Doryana Venire


SWRP Writer
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Doryana Venire


Twins. Yes, non-identical twins, but twins nevertheless. In nearly all cultures, this would be a blessing, a sign. Not for my parents, who in their eternal wisdom decided that it was too much of a burden to rear the both of us. But who to pick? The girl, or the boy? They picked my dear brother to keep, bless them for having made the right decision. I wonder what it was that gave it away, the fact that I would have been utterly unbearable growing up. Did I cry too much? Cried too little?

I could waste hours thinking about such insignificant details, so I’ll stick to the facts. I was cast aside, and was lucky enough to be sent to an orphanage through a discrete manner. For some reason, they still decided to name me, with me even having to take on their last name. If I had stayed there, would I have grown up to be what you would call a ‘lady’? Hopefully receive what education opportunities there were, find a job and hope someone doesn’t mind my history and takes me into their household? No, it would have undoubtedly ended in bloodshed.

Though I would never know how I would have turned out in that orphanage, it’s for the better that the Jedi discovered me first. Had I stayed in there, my lack of control and guidance combined with the manifestations of my capabilities from a young age would have surely caused some regret. But I digress, the Jedi Order seems to be able to locate force-sensitive prospects far better than people give them credit for.

How do I know all this? The Jedi who found me turned out to be the one who guided me through my childhood, adolescence and through my early adulthood. He told me all he knew, being one who understood what the past meant to me. But, as close as we were, after I had learned about my twin, there was not much else that held significance over thoughts. Who was this brother that caused my parents to abandon one of their own? At my behest and nagging, finally did my master and I eventually returned to my home planet, Ferro.

I’m not sure how I felt about the whole thing, but I was certain that whatever drama that ensued, I could take it. As it happens, there was no drama at all. Well, at least, the drama had ended long before I arrived. My dear brother had been recruited too, but by the way that my parents died according to my neighbour’s recount, I’d be rather shocked if I see him amongst the Jedi ranks one day.

While the Jedi might feel awkward or be unwilling to admit that I am a member of their Order occasionally, I have performed to whatever promises I displayed during childhood. Acting as a mediator isn’t exactly what I specialise in, so thankfully the Order does not generally assign me to such things. Perhaps, through battle, my brother and I will have our long-delayed reunion.

Name: Doryana Venire
Age: 31
Species: 1/2 Ferroan, 1/2 Human.
Gender: Female
Height: 5ft 9
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold
Skin: Pale white/slight grey.


((This is very much a work in progress. Can't believe I spelled it wrong in the title.))
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