Ember Flynn (WIP)


SWRP Writer
Oct 5, 2020
Reaction score

- Ember Flynn
- Freelancer
- Bounty Hunter
- Mirialan
- Nar Shaddaa

- 23
- Female
- 5'6"
- 143 lbs.
- Not Force Sensitive

Ember has short black, dirty hair pinned up behind her ears, pastel yellow skin with traditional Mirialan black tattoos on her face. Four small squares come together to shape a diamond on her forehead between her eyebrows. Three more small squares cross her face, one below her right eye, one on the bridge of her nose and the third under her left eye. Her face has a solemn look to it, some might say "resting bitch face", but she's just stern. You never know what she's truly thinking unless you're close to her, and you never get close to her.
She wears a light gray and white long sleeve shirt with a tan vest over top. The tan vest has three red stripes on the right shoulder pouldron. She also wears a crimson red wrist guard on her right arm, next to a DL-18 strapped to her right hip. She has dark grey form fitting pants with a decent amount of fabric in the knees to protect and give extra comfort to Ember. She wears simple dark brown boots that boost her total standing height by an inch and a half, easy enough to run in but more suitable for engineer work.

Ember is a black thumb - meaning she is exceptional with engineering and fixing problems that accrue on her ship. A fair shooter with pistols and the occasional sniper, but absolutely awful with assault weapons. Her skills with a freighter or a starfighter also some in quite handy. Ever since she was young she's always been behind the wheels of a speeder or starship. So when she found fixed up an old Rebel Alliance U-Wing she put her skills to the test.
Her social skills are only useful when talking to droids as she's fluent in droid-speak as well as basic but when it comes to any other language she's lost. Most Mirialans are somewhat adept in the ways of the force, however from an early age Ember has been disconnected and removed from the force, which means she has never, and will never be able to call upon its powers. Like most Mirialans too Ember is very flexible and agile which comes in handy when tracking a pesky bounty.

Ember is "punk rock". She grew up on the streets of Nar Shaddaa as scutter grime. Abandoned by her parents, this aspect of life made her a realist with an edge of optimism, I suppose that was always going to be her personality. However, the streets hardened her. Gave her calluses where no little girl should have scars, but this also made her tough and brutal. To be the best she'd have to defeat the best, and she would never stop until she was on top. Her foster parents, a nice couple that decided to make Nar Shaddaa their home in an effort of "gentrification" after the the First Order was eradicated from the Outer Rim. They weren't Mirialans like Ember, but they cared for her all the same. She learned a lot from this couple, how to think and act smart, how to build her personality from books, holo-net recordings, music, and how to make her own opinions.
Ember was always a feisty woman though, and she had a habit of sticky fingers.

Up to one paragraph (or more) describe your characters backstory up to the point you started RPing him/her. Be sure to update this section as the role-play continues. This section requires a minimum of 50 words upon the posting of the profile, even if the profile is a work in progress.

Describe the skills that your character possesses, such as marksmanship, swordsmanship, medical knowledge, multilingual, technological expertise, piloting, jazz hands, etc. If the character is Force sensitive, describe the specializations and/or techniques in the Force that the character has learned, detailing the level of mastery of those techniques, along with the level of proficiency in lightsaber combat.

List the items that your characters carry. Consult the approved technology and generic technology boards for weapons, armor, and other items. Most items will require a link to an approved tech item or a posted generic tech item, particularly weapons and armor.

Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

-- The Content Below is Optional, but Encouraged!--

List individuals the character is connected to and what sort of relationship they have, from romantic to familial to friendship to enemies, etc. Please put links to any PCs.



Does your character have any droids? If so, what are they? Generic droids do not require write-ups.

Does your character have any pets? If so, what are they?

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Has your characters been in any matches in the Dueling Ring or participated in a PvP, be it a Main Faction battle, a duel, or a skirmish? If so, post the names of those he/she has fought and include a link to the fight. Also be sure to specify who won the match.
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