DotR - Legion of Dawn

Galad J. Victus

SWRP Writer
May 26, 2013
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The Legion of Dawn


"We are the bearers of light.
We are those who hold the torch.

We are the guardians of civilization.
We are those who keep watch.

For countless milenniums to come,
We shall, like we always have,

Stand ready at the edge of dawn,
Staring into the heart of the night.


The Legion of Dawn is known and related by many names around the Galaxy. The Drifters, Brotherhood of Titanium, Order of the Thunder being some of the more popular ones. Despite the strong reputation they hold with the majority of the civilized systems, the organization itself and it's motives are largely surrounded by myths and legends. Some say they are a crusading collection of knights, dedicated to enforcing peace and order to all living beings; without exception. Some claim they are a guild of fearless adventurers who find thrill in wandering and discovering the dark edges of the galaxy. Others believe they are the vigilant watchers who men the borders of civilization, constantly fighting-off the many wild dangers and unspoken horrors of the Wild Regions. Some even go as far as to speculate they are a band of outcast Force-wielding warriors whose motives aren't clear. They may be many things, but one thing is certain. Their secrecy is only matched by their fierce dedication to their freedom, and their vows to guard the helpless peoples of the Galaxy are indeed known by all.

Albeit being formed as one in countless years past, the Legion is not a Force-user Order. Rather, they welcome anyone to their ranks as long as they are willing to take up the blade and the rifle. Force connection means next to nothing within the ranks. The soldiers are expected to respect, and treat each other equally.


The Order has numerious branches that serve parallel, yet seperate purposes. Thus the Legion counts the exploration and securing of deeper, dark parts of the outer Galaxy and the defence of establishment and harmony within the known systems among their primary purposes. They aid the weak and the poor wherever they can, employing their Legionnaries in many types of missions, ranging from spearheading the enlightening of wild, unknown planets to shielding the innocent and helpless settlements from all sorts of dangers, may it be a bandit raid or an invading mighty beast. Their purpose of existance is the keeping the darkness at bay and the enlightment of shadows. The Order's sacred vows dictate that they guard the helpless, fight for those who cannot, and offer aid to those who have been cast out of the society. They are a brotherhood who have come together to guard and preserve the tomorrows for the generations to come, either through the blade or the word.

Their secondary purposes include exploration, guarding the outer colonies, bringing technology and civilization to unknown planets. Altough they have their differences with the Jedi and the Republic, in times of great distress and chaos, they would be willing to serve as temporary allies, or mercenaries, for the sake of greater good and preservation, which is their main focus. The well-being and safety of the outcast, defenceless peoples of the Galaxy comes above all else, however, and they would oppose any who would threaten these innocent people, without hesitation.

" Ec pinnis belli."
"On Wings of War."



Roots of the Order are not known publicly. The Archives contain absolutely no information, and even the most seasoned of the Elders cannot recall the founding of this collection of knights. There are many different stories wandering within the ranks of the Legion, legends and tales of all sorts. The truth is known by two men alone throughout the entire Galaxy. Grandmaster of the Order and the Master of Archives, both being under sacred vows to guard the treasure that is their history, until someone of worth rises from amongs the ranks to replace them. It is the Order's custom that annals are to be transferred through the generations by these two seats, predecessors passing on the knowledge to sucessor. As such, the past of the organization is firmly held secret, every single soldier in the Broterhood knows this fact and respects it. Their minds set on noble duty, the Brotherhood ranks are dedicated serves of the defenceless, caring not for such trivial matters.

The Legion was founded by a Jedi outcast, parting ways with his Order for reasons known to him alone. Stories tell that the Outcast, as he is referred by those who came after, was a relentless guardian of justice, an idealistic man from head to toe. His aggressive means of emposing equality, and philosophy of constant action was not well received by the Order. Frustrated by their differences, he set out in his own path to create the perfect Brotherhood, the Legion of Dawn, in his exile. Founded in the edge of Galaxy where it is still housed to this day, through sheer dedication and strong will of one man alone, the Order was preserved and strengthened after many long years of misery and hardship. Eventually finding respect with the lower castes of all races for their ideals and purposes, from whom they draw the most of their manpower.

The Outcast was at first determined to keep his Order as a a Force-user faction. But as he witnessed and shared the lifes of other outcasts from all walks of lifes in his exile throughout the Wild Regions, his vision changed, and eventually evolved into a quest to bring justice and equality to all. A band of vigilantes soon became a company of ex-soldiers and mercenaries, which was then disciplined to a proper Order of steel and comradeship. The Outcast had succeded in making his dreams a reality; an ubreakable Brotherhood of justice and dawn.

The Brotherhood is largely scarred by the recent Galactic wars. Fighting furiously throughout the Outer Rims, against all sorts of evil and twisted Dark forces, they have suffered horrific casuilties, mostly from the hands of the Sith, their thralls and opportunistic raider bands. Relentless defence of the outer colonies and settlements have caused them dearly.

"Praesidium infirmus."
"Custodio inermis."

"Guard the weak."
"Shield the defenceless."


-Current State

They may be fierce, loyal and noble, but even they the Legion of Dawn cannot hope to challange the cruelty of time. Their selfless acts and determination during the bloodly wars of the near past has brought them to the point of extinction; their ranks thin, cohorts scattered and outposts left in ruins. The Brotherhood of Titanium is but a former shadow of it's former glory. Barely avoiding total destruction, countless legionarries and knights have perished fighting for their noble cause, and those survived... were forever marked. Scarred beyond healing, with dark plagues and physical scars left to them by their old foe. They went to campaign singing songs of victory and swearing oaths of bravery; those who did, returned in utter silence. War had changed them.

Now with the ranks of the Order more thin than ever, facing annhilation in the wild edges of the Galaxy, their outposts and cohorts scattered and broken, a new Gransmaster rises after a long period of regency and decay, the previous one perishing in the war.

Time of laments has passed. Mournings and silence is over. As a new age dawns upon the Galaxy, the shattered Legion slowly struggles to get up, covering their wounds and burying their fallen. The new Gransmaster; an idealistic young man, must look to turn the tide of events and restore the remnants of the Legion to their former glory. Countless dangers await in their path of redemption and repair. But the Legion is not one to give up in the face of hardship.

"Nostri victoria invictus."
As the ancient saying goes.
"Our victory stands invincible."



-Galad J. Victus
-Aaron Corinth

So this is a faction I've been working on for some time. I've had this crazy idea for a Brotherhood of Steel inspired order of paladins type of organization thanks to my recent F4 gameplays, and here it is. The basic write-up is completed, and I must say that it was extremly fun writing this faction up. So I'm posting it here to get helpful advice and see possible interests.

Ec Pinnis Belli fellow knights!
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Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
God I want to make a character for this faction, hopefully it works out because this looks really cool. Sadly I already have my 3 characters planned out

Galad J. Victus

SWRP Writer
May 26, 2013
Reaction score
@Aaron Corinth Yeah dude! I'm really happy to see you again. These parts were empty without you, and good to see you are interested in the faction as well!

Now then, that makes three of us. I believe we will be successfully going active once the new timeline starts. I'm planning a well-developed and interesting story arc for the faction. We'll have lots and lots of work to do, boys!

I'll be working on the ranks and structure soon. That said, I'll most likely allow starting from middle and mid-higher ranks for you guys. I really have no concerns over such matters as long as everyone's on the same page and we all have a say on how things are done. Sole OOC purpose of this faction is telling an interesting and deep story above all else, and of course; fun.

For now, welcome aboard!


New Member
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2016
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Something matching with my character in 100 % ...
Bisides , very nice ideology for this Legion and it's history ...