Organization Desilijic Jasea


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Feb 13, 2012
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Desilijic Jasea

Since time immemorial, the Hutts have boasted of detachments of slave species, who work under the banner of different clans, sometimes indentured for multiple generations. A status symbol for the Hutts, patronage of such a Jasea enables the Kajidic to protect their interests, as well as to engage in parades and contests of skill with other criminal clans. One such group is the Desilijic Jasea, owned and controlled by the Hutt family of the same name. For centuries, the Desilijic have boasted detachments of Gamorreans as their personal guards. This tradition dates back several centuries, after a senior member of the Kajidic bargained away credits and food for the servitude of several Gamorrean Clans.

Since then, the Jasea has grown and grown, with generations of the Gamorrean Clans being bred on Nal Hutta, and at other Desilijic locations, for the sole purpose of serving in their masters legion. Whilst the exact numbers are hard to record, the Desilijic Jasea is a feared addition to the muscle of the infamous Hutt crime family, and what it lacks in ‘strategic mastery’ it makes up for in raw strength and cruelty.

Predominantly consisting of units of Gamorrean boars, armed with a wide range of melee weapons, heavy blasters and grenades, the Jasea is augmented by a menagerie of the galaxy's nastiest beasts. Acklay, Rancor and many more find themselves captured by hunters, or bred in pits, to be shackled, chained, and then unleashed into the field to execute the barbarous whims of their Lordas. In total, it is estimated that three entire clans of Gamorreans have been enveloped into the Jasea, whilst the Sentients for Ethical Treatment of Animals (SETA) estimate that thousands of ‘so-called beasts’ have been captured and killed in service to the Desilijic.

Supported by the considerable wealth of the Desilijic Crime Family, the Jasea can boast of a range of equipment and gear such as:


To provide a little flavour to the guards surrounding Desilijic Hutts (both PC and NPC), and to give a base of NPCs for people to use as enemies in threads, or as foot-soldiers in invasions.

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