obstructs most of the soil on Fiana, resulting in high fertility that is repeatedly disturbed in ways that renew crops' early, rapid growth stages. By harnessing the power of dams and careful irrigation, the people of Fiana can grow and reap harvests that keep their communities fed and provide good trade with other settlements or planets in need of food.

Supplementing these harvests are the raw resources provided by the animals, such as fur and hides. The planet's most distinctive and prized plant, the Glitterbloom, is a valuable resource and trading material for its medicine qualities that can be utilised without processing.


Fiana does not have an overarching government that rules over the entirety of the planet.

Communities on Fiana independently but democratically plan and manage their affairs through popular assembly. The deliberation process purposefully promotes autonomy and self-reliance instead of centralised political power. While it retains some aspects of anarchism, it places a more considerable emphasis on a higher degree of organisation, such as community planning and voting. As such, each settlement is independent of one another and has its own unique set of rules.

Fiana's communalism also possesses elements of a moral doctrine that values dignity, rights, and responsibilities. It sees no conflict between individuals and communities; they are mutually supportive, and individuals are expected to have a moral attitude of contributing to the community for their own well-being. Such an attitude creates a priority of duty, which is the overall goal of creating a community to provide the material conditions for actualising the substantive rights and well-being of every individual.


According to the technological Development Level created by the old Galactic Empire, Finan is a "Feudal" level planet.

Across the majority of Fiana, settlements harness water and wind power. Water and windmills are abundant and play an apparent part in agriculture. Settlements also utilise things such as ploughs and three-field crop rotations.

Fiana also utilises above-ground furnaces to produce iron, which is then forged into parts for ploughs, spades, pitchforks, and shoes for horses.

Cloth and other textiles are handmade with looms, spinning wheels, and traditional needle and thread.

Much of the planet's transportation is harnessed by animals, primarily horses, and includes boats, carts, and wagons. Road networks in larger settlements and between various colonies exist, and Fiana has a written system for its language that sees abundant use alongside Galactic Standard Basic.

More advanced technology such as skiffs, starports, and ships, are typically only found in the particularly large, well-known settlements, and see little to no use in smaller ones.

For information on the overall culture of Fiana, please refer to the thread about the Fiani species, found here.


The exact details of Fiana and its people are highly debatable.

There are numerous legends about the origin of the Fiani and their planet, most of which are fabricated lies designed to impress others. Many Fiani themselves are unsure which stories are real or fake, and they are largely unconcerned with it, as infuriating as that is for many scholars.

The most "consistent" stories about the history of Fiana are told through the tale known as Sachi's Bite.

The parable tells the story of a Fiani named Sachi, who was bitten by a snake. He insisted on knowing the details of the snake, from the length of its fangs to the colours and pattern on its body. The Fiani was told by a deity—though which god varies—that he would die before he learned the answers to his questions.

The story conveys the message that people should be unconcerned about how they arrived on their planet and how they were created, and instead focus on themselves. Many believe that knowing or accepting theories about their origins is neither essential nor helpful. Nature offers no examples of processes with a beginning but no end. Rain falls, flows to the sea, evaporates, and forms clouds, again falling as rain. Seasons go, only to return the following year. Their bodies ingest food, die, break down, and return to the soil to be fed to plants and animals, which further generations consume.

Everything—including Fiana and its people—has originated because of something else.

Lastly, what is the intention of this species?

This planet aims to offer a unique homeworld for the Fiani, as well as provide a reasonable and unique point of origin for people who may want to play a race from another planet that either lacks specific detail or doesn't conform to desires they may have for it. It is, like the Fiani themselves, intended to be a place of fantastical, borderline medieval whimsy in a largely science fiction universe.