Designing Tech to Defeat FUs - Pls No

Jessica Cloud

Character - Force Knight
SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2016
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Let's be real. You really can't "Out Tech" the Force. Full stop. So guys. Gals. Please. Stop writing that into your tech subs. Lulz. Because I see some of ya'll try and do this every month and it's really, really sad. Hamarbe sad, kay.

To start. Let's talk PvP real quick.

During a duel. Taking damage has more to do with being polite as a FU than it does about actually ever being in harm's way. Using the Force you can block, riposte, deflect, freeze, blink, zip, zap, zop, or absorb just about any anti-personnel attack aimed at you. Be it blaster, slug, flechette, flame, cryo, ion, shrapnel, grenade, rocket, missile, sonic, fart, insult, offensive gesture, etc. Yep... The Force can easily do all these things. And more. Especially at Knight or Master level. There is no 'special' design. There is no 'uber' plot device that perfectly overcomes the handwavium of George Lucas' omni-magic. The Force can beat anything. (I'm looking at you Vong lovers.) Taking damage during PvP is more about being a polite and game-aware roleplayer, than it ever was about out-teching Space Magic. Just ask the guys at Lucas Publishing when they were designing every novel bad guy. Ever. (AKA The Force is OP.)​

Next. Let's talk about character skill-sets and weaknesses.

FU have weaknesses. Lots of em'. Not every Jedi can summon a shield against a baradium grenade and not ever Sith is immune to the physical pain from a gun shot wound. There are a dozen references throughout the Extended Universe of books, comics, video games, etc. That give Jedi and Sith many troubling ways to die. Luke Skywalker himself was tazzed in the chest by Talon Kaarde, fell down a hole at Jabba the Hutt's palace, was wrapped up in a cord by Boba Fett in the desert, and lost his entire Jedi school to some dork named Kylo Ren. Heck, if you've played SW Battlefront much this month? You've probably killed Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader a dozen times yourself anyway. Trust me. There are plenty of ways to kill a FU in canon. Even a good old blaster to the face works when their danger-sense is elsewhere. So a better way to plan your tech is not about out-smarting the Force. Bleh. No. It's about tailoring your PvP skills to leverage against the weaknesses of the other character in front of you. Weaknesses, of which every FU has a dozen of. (Unless you've played The Force Unleashed. Huehuehue.)
Lastly. The LOL-dodge.

Yes. I know. FUs will LOL-dodge. Everyone does it. The three easiest steps to messing up good PvP. (And we've all been there.) The FU will: Sense It --> Dodge It --> Ignore it. And then probably move on to laser sword your abdomen in their next sentence too. Because that's how plot armor and being a badazz is supposed to work. Just like Spider Man right? Heck. It's probably why so many of our characters survive PvE threads too. Sense it, dodge it, ignore it. It's how many of us have kept our PCs alive this long anyway. ...And no. You cannot Out-Tech the LOL-dodge either. The LOL-dodge is God. The LOL-dodge is Life. You get used to it, PM them, or just bring more ammo. The LOL-dodge is here to stay. That's just life.
In conclusion. If you Tech Sub has the written bias of: This works great against FUs! ...No. No it doesn't. Stop. Sthawp. Look... Space Magic beats anything. Anything. Really. It's the clever application of team-work, improvisation, slight-of-hand, and general writing skill of the author that leverages the other character in PvP. Your gun/grenade/ysalamir-bubble/blahblahbalh-uber-tech is just one of an endless combination of physical tools and trades that can help you as a writer get there. Don't trust your gear. Trust your keyboard. Cause that's what will get ya there. You.

In truth. Everything kills a FU just fine. Sub a rock for all I care. Because no tech sub will ever stop the Force and the almighty LOL-dodge. So get used it. Instead. PvP with awesome people and, for the love of Harrison Ford, stop writing tech subs labeled 'Dis works against Jedi'. ...Ugh. Because it don't. Because it do.

Cheers. :D :p

Jessica Cloud

Character - Force Knight
SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score
Tech Sub

Item: Rock
Description: Beats scissors. Also, kills Jedi gud.



Hey kids wanna buy some ragu?!
SWRP Writer
Mar 23, 2016
Reaction score

Also, nitpick-Kylo Ren was a force user and had help and Star Wars Battlefront is a video game, so killing Luke and Vader is only because of mechanics and not something to base PVP off.

The points that you are trying to say are kinda of ruined by the excessive use of lol and slang and also trying to hard to be funny. Just a thought.


That Guy
SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
Let's be real. You really can't "Out Tech" the Force. Full stop.

Luke Skywalker himself was tazzed in the chest by Talon Kaarde, fell down a hole at Jabba the Hutt's palace, was wrapped up in a cord by Boba Fett in the desert

Names three low-tech ways people "out teched" the Force.

Apparently it is possible.

So I'm kinda confused about the point here. You say you can't out tech the Force, then mention that people can do exactly that with a generic blaster, a grappling hook and a giant hole in the floor.

It seems to me the gripe here is really more aimed at people who actually bother to take the extra step to write "lawl mah gun killz Jeedai gud!" Which is a little silly in the grand scheme of things.

Jessica Cloud

Character - Force Knight
SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score


Those low tech ways we both described are not 'tech'. They were not 'subbed'. They did not 'defeat the Force'.

I'm all about that intent. Here. Look at it this way,

When another writer sits down in the Tech area and tries to think of an item that would help them win a battle against a FU. They've already lost. (That's my point.) Intent. Intent to out smart. Intent to out smart what? The Force? Space Magic? Lightsaber physics? Handwavium? LOL-dodging? Godmodding? Disney? The SW genre itself?

Nah. You can't Tech for these things. "This item works great against FUs" an opinion. That's my point. It's not a fact. And just because it got 'approved', doesn't make it any more fact than the fiction it's intended for.

So when a community member writes "This item works great against FUs". It don't. Because they all do. Everything works great against a FU. :p


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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I mean...

We had a ruling a while back that tech shouldn't be made for the explicit purpose of countering force users.

So, i'm not really sure why this is here?

Jessica Cloud

Character - Force Knight
SWRP Writer
Feb 19, 2016
Reaction score

If that's true, then yeah. This thread has no educational purpose anymore. :D

Welp. :p


Tech Admin
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
Instead of talking (neigh unintelligibly) about anti-FU tech, we should have a serious discussion about how almost every FU character on the site is , especially when used in PvP against non-FU, portrayed as a nigh unstoppable space wizard god. It's Harambe sad.
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