Open Coruscant Down and Out

Casany Praxor


Character Profile
Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score

Ahh, of course… Cas nodded, a bit too late to the game. She was well aware of her own ‘uniqueness’ but not much one to care for pursuing it. In other words, she had not really expected this to be some gamble of the Force as much as some gamble of natural intuition. Though, I guess between two Forcies like these two, it’s one and the same.

The Mandalorian had witnessed enough card tricks in her time, plenty of insight and instinct as to guessing the cards in a person’s hand even if the trickster ended up gawking in disbelief, and all without some fantastic ‘Force’. At this table, right then and there, it was not so simple.

It appeared that Vahn had just earned himself a Padawan. Funny word, “Padawan”, but whatever the two could deal with that in their own time. Cas had her own time to focus on and that meant focusing on whatever di’kuts had brought her from being unconscious in a corridor to conscious in a cantina. Unless I keep drinking? Tempting alternative, that.

Vahn, though, as easygoing and playful as he appeared to be, was still so very much a Jedi. That was guaranteed at the sight of a lightsaber hilt. Yeah...knew it wasn’t a flashlight. Cas smirked. With a final drink of booze amid a bit of regret on not diving into the stew, she rose from her seat to join her benefactor before looking upon Laeo.

“Consider me a closed book when I say you’re coming with us.” She winked.

“And you,” she grinned at Vahn. “Don’t...try any of those ‘card tricks’ on me anytime soon, hey? They make me uneasy.”

With that, the trio of Force Sensitives were off, or whatever they could be called. One was more attuned than the other, the other attuned to a degree, and then there was Cas—whose focus was on leading the three of them to The Hub.

@The Steel Stag @Tom

Laeonas Tannaras

Exiled Jedi

Character Profile
Feb 12, 2020
Reaction score

Anticipation seemed like an overreaction. Laeonas hadn't just bet his soul, or bet anything at all; he'd just used the force to determine what cards the bearded man was holding. Still, the boy couldn't help but feel on edge. What was the point? The prospect of credits seemed trivial for something as mundane as a card trick. Maybe the bearded man really was just trying to con him; or he was looking for something besides the cheap amusement of a boy guessing cards.

Or he was looking for how Laeo had managed what he did, and that probably meant he was a Jedi.

...that really wasn't up for much debate after Vahn, rather bluntly, revealed it to be the case. Laeo might have immediately given a look of shock when the bearded man revealed his true nature, but the added nugget of information-- that he was not only familiar with the only Jedi he'd actually had a conversation with, but that he was her teacher-- simply meant that he was speechless.

Silence was all that escaped Laeonas' lips, as his mind rushed to comprehend the new information. It was a lot to take in.

There was no way that this was a coincidence. It had been as he'd thought; the force had brought the three of them together... though, how the mandalorian factored into this was still up for debate. Perhaps she'd just happened to be pulled along for the ride? A person who'd wound up speaking to the Jedi knight before the boy had?

The use of the word us gave him a bit of an indication as to the Mandalorian's role in all this. She was undoubtedly rare; in all honestly, probably as rare as either of the force users at the table. All the stories he'd heard about them-- their unrivaled skill, their impenetrable beskar armor-- it all seemed a little impressive, and right now he was sitting next to one.

...admittedly, the fact that she chose to take her helmet off made the woman appear just a bit less legendary than he had hoped for. It was a far cry from the first Sith he'd seen, with lightning shooting out of one hand and a red lightsaber in the other. Still, his attention was drawn to her as much as it was to the bearded man at this point. He'd start to notice a bit more about her; the armor, the holstered weapons.

Laeo could guess that the Jedi was carrying a lightsaber as well.

Glancing at the both of them as they'd stand and begin moving out of there, the boy stumbled. The Jedi had mentioned credits; more than he'd already been given. He wasn't about to give up the opportunity to increase his profits that night; or, more accurately, to make up for the hole his drinking had put him in. He still wasn't ready to start asking questions, so all Laeonas did was shovel the credits into his coat pocket.

The Mandalorian's...attitude... caused him to flush a bit once more. He couldn't tell if he was being teased or if the Mandalorian was just an awkward flirt. Laeo was about to speak up when the Jedi had said something to the Rodian from earlier, and almost immediately after, opened up the floor to questions.

Not entirely sure about where to begin, and trying to stop the tidal wave of thoughts that almost started to pour out, Laeonas start slow. The boy drew in a deep breathe, and simply asked,
"Whaaaaa...'did she tell ya about me?"

@The Steel Stag @Die Shize