Evie Surr

Jonny Priest

Walking Paradox
SWRP Writer
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Evelyn Elizabeth Surr
Human Female
Born on Nar Shadaa,
City District 14,
Near the south pole of the Smuggler's Moon
Practitioner of Form VII; Vapaad, aggressive lightsaber combat
Notable powers as of yet;
Adept: Force Push, Force Choke, Mind Trick, Telepathy
Learning: Pyrokinesis, Force Lightning, Force Heal
Clothes, lightsaber, 1,000 Credits, Hold-out blaster pistol

"Those long nights I was alone while slavers hunted me, those nights were when I felt the Force with me the most..."
-Evie Surr, personal datapad entry

In beginning a profile of myself, even on a stupid blasted thing such as a datapad though no one will ever really read it, I suppose I must begin at the time of my childhood, to my earliest memories. I don't really know if I was born on that bloody moon or not, but my earliest is of me on Nar Shadaa. I was homeless with no one looking after me; not even other homeless folk or refugees. So I used my small size to fit into tight spaces no one else could for shelter, or I would sneak into shops before they closed, or I would convince the store owners, who would grant me one night. As for food, well, I used my child-like innocence to woo people into keeping my belly full. When that didn't work, it was stealing for me. This carried on for about three years; from the age of five to the age of eight.
At eight, I began to experience weird happenings all around me that were my own fault. I could move things with my mind, read other people's minds, and I could even take control of the thoughts of the weak-minded from time-to-time. It worked out quite in my favor until slavers began to hear of my quaint little parlor tricks, and began to hunt me down, considering me a "high value target" that they could make a wealthy sum of credits off of. I knew two things; I hated them and I wasn't going to be a slave. So I did what any other psychic cretin would do and used my powers to my advantage. I would push them away with my mind, or I'd trick other people who were pretty stupid into fighting them off using my telepathic powers. It became a game of "cat-and-mouse," except the cats never caught the mouse.
For months I would live on edge, wondering if I would have to pick up and run again, or if I could actually breathe for a change. But slavers, no, they're persistent. If they want you, they won't stop until they have you. It's their nature. They want those credits and to capture people or children they think will give them those credits so badly, they'd risk their lives to do it. And that's exactly what happened; they lost their lives hunting me down.
See, they had caught up to me, and I had no one around to use my mind tricks, and was exhausted from using my powers too much. I was backed into a corner with nowhere to run. My enemies surrounded me, closing in on their prize, regardless of what might have been protecting me all along. That was when he jumped down, red lightsaber ablaze and growling viciously as it sliced my pursuers into pieces. That was when my life changed, and I ventured down this path... The path of a Sith.
Of course, I ended up a slave anyways. His name was Ventru Arogoan, and he was definitely powerful. He told me that he was capturing me, but that I had nothing to fear. His ownership over me would only last until my sixteenth birthday, and was for the sake of him being able to keep me as his own apprentice rather than giving me the option of being taught by another. I still hated the concept, though. I hated that I was a slave, and I hated that look that all the other acolytes would give me in the brotherhood.
Anyways, when I was ten, I built my first lightsaber. I began to study Vapaad, and became a very fast learner. I picked it up with ease, and found it to be a great form of stress relief. My owner and master taught me about the Force and its mysterious ways, and showed me how a true master was one who wasn't biased to the light or dark, but master over it all. He taught that the Jedi were too short-sighted to accept that belief, and the Sith longed for power too much to live by it. Of course, he would remind me that the Sith were the ones who gave me a home, so I should remain with them and continue my allegiances with them before doing anything brash. I listened to his wisdom, and accepted that the Dark and Light in the Force were two pieces to a whole, but the Dark was ultimately the better of the halves.
Continuing on, I was a rebellious teenager, and still can be, because I had a very strong desire to find my so-called parents and cut them down. A part of me thinks that it was some sort of accident, and that they truly meant to keep me, but couldn't. Then there's the other part that feels as thought I was unwanted. It was as if they thought I would never amount to anything because they never amounted to anything, so they left me to fend for myself on that wretched world. It was a strong hatred my owner and master used to lure me further and further into the Dark side, and he used it to make my training that much harder.
I didn't have time for boys, not that I didn't have attractions or anything. I just didn't care enough to pursue it. I wanted to be the best at everything. I wanted to learn more powers, stronger powers. I wanted more to do with the ageless wisdom of the Sith Lords and their vast knowledge than I wanted to pursue what my hormones chased. It actually helped me to increase my self control, which made me the better of my peers.
Though my emotions raged within my heart, I learned to channel them into useful powers. Two of those powers, though I don't use as much as telekinesis because it saps my energy, are pyrokinesis and Force Lightning. My rage, hatred and bitterness translates into raw Force power, and incinerates foes. And there's even one, only one, light side power I learned, though I mostly use it for myself; Force healing. That one, too, takes a lot of energy, though.
I quickly became the pride of my master, and my life's work was starting to show. My goals increased as did my age; I moved on from such an elementary desire as wanting to destroy my parents and instead wanted to make my name known in the Galaxy. I wanted to be feared, loved, and respected. I wanted my enemies to fear me, my friends to love me, and all of them to respect me. I wanted to acquire such a knowledge of the Force, I could rival the Dark Lord himself. I let myself become ambitious, because ambition was the only thing that could guide me in the dark.
My master strengthened my Force telekinesis through intensive training, and even taught me how to manipulate the ability to choke my foes. He also taught me more about my mind trick, and helped to strengthen it as well, but not nearly as much as telekinesis. None-the-less, he trained me and taught me all the way until I was sixteen, then released me to the Sith Brotherhood to grow and learn by myself. So I continued to grow, and continued to seek knowledge and power. I knew that if I acquired that, all of my other desires would fall into place. I would be slave to no one but myself...

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Jonny Priest

Walking Paradox
SWRP Writer
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
Why thank you! I certainly plan on it. I'm excited to see her character development.