Ask Don't Harp on it

Mako Krim

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Dec 4, 2022
Reaction score
Amun watched Vida go, her shoulders slumped and mood downcast. He almost felt bad for making her miss out, almost. But there were certain things that she should miss out on. Like his own little crime of skimming some profit off the top of the bust as he folded three of the molsume pelts up in a tarp to stash in the alleyway before proceeding to bring the truck back to the scene.

It was a quick and easy handoff to the local authorities. As soon as they realized that Mako was a Jedi, made apparent by the lightsaber on his hip, they took his word for what had happened and why he had taken the truck from the scene. Everything was sorted, the Ithorian thugs were taken away in cuffs and the truck and its contents were taken as evidence. With that all done, Mako pulled out his nalphone and called the 'old man' who managed the Jedi motorpool.

"Hey Garomy, did Vida get back with my M68? Don't give her a hard time, I told her she could work on it." He was rather cheerful, everything was going well... but he couldn't help but notice the nagging feeling in his mind that something somewhere was out of place. That feeling soon turned to a sinking in his gut as Garomy told him that Vida had not returned. Thanking the man, Mako hung up, worried.

The Jedi pulled up a tracker app on his phone, locating the M68 speeder through a small tracking beacon he had installed in it for events... well somewhat similar to these. He located the speeder a few blocks away from the private port and guilt surged through him as he started to run as fast as he could through the streets of the floating city, towards the private port, his mind racing. Had they been followed? Did other's in the poaching trade here overpower Vida and abduct her? No, the speeder was blocks away. Why?

There were no answers as the Jedi finally reached the private port. He slunk around nearby, trying to find a way in. Finding a safe spot in the alley, Mako closed his eyes. He wasn't a particularly good Jedi as evidenced by his mishandling of the padawn. Not the best duelist with a saber. But he did possess a keen sensitivity for the force, and for the aura's of others. He let the world fade away in that alley as his mind searched for the young girl. He had spent some time with Vida and although she was untrained she had a particular presence and her aura shone compared to the various thugs.


The word would echo through the force, through Vida's mind. Mako's voice. There was distance between them, and he couldn't pin down her location exactly, but he could try to get a message through to her.

Vida. I am coming for you

Mako's words would travel like a ripple through the port. The insensitive sentients within wouldn't think anything of the slight buzz that pressed against their minds, but to a sensitive person like Vida, she might hear the whisper.

Vida. Trust in the force. I will find you.

Mako could only hope that she was open enough to the force to hear his words, telepathically transmitted as they were. If he spent more time, he might be able to narrow down her location. But he had already taken too much time as it was. Mako opened his eyes. There was no kindness in them as he walked towards the main entrance to the building.


Vida Harp

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 13, 2023
Reaction score

I will find you

Vida gasped, waking painfully on a durasteel floor, wincing as she quickly looked around. She swore Mako was right beside her, but she was alone in her...cell? Cage? It definitely was a crate of some sort, and she was met quickly with the rank smell of-

"Shit..." she hissed and winced again, feeling her split lip. She remembered the struggle before she literally had her lights punched out. The girl was betting on a black eye too as she crawled to one of the openings on the crate to peek out. "HEY!" she hollered, and suddenly she was met with the echo and yells of the animals the poachers were still waiting to transport. If her head wasn't throbbing before, now it was as she leaned back against the wall of the crate.

There was a cry in Huttese as one of the guards came down the clearing between crates, "/SHUT IT!/" the female hissed before slamming a stun rod into one of the crates. There was shrieking over the snapping of the stun rod and Vida gasped, peeking through the opening again, "Stop that!" she yelled in a plea to spare the creature from additional harm.

That seemed to catch the guard, turning to Vida who noted her zabraki features, "/Your time will come soon enough./" she hissed and shoved the stun rod into the crate. Grab it the whisper breathed into her ear and Vida did, grasping the rod through the nips and bites of electricity. It wasn't much, but it was enough to startle the zabraki guard who yanked back, pulling Vida and the crate to the floor. The girl didn't move, instead the guard yelled and kicked the crate, yelling about getting it as her radio buzzed with the warning of an unwelcomed guest.
