Disturbing Paradise


Dec 27, 2013
Reaction score
If your in the neighborhood, stop by and say hi. It may be fun.
After taking critical damage, a Mandalorian named Ma'saan Orar of the Orar clan had ejected from his crippled A-wing starfighter and boarded his attacker's Birikad-class Shuttle. After using his fusion cutter and electronics skills to gain entry, the enemy pilot closed the bulkhead doors after being mortally wounded by Ma'saan's blaster fire. In his dying moments, the pilot activated the hyperdrive for a random jump to an unknown destination...
He arrives on Zeltros.

Two days of being trapped in hyperspace is enough to drive anyone mad. With the controls I need locked in the sealed cockpit I knew I was a dead man, just like the pilot. Stuck in one small corridor after the bulkheads slammed shut I was just a dead man walking, waiting for the shuttle to collide with something greater than the space dust that occasionally scraped the hull. My fusion cutter was already spent on a hole in the door. Just my luck. The strange thing is that I didn't even know my friends very long and still I took a missile for them. A-wings don't take too kindly to damage and the condition of that ship was certainly not in my favor. I had honestly never thought it would end like this. Kind of sad, really. Ruus'alor Ma'saan Orar, A warrior who relaxed on the floor to death…
A legacy for the ages.

Then it happened, the shuttle decelerated sharply as the emergency override cut power to the hyperdrive. The ship dived nose first through the atmosphere. I knew I couldn't stay here. I pulled a fragmentation grenade from my satchel and dropped it through the hole. The explosion broke the glass out letting the wind rush through. If I was going to get out of here, I need to get around this door. Removing a spool of ribbon charge from my bag I held one end and pushed the spool through the small hole, I threw it into the wind. I pressed my back against the floor, now acting as a wall, and braced as I squeezed the detenator.

A shock surged through the hull as a the charge tore a linear breach in the ceiling. The wind began pouring through the breach and time was running out. It's now or never. I fought my way through the wind and squeezed through the breach. As I was halfway into the tear I was sucked out, which hurt like haran but got me out alive. I engaged the standard parafoil most pilots have in their harness. Below was a valley with a river or stream of some sort and a city lay about fifteen klicks away with dense forestry between us.

Moments later the shuttle crashed into the right bank in a fiery explosion. All I could feel was the relief of not being in that thing paired with the anxiety of hanging from a cheap parafoil. In turn both were replaced by pain shooting up my legs as I made contact with the hard ground. My cries echoed through the canyon as I writhed in pain, helmet by my side as I held my knees. Cheap fall arresters had just made it to my list of hated things. I just hope no one was around to see me cry.

After a few hours I had made a tent from the parafoil and some branches. Good enough shelter for the night. At this point I can only hope someone finds me. It'll save me an awful lot of trouble in trying to find my way to the city I could no longer see. The smoke trail from the shuttle should help.

Now I lay here on an unknown planet with no possible way to get help from my clan. I couldn't help but wish I could get something to numb the pain, but the important thing is that I'm alive and that means I can still come up with a plan...
and hopefully some sleep.